Rice varieties.

in #agriculture7 years ago

Rice varieties


The correct standing determination is a critical factor for developing territory based for more return and benefit. Great quality can not be found without a decent seed and mother, and great product isn't accessible without great quality seeds. So the essential duty of a rancher to develop by picking the correct station among various assortments of seeds. Right now, half and half, ufashi and different kinds of present day assortments of rice are being developed in Bangladesh.

👉 Paddy bugs:


Paddy is developed in around 76% of the aggregate trimmed region in Bangladesh. Present day rice paddy is developed on right around 70% of its dirt. At present, half and half assortments of rice are being developed in right around 10 lakh hectares of land. Contrasted with nearby assortments, creepy crawlies assault is more than these species. To improve yield of these cutting edge assortments, compost and water system must be accomplished more than nearby assortments. The creepy crawly assaults likewise increment. In 1985, 175 types of creepy crawlies harmed for rice crops were fortified (Karim 1985). Afterward, 266 types of creepy crawlies were distinguished as irritations of nuisances (Islam and other 2003) in 2003. Not every one of them worms influence the harvests of the considerable number of seasons or each season. 20 types of creepy crawlies are considered as normal and essential bug vermin of rice crops. In any case, the fundamental three destructive nuisances of Mazra, Pamari, Chestnut Tree, Chasing Paddy in Bangladesh.

👉 Paddy bugs

👉 Crush bugs

👉 nose fly

👉 leaf fly

👉 Pamari worm

👉 stout creepy crawlies

👉 leaf wrapping bugs

👉 Ribbon scarab

👉 long breeze impacting

👉 grasshopper

👉 green turmeric bind creepy crawly

👉 steed scarab

👉 Green leaf container

👉 crisscross leaf container

👉 Therps

👉 Dark colored tree container

👉 white peet tree container

👉 Chhathra creepy crawlies

👉 Gandhmi creepy crawly

👉 Lentil wormwood

👉 Urchanga

👉 Distribution center of grains

👉 crab creepy crawlies

👉 Laser Dim Bohr

👉 Angomes Grain Moth

👉 Red Blossoms Bit

👉 Scour creepy crawly:
Three sorts of mazor creepy crawlies harmed rice edit in Bangladesh. For instance, yellow marble. Clogged pore processors and pink shirts The worm-reared worms start to eat from within the stem and steadily cut down on the leaves of the tree and begin burrowing. Therefore, Digg leaves kicked the bucket. Call it 'dead burrow' or 'deadhard' If there is such harm until the point that the tree goes to the ear, it is conceivable to see the dead burrow. On the off chance that there is inordinate corruption, the tree may incompletely remunerate by delivering some extra salts previously it deteriorates.
Now and then a scar on the injury caused by scabby creepy crawly might not be right with an example of crocecic or rats harms. It's anything but difficult to pull the dead burrow. Aside from this, openings in the harmed plants and stomach worms because of eating bugs are found in the place of pork.
In the wake of drying of the herb, in the wake of drying, the entire ear became scarce. It is called 'white ear', 'dead ear' or 'white head'. Tests of dry spell or mice harm can be viewed as white head. On the off chance that the worm remains in the opening of the leaf and does not totally cut the internal piece of the stem, at that point there is a halfway loss of rice and a portion of the paddy in the start of the ear is secured.
While assaulting the bug bugs, the worm in the stem, its eating examples and stools are accessible, or the external shade of the stem blurs and the creepy crawly is the openings to go out. On the off chance that you take a gander at the creepy crawly bother egg in the tree, there is a probability of harm to the tree. Yellow labyrinths lay eggs in the upper piece of the creepy crawly leaf and lay eggs in within the shell of pinkish bug bothers. There is a light dim shading on the Yellow Marmara Poker egg gad. Kalomatha Mazra Poker is a white layer of fishes on the egg yard, which steadily contains dull hues previously egg spots.
Extending creepy crawly worms enter the stems gradually after the revival of eggs. In the underlying state of the worm, there is a considerable measure of rosemary and Kalomatha mangroves worn by one of the rice pots. Be that as it may, yellow warm blooded creature bugs and poultry can be discovered anyplace in the stem.
In the event that there is a ton of clean moth found on the four sides of the light, it ought to be comprehended that the moths have begun laying eggs in the field.

