Can scientist avoid AI (Artificial Intelligence) Pitfall?

in #ai5 years ago (edited)


Many scientist portray the AI as a robot that is similar to the humans where they got the human like characteristic that perform narrow task.

There are suggestions that the AI will outperform all human tasks.

How true is this?

AI can be capable enough to outperform human tasks because situation of today the AI is properly known as Narrows AI.

Why is it called the Narrow AI?

It is specially built and designed to perform narrow tasks such as (facial recognition, internet searches, driving a car)
But it now performs tasks like playing chess and this can be brought down to the solution of solving equations.

AI could be guaranteed as being beneficial but is there is a way of avoiding pitfalls?

AI is unlikely to exhibit human emotion when it comes to love or hate because there is no reason why the AI can become intentionally benevolent or monovalent.
Though AI is super intelligent but it might become very risky through some scenarios such as:


Possibility of programming AI to do something devastating

Since AI deals with performing most times the cognitive task, there is the possibility of using it autonomous weapons to programed to kill. Even in the hand of a wrong person the autonomous weapon could lead to AI war which could result to mass causalities and destruction.
It is mostly designed to be extremely difficult to turn off preventing it to be in the possession of enemies but the risky part of it that human could lose control of it at any point in time.

It could be beneficial but developed a destructive method in achieving its goal

It is mostly difficult to align AI goals with our own. AI could be super intelligent to achieve its goal but if the goals aren’t in line with our own goals problem will arise.
AI method could be destructive in the sense that its safety research never show humanity in position of many
High number of significant change has been recorded that has made AI trigger lot of changes in its domain to the extent that many disruptive effect caused by AI has been very simple to understand recently. The more data it’s feeded, the more accurate and reliable they could become, because we now got to the area where data seems to be the solution to everything.


The big question is:

Can scientist avoid AI pitfall?




AI can be capable enough to outperform human tasks because of the situation of today AI is properly known as Narrows AI.

Dear friend @adewararilwan, there are many fears regarding the use and abuse of AI, theories of theories have been developed, that if they supplanted humans, that there could be confrontation between the two and stop counting; They have even become furious about this issue. In my personal opinion, I will never supplant or surpass humans in their entirety, we are a very difficult body to equal, and you say it, feelings, reasoning and all that kind of things that I think IA will never reach.

We are unique in the universe!

Thank for the comment friend.
I will also support what you came up with that AI can never reach the level of human down to the extent that it will take over the human responsibility though it could out perform the human task but AI cant equal human feelings and reasoning.
Thanks for dropping by.

Very interesting piece @adewararilwan!
I think it is indeed possible to program AI for such things like destruction or as a soldier in wars. Maybe there are already example we don't know about? I need to point out the various difficult problems need to be solved in order to achieve the needed solution.

Besides the technical parts, we also have the "human" parts of this act. There is a rule of not involving chemical weapons in wars right? not that some countries hold to that rule, but this is an international agreement. Who can assure the destruct-or AI would not even go further than these forbidden weapons?

Is it a possible danger? I would say, yes, definitely.
Are there crazy countries (=leaders) who might use this? Yes, definitely.

I hope it never comes that far and we use AI in more peaceful solutions.

Thanks for the comment friend.
I totally agree with you
In a gathering of group of people you will surely see a black sheep among them that wont support the the peaceful running but will always want to destroy things.
Lastly if this could be adopted all i pray for is that it would never come thus far of creating destruction.


Let's hope it never comes to that point. Thanks for bringing up this interesting subject.

@adewararilwan ,
I still believe that that scenario are still very far, we might just be scratching the evolution of homo-cybernetic evolution, we are yest in the archai stages.

But future risks have its merits too in terms of AI.

Computer scientists of recent years and immediate future, should be able to lay down the foundation to prevent this scenario, or theorized on the possible solution to this event.

The advancement on computer programming and ai, as well as hardware refinements will still be in a far distant years.

Foundational theories about AI should be a common study in our computer schools, so that future scientist will have enough skills and understanding to avoid unforseen events.

We are safe for now.

Thanks for the comment friend.
I think i total agree with you that this study should be a common study in computer schools in order for people to gain more knowledge and skill on AI so that there could be a high level of avoiding this risk in order not to experience an unforeseen events.


