The process of rice production in philippines

in #agriculture8 years ago

Rice is the main and most important food for filipinos. and philippines is top 8 of the largest producer of it. im going to show you the process of production of it.

Lets start first in propagation of the rice seeds. 

Rice is propagated directly from seed and put on wet or dry soil seed beds. 

Preparation of rice seed beds

After the process of preparing seed beds farmers start to put the rice seeds on it.  in one hectares approximate. 50-60 thousand seeds are good.

After two weeks the rice plant are ready for transplanting. 

After the preparation of rice seeds lets go now in land preparation

Land preparation practices from zero tillage or mini tillage which minimizes soil disturbance through to a totaly puddled soil which actually destroys soil shape/structure.

It typically involves plowing/dig-up/mix and overturn the soil.  harrowing to break the soil structure into smaller mass and incorporate plant residue

Mostly filipinos are using karabao on digging the soil. 



After the land preparation lets start now for transplanting the weeds.

Dapog in philippine. 

Farmers starts to plant the rice weeds in field.

the rice is allowed to grow and produce a 2nd crop. 

It needs about 120 days of warm sunny weather to grow ,soil that can hold water, and there must be an abundance of water to grow rice. 

Rice after 1 month of planting. 

2 months the flowers starts to grow. 

3 months the grain change into yellow gold

four months it is ready for harvesting.

Farmers harvesting the rice. 🌾 

we are using karit to cut it down. 

After the harvest the rice plant will put on the treaser  to separate the grain from grass

another way to separation  that is called HAMPAS in our town. 

the collected grain of rice will put into drying .

it will takes 2 or 3 days depends on the weather.

And now from drying to milling. 

the hull is first removed leaving white rice inside . White rice is the result of gently removing the bran layers to leave just the inner white grain. 

There are 2 types of milling here in our country

1st is manual mortar and pallete

2nd is milling using machine. 

I shoot some photos of milling using Machine method using my cellfone heres some pics

And now for storage. rice will put in the sack before it sold to market. 

And now for market

Thats it i hope u enjoy my short info about our rice production. Please folloe @pakganern

Photos sources: [1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9]


WOW! Thanks for sharing!

Ive always seen the planting from afar but never close up. Great post

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