How do marketing professionals define artificial intelligence?

in #ai7 years ago

Digiday met with eight agency directors and asked them to identify artificial intelligence.


'Artificial intelligence' has become one of the most fashionable concepts of the marketing industry. Like many other terms that are fashionable, there is diversity in the definition of artificial intelligence. Digiday met with eight agency directors and asked them to identify artificial intelligence. The resulting definitions are as follows;

Jason Goldberg - Vice President of SapientRazorfish Region

"Artificial intelligence is a computer system that can perform the tasks that human intelligence requires under normal circumstances. Machine learning forms a lower part of artificial intelligence and deep learning is a lower part of machine learning. It is possible to develop the model 'learn' instead of writing program rules without learning deeply. For example, I can train a model with consumer behavior to learn about the offers and services that a new customer can expect. "

Robbee Minicola - President of Wunderman Seattle and Global Leader of Wunderman Artificial Intelligence Services

"Artificial intelligence is the insights gained from autonomous machine learning algorithms. Most people think that machine learning and artificial intelligence are the same thing. You can have machine learning without artificial intelligence, but without artificial intelligence you can not have artificial intelligence. Machine learning is not entirely related to self-learning, which is the key to human control. Artificial intelligence has an autonomy level that allows machine learning algorithms. This enables the discovery of unknown unknowns. That's exactly what's fascinating about it; machine learning, insights make it applicable to business decisions. "

Jenna Niven - Creative Director at RGA company

"Artificial intelligence is algorithms that use neural networks to process data in large quantities. It can be as simple as producing phrases, or as complex as producing autonomous cars. But all algorithms use several layers of a network to produce the probabilities of a particular product. "

Jason Berkerman - CEO of Unified company

"I define artificial intelligence as the end product. Artificial intelligence decides what to do to achieve specific goals by taking the data that machine learning is doing. When marketers talk about artificial intelligence, they often talk about machine learning, which is a subset of artificial intelligence. Marketers' priority is actually machine learning. Because machine learning allows computers to efficiently analyze data without requiring any human assistance and automatically learns more automatically, taking into account what they learn. "

Winston Binch - Digital Director of Deutsch North America

"Artificial intelligence is something that has the capacity to take over completely human intelligence. Most of what exists today is not purely artificial intelligence, but 'enhanced intelligence'. Experiences that are not fully automated and still require some human interaction or intervention are considered 'enhanced intelligence'. For example, a driverless vehicle is an example of artificial intelligence. "

Alexander Rea - Director of Creative Technology at DBB New York

"Artificial intelligence usually means a computer that does work done by human intelligence. It's easier to say what artificial intelligence is not. Because nobody knows exactly what artificial intelligence is right now. By this time we have achieved success in pattern recognition and machine learning, but at this point we do not have a system that is exactly 'smart'. If you want to talk about autonomous vehicles, they're not artificial intelligence. They are just computers that know how to do what they program to do. "

Marc Maleh - Havas Cognitive Global Director

"Artificial intelligence can be defined as a series of interfaces that allow agencies and brands to create more personalized experiences."

Jason Herndon - Director of Technology Innovation at Rain

"Artificial intelligence is the use of technology in the past to enable us to solve only the kinds of human problems that people can solve. One of the most important things about artificial intelligence is how much of our lives are returned to us. "

Source: Digiday

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