👉Concealment administration:
Amid the recognition of the field, in the wake of gathering and cleaning the moth bug moth and eggs, the quantity of worms and misfortunes of the worms diminishes a considerable measure. Until the point that thor arrives, moths can be demolished with hammers.
In the field, on the off chance that they give the chance to sit in a straw, they will lessen their numbers by eating grown-up moths.

When the irritated development of the grown-up moth of disturbed creepy crawly bugs, the nuisance moth can be gathered and slaughtered by putting a trap of 200-300 meters from rice field.

If the region is more inclined to yellow mangroves, at that point it can be anticipated by developing assortments of paddy-safe paddy assortments like Chandina (BR1), which can be conceivable.

If used to get 10-15 percent dead burrow or 5 percent of the dead straw in paddy field, at that point utilize affirmed pesticides (eg, Diazinon 60 EC, Carbofuran 5G, Fenitthion 50 EC and so forth)
👉 Liquefying or rolling:
Because of the bug assault, the leaves on the center of the paddy tree wind up tubular like onion takes off. Consequently the example of the creepy crawly harm is called 'Onion leaf gull' or 'tube'. It is called 'silver filet' or 'silver leaf' in light of the shade of light or white in the underlying state of the bunk or tube. Onion leaf gull can be enormous or little. It is regularly hard to distinguish when it is little. In the event that he is throat, he doesn't escape the tree. Be that as it may, when the hack drops on the tree, it can not cause larynx and gull.
The leaves amidst the tree wind up like hawk or onion takes off. In the meantime, eating pomegranate creepy crawlies eat at its highest point. The bugs progress toward becoming puppies inside this ravine and the whole grown-up accessory turns out from the fatherly depression on the highest point of the neck. Just the cellulose cell remains there. Like a mosquito to see the full grown-up mumps. The spouse's thighs are splendid red in shading. They become known in the night, however don't turn out amid the day. Spouse's mumps generally lay eggs underneath the leaves, however at times lay eggs on the shell.
Yearly proliferation of melanus relies upon regular climate. In the dry season, the molasses stay inert and live in the province of Potalali in the dormant rain or grass. At the point when the storm season begins, the grown-up rosary winds up dynamic and the grass passes at least one lines by eating the nourishment of the national elective tree. An existence cycle in the grass tree takes 9-14 days to finish, and rice takes 9-24 days. In the event that the assault begins from rice seedling circumstance, at that point the creepy crawly can finish the life cycle a few times without hack. In the zones where there is just dry and stormy season, in the regions of blustery season, the paddy misfortune might be stayed away from. Planting toward the finish of the storm season is probably going to be harmed. On the off chance that there is more diseases in the rainstorm season, water system secured rice might be influenced in the dry season.

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Devastated by grown-up throats with the assistance of light catch.
On the off chance that used to be 5 percent onion leaves, utilize affirmed pesticides.

👉 Papamachi:
Leaf mud starts to eat from the side of the leaf before the paddy tree leaves totally before the leaves, with the goal that the cells around there are harmed. As the center page develops, the influenced part is plainly unmistakable. This kind of harm is caused by the loss of palm leaves and it might require extra investment to cook rice. Beginning from seedlings, till the finish of consumption, the paddy tree might be influenced by this creepy crawly. The territory that contains quite often standing water, the creepy crawlies assault more than every one of the fields.
The full grown-up leaf fly is two millimeter long. They lay one egg over the takes off. After the egg recognizes, the creepy crawlies enter the center of the stem and start to eat from the side of the center of the center of the stem inside the stem. The bugs are in yellow blended yellow shading like the shade of the green leaves inside the stem. They leave the tree and move toward becoming manikins. The handout life cycle is loaded with a month.

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Expel the standing water from the influenced region.
Utilization of affirmed pesticides if rice leaves are influenced by 25 percent.