@adewararilwan, At the end of the day over Technological innovations is not good for the human beings because it will destroy the natural way of living and if we observe then due to technological advancements the breach of privacy is increasing globally.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the comment friend.
Not that technological innovations is not good for human being but what we have to learn is to be able to have much skill on it in order to avoid an unforeseen events that would later cause destruction and casualties.


Welcome, but on this topic i have different point of view because of my experience and in a way Technology destroyed the natural way of living. Have a blessed time ahead.

Hi, again @adewararilwan

I suppose AIs will determine the future of human beings. Since most jobs where tasks are repetitive and/or can be automated, humans will be replaced. Just like teachers.

I think that there will be no repercussions but rather represent a help as a crutch will impel us to reach the stars, to reach the next level of evolution.

If we remember, the internet was a military invention, see what it became...

Very good post

Keep in toch!

Thanks for the comment friend.
But do you think that will be a good idea because like i said this AI could be destructive. People could be so selfish using this has an advantage to create destruction since they believe human can be so pitiful and show signs of humanity to fellow ones. But since they have decided to made up their mind to destroy no one could stop them using the AI.
In my own opinion if AI should determine human being future i see repercussions following up.


Greetings friend @adewararilwan.

I can not explain myself why there are still so many myths about the AI. The only thing I can think of is the suggestion of the creative directors of Hollywood cinema.

The AI will reach as far as the human being allows it to reach.
It is the human being the real danger, not AI.

When a very advanced AI develops, let's assume cognitive and self-learning, we must be aware that it was "programmed". That is to say, there was a whole design of meticulously elaborated orders, which will allow the AI to advance and "learn" about a specific topic.

That idea of a self-sufficient system with its own will, with its own criteria, with true "personality", that idea is very far from reality.

AI can be destructive, of course. But it will be if the human being allows it.
So it is not the AI itself the real danger, but The Man.

Thank for the comment friend.
Yes, you are really getting it here, the danger here is the human not AI itself.
I love that, the success of this technology to flourish depends on man.
Though the government itself can intend to give it more security that will make it impossible for an intruder to take advantage of it but i bet you if a man is anxious about it, he will surely bring down this security one day and that little moment could prove destructive.
So the real danger here is the man not AI.


Dear @adewararilwan

Definitive AI will make a difference in all human fields, it will be very helpful, but who knows how to take advantage of it will be very destructive, I firmly believe that after about 5 or 6 more years this type of technology will be even closer to all humans .

Excellent friend.

Greetings from Venezuela.

Thanks for the comment friend..
I support this that AI could be useful and very helpful to human.
The main question there is that could all human in the world be kind enough not to take advantage of this technology, because any little destructive try from a heartless person could prove costly to millions and billions of life.


Can scientist avoid AI pitfall?

A good question indeed.
My answer Hmmm..
If this question was being asked by a client of mine...
I would be expected to give a binary answer I would reassure him by saying Yes we can or the the scientist can avoid AI pitfall*

If you notice my answer above it comes with an * at the end. The reason for that is that in my opinion this question cannot be answered by a YES or No binary reply.
I have been following the growth in AI closely and I new innovations are being made all the time.
I see it as the journey of a baby that is beginning to learn how to stand up and walk.
In its attempt to get up and walk it falls down several times but do we stop him in its attempts to get up and walk?
Not quite because we know it is part of the process.
The same is the case with AI it is baby that gets up ,moves ahead falls and repeats the process. Gaining experience and knowledge in the process.
This is part of the learning curve for AI

Dear @adewararilwan

Another amazing publication buddy. Topic related to AI are surely very close to my heart. Thx for sharing link to your post.

Many scientist portray the AI as a robot that is similar to the humans where they got the human like characteristic that perform narrow task.

Indeed. I was also wondering where does this picture come from. Why would many of us learned to perceive AI as a "human with super-brain".

AI surely can bring plenty of serious benefits to our society but it's important to constantly underline threats that can come along.

ps. I hope you don't mind that I will share this post with few close friends, as I found it quite interesting and worth reading.


Yes coach.
No problem sir.

You got few interesting comments @adewararilwan :)

Hope you will find time to reply to all those who took their time to read your publication and share their opinion.


Yes coach.
I will surely take time to do that..


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