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RE: AI And The Field Of Infinite Possibilities

in #ai5 years ago (edited)

Hi @doifeellucky,

To be frank I was having some difficulty to respond to your comment. You had completely ignored the discussion on intuition in my article and presumably equated it to prophecies and prediction to come up with your comments and I had to clear up my thought processes to clarify this mix-up.

At the time I wrote the article I was sure that great scientists and other inventors like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and even Leonardo Da Vinci were highly intuitive people and had used intuition widely to achieve success in their respective fields. Personally I think these great scientists and inventors had access to super conscious states of being at more times than others and that gave them acute intuitive powers. No one in the right mind would reduce the initial ideas (of these scientists and inventors) based on intuition (which were subsequently proven scientifically or were made into useful inventions) to mere prophecies or predictions.

Here is a useful article on the issue I dug up today, which confirms my thoughts on the matter.

Our discussion is proving to be very useful to clarify and/or reinforce our original thoughts on the matter and I must thank you and others for the discussion we are having here.

As always I will be open to new thoughts or even contradictory views from your end to sharpen our thought processes.

Thanks once again for your contribution.


Hi Devann!

Thanks for your reply!

I try to be careful with my comments and usually narrow them down to what makes sense to me and I only extend this in a more general manner in very few instances.

I do not completely dismiss the idea of super consciousness but this again is esoteric speculation to me and not based on proven science as far as I know.

The article that you have referenced/linked is based on subjective experiences and anecdotes highlighting the importance of intuition and I wont critique that since I also, I guess all of us, have experiences that we attribute to intuition.

Nevertheless, to me to use intuition as a concept is a approach to dismiss the possibility of knowledge because in some instances we cannot quite put a finger on where this idea, unconfirmed knowledge, hunch, gut feeling ~intuition came from.

Like I wrote before, I'm having a hard time mixing esoteric ideas with science but I also know that in some instances fragments of esoteric ideas later became science.

In conclusion to your article and response, I won't dismiss that the intuition of some in regards to AI developments or a lot of other things are in fact a thing, I'm just not able to tie this to a superiority of people claiming to have super consciousness or an extraordinaire intuition.

Cheers and thanks again for commenting on my reply!

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