👉 Pamari worm:
Grown-up Pamari worn shading is dark and there are thistles. Both the grown-up and their bugs harm the rice plant. In the green piece of grown-up pomace worms, some parallel spots on the harmed leaves are found. The leaves of the more harmed fields are dry and dry. They eat the upper piece of the leaves such that exclusive the lower screen remains. In a harmed zone numerous full grown-up pimple worms can be seen. Old grown-up bugs assault new fields from the past paddy edit. For the most part, developing trees are more inclined to planting and there is no bug amid paddy field. The spouse pamari worm lay eggs beneath the takes off. The creepy crawlies expend the green piece of the passage between the two drapes of the clears out. Because of such eating of numerous worms, the leaves go away. The worm and the puppies are in the passage. Pamari worm finishes life cycle inside 3 a month.

👉 Concealment administration

👉 Slaughter the creepy crawlies with handguns or towel.

👉 75-92 pamari nuisances of the worm can be executed by preventing from 2-3 cm (roughly 1 inch) in the start of the leaves till the finish of the covering of the tree and forestall additionally assaults.
Utilize the affirmed bug sprays if there is 4 percent grown-up creepy crawlies on 35 percent of leaf harm or on each bot paddy tree.

👉 Stout bugs:
Before the finish of the stormy period of paddy development, the worms fill the green piece of the leaves such that exclusive the upper screen remains. The tree of the influenced fields is white. In the state of planting, the worm causes more harm.
Grown-up chunipopoka is 6mm long and the fan is 15mm wide while spreading. Chunangopoka is pulled in to night and dynamic in light. They laid their eggs on the back of the leaves in the back of the tree. Creepy crawlies are found in expansive plants and new Rowa fields. They cut the upper piece of the leaves and make it into the lump. Pieces made of cut leaves are stored noticeable all around or water on one side of the field and it creates the impression that somebody remove the leaves with scissors and cut it. Stout creepy crawlies finish life cycle once in 35 days.
👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Chungi nuisances can not live on dry land without worms. Along these lines, if conceivable, by expelling the water from the influenced territory, if the land is dry for a couple of days, it can diminish the quantity of creepy crawlies and counteract harm.

👉 Murder the grown-up moth with the assistance of a snake trap.

👉 Pounding the gathered leaves from the beginning.
Utilization of endorsed pesticides if harm to leaves by 25 percent.

👉 Leaf wrapping creepy crawlies:
They whirl the leaves mostly on the green piece of the leaf, and after that the white spots show up on the harmed leaf. On the off chance that the harm is excessively, the leaves look like consumes. The leaves of the influenced leaf, particularly the leaves of red line, may begin.
Grown-up female lay eggs amidst the creepy crawly leaf. The creepy crawlies eat the green piece of the leaves and when developed, they curve the surface like a tube. The worm winds up inside the wrapped leaf.

👉 Concealment administration:

Execute the grown-up moth with the assistance of a snake trap.

Smothering the grown-up moth with straws in units with pokakhao winged animal.

Utilization of endorsed pesticides if harm to leaves by 25 percent.

👉 Trim bug:
The laddoos are cut-cut in English and they are called cutworms in English. These species are by and large more hurtful for dry fields. Since they require dry land to complete their life cycle. Lead-worm creepy crawlies assault the encompassing paddy fields from the encompassing meadows. At first the worms eat pita just, however the grown-up worms can eat entire leaf. They chop down the trees.

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Execute the grown-up moth with the assistance of a light snake.
After the collecting of paddy, the quantity of creepy crawlies can be diminished by developing the land or by developing the land.
The quantity of trees is lessened by flooding the influenced zones and by stalking the branches to eat flying creatures.
Utilization of endorsed pesticides if harm to leaves by 25 percent.

👉 Longer Urchanga:
Females and children bolster the rice leaves such that the edges and veins are just cleared out. Harmed leaves move toward becoming foam like windows.

👉 Grasshopper:
Elderly grassfighting and youngsters both experience the ill effects of paddy husk. They eat rice from the leaf side of the vein. Different types of grasshoppers assault numerous fields together. They are known locally in English and insect in Bengal.

👉 Concealment administration:

Hitting the bugs with a phony net.

Dalpala is an assistance of bugs.

