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RE: A.I.: Natural Language Processing, and the Turing Test

in #ai6 years ago (edited)

I agree in principle that expert systems are more dangerous than an AI would be. Of course, that is impossible to know for sure, but I have this feeling - which is a really bad way to talk about AI of course - that there is positive value in beneficial life expansion and an AI would recognize and act on that in a manner superior to the psychopaths currently running the world.

It was very interesting for me to read about your experience with language and logic programs. A long time ago I developed a method of textual interpretation that was essentially a flow chart capable of creating statistically significant coherent interpretations of polyvalent texts amongst diverse readers. The professors of logic and the scientific method I presented it to described it as the best method of textual analysis they had ever encountered. It was indeed very fruitful for my academic career, but that is another story.

I always thought it would be a good foundation for enabling a machine to "understand" and even replicate human speech, including metaphors, innuendo, idioms and all the rest. I assume at this point the tech giants are way past what I ever dreamed of with deep learning and the like, but my youthful fancies still stir me from time to time.... Another great read, thanks!

By the way, I would enjoy hearing your perspective on the technical aspects of the Selfish Ledger, I posted something on it just a bit ago.


I assume at this point the tech giants are way past what I ever dreamed of with deep learning

Perhaps. Perhaps not. A lot of what we hear is hype. Fevered imaginations of those not in the know taken to be representative of actual status.

Also as with any project if you get too close to it and pound on it over and over again you can lose sight of opportunities outside of your narrow vision. It can actually slow down progress.

People like to act as though DARPA and other departments are the progenitors of about any new idea. I don't agree with this. I do think they create new ideas, however I don't think they represent even a small fraction of the new ideas. I do think they keep their eyes open though and pounce on anything that they see the benefits of.

I'll check out the Selfish Ledger bit. I've been less active on Steemit the past three days.

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