Utilization of affirmed pesticides if rice leaves are influenced by 25 percent.

👉 Green-tangled ribbon creepy crawly:
Grown-up moth lay eggs on the takes off. The creepy crawlies are of green shading and over the head and a tail like a horn on the tail. Just the worms eat from the side of the rice leaf, they are hurt.

👉 Steed scarab green semiloopper:
These bug worms are likewise enormous like green-tangled trim bugs however there is no head or tail horn. The bugs eat side of the paddy takes off. They make more harm the state of the seedlings than the finish of the bud. The worms fall back on the ground.

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Full tangle moth with light catch.
In the event that 25 percent of the paddy is harmed, utilize pesticides.

👉 The manager of the bugs:
The bug bothers originate from the side of the rice leaf to the center of the head (Picture 33). The kind of green-bug bind bug, Semilupar and the sort of vermin nourishing and misfortunes are comparative.
The grown-up keymer is a moth. The storage compartment of the two resembles an edge (picture 35). They fly rapidly and contorted. The creepy crawly is wrapped with a wrapped sheet of silk like silk with wrapped leaves (Picture 34).

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Slaughter the grown-up moth with the assistance of a snake trap.
In the event that 25 percent of the leaves are harmed, utilize pesticides.

👉 Green leaf container:
Green leaf jumping is accessible in all nations of rice creation. Grown-up and youthful creepy crawlies eat juice from the leaves of the paddy tree. They spread beta paddy, transient yellow ailment, tungro and yellow beta infection. Tungro malady normally spreads more. Grown-up green leafhopper is 3-5 mm tall and has different dark streaks with green shading on it. They lay eggs amidst the leaf or leaves and lay eggs. Their children change five times and they have distinctive sorts of spots.

👉 Crisscross leaf container:
They spread betel ravine, tungro and orange leaves, and they ingested the juice of leaf juice. The grown-up grasshoppers have zodiacal spots. The children are yellowish dim.

👉 Concealment administration:

200-300 meters from paddy field, if the yellow leaf organism and zodiac leaf parasite are pulled in to the trap, at that point they can be diminished.

Execute and murder creepy crawlies.

Collecting green cases and tungroos with the capacity to develop paddy assortments.

On the off chance that a green leafline is found in the digression to the handloom and there are unhealthy trees in the encompassing territory, at that point the utilization of pesticide affirmed in the seedbed and paddy fields.

👉 Therps:
In Bangladesh, six species of herpes insects attacked the rice plants. Adult herpes insects and their babies absorb leaf juice by causing wounds on the leaves. As a result, the page is folded vertically. The place on the leaf is red from yellow to red. Threeps insects can attack in the state of paddy and without conditions. The area where there is no standing water for all time, generally the attack of thrips in those areas is more.
Adult herpes insects are very small, 1-2 mm long and they contain 5-8 pieces of roots. These can be fanless or fanless. The winged wings of the fan are thin, on the back, it is spread vertically and there is a thorn in the side of the wing. There is a sharp edge in the back of the Ai Pokar to lay eggs, with which they can insert eggs into the leaves. Eggs are all of the same size, very small, one-fourth of one-millimeter one-tenth and one-tenth wide. In the first case the egg color is transparent and before the egg split becomes light yellow. The newly released babies from the egg contain transparent and later yellow color. The newly released babies are free for a while, then they start eating raw leaves of the middle, peeled leaves and freshly grown rice and after they become full adult pests, they spend their life there.
👉 Suppression management:
👉 NITROGENN National fertilizer, such as urea, can be used to prevent damage to some of these insects by applying some additional amount.
Appropriate pesticides can be used if the rice leaf is affected by 25% of the affected area.
👉 Brown grasshoppers:
These rice pests do not have the ability to prevent brown tigers, they increase the dynasty very quickly, so that the number of insects increases so much that the hipporpon - like the lightning in the affected area - is formed. The affected plants are yellow and then dried. Brown plantation spreads to gastistant, raggetstant and wilststant virus. But in our country, these diseases are not yet seen. Long-eyed adult brown hawks initially attacked rice fields. They laid eggs and laid eggs in the middle of the leaves. There is a thin thin coat on the eggs. It takes 7-9 days to get out of the eggs (Nimph). The kids take 5-15 times and take 13-15 days to become full-fledged hoppers. The color of the children in the first stage is white and the next child is brown. Fifty-seven full-length brown shrubs can be small wings and long wings. While the rice comes to rice, there are more number of small winged grasshoppers and female insects are usually more in the beginning of the tree. As the tree grows, the number of long-winged grasshoppers continues to grow, which can fly from one place to another.
👉 Suppression management:
To cultivate such varieties of paddy early in such areas (such as Chandina), in areas where there is always a problem of brown vegetation.
Paddy plantation is fitted 30-40 centimeters away.
Remove the accumulated water after the possibility of growing insects on the ground.
Avoid excess use of urea fertilizers on fertile soil.
Crop breeding varieties of Rice-35
If there is at least one spider at 50 percent of the plant in the field, do not apply pesticides.
Use of approved pesticides, if 50% of the rice is found in 2-4 eggs spawn or 10 pests of pests.
👉 White peeling plantation:
Most of the time, they are found to be found with brown trees, and it is therefore wrong to identify two varieties of insects. The children of white peet leafhoppers (nimph) are white to brown black and white mixed in color. Adult species are 5 mm tall and have a white spots on their back. Adult female hawks are only small wings. White peeling planting does not spread any virus, but the juice of the tree absorbs the hipprawarn. The leaves may be burnt like this.
👉 Suppression management:
To suppress the insects, suppression of brown trees should be taken in order to suppress the repressed management.
👉 Genetically modified plant species can be cultivated like BR 6, 14, 23, 26 and BRRI dhan 27, 33.
👉 Roof beetle:
Chhatra Pokar attack is more visible in the case of dry weather or during drought and in areas where rainfall can not stand at all. Due to the eating of the juice of the trees, the trees become shorter. If the attack is high, then the rice grain does not fall out. The affected plant plants seem to be sitting in place.
The wife's roof is a very small, reddish-white, soft-body, pimple, and white spongy material on the body. They damage the tree. On one side, many chhats are in the middle of the stem of the insect tree and the middle of the shell and the shell. Male insects can not cause significant damage to the number of insects in very small numbers. They have two fans.
👉 Suppression management:
👉 If the early detection of the attack could destroy the affected plants, it could reduce the risk of insect attack and damage.
Suppression costs are low if applied well-approved pesticides in affected areas.
👉 Gangy insects:
Gandy insects attack rice grains. Both adult and infant (nymph) cause damage to rice. When the milk is produced in rice grains, then the paddy becomes sour when it is damaged. After attacking rice quality gets worse and the rice breaks. The full adult population is gray and slightly slender. Legs and pimples long They lay eggs on rice leaves and ears and lay eggs. The green color of the child and the full-grown son of the Gandy Pokar comes out of breathless smell.
👉 Concealment administration:

Chungi nuisances can not live on dry land without worms. Along these lines, if conceivable, by expelling the water from the influenced territory, if the land is dry for a couple of days, it can diminish the quantity of creepy crawlies and counteract harm.

Murder the grown-up moth with the assistance of a snake trap.

Pounding the gathered leaves from the beginning.

Utilization of endorsed pesticides if harm to leaves by 25 percent.

👉 Leaf wrapping creepy crawlies:
They whirl the leaves mostly on the green piece of the leaf, and after that the white spots show up on the harmed leaf. On the off chance that the harm is excessively, the leaves look like consumes. The leaves of the influenced leaf, particularly the leaves of red line, may begin.
Grown-up female lay eggs amidst the creepy crawly leaf. The creepy crawlies eat the green piece of the leaves and when developed, they curve the surface like a tube. The worm winds up inside the wrapped leaf.
👉 Concealment administration:

Execute the grown-up moth with the assistance of a snake trap.

Smothering the grown-up moth with straws in units with pokakhao winged animal.
Utilization of endorsed pesticides if harm to leaves by 25 percent.

👉 Trim bug:

The laddoos are cut-cut in English and they are called cutworms in English. These species are by and large more hurtful for dry fields. Since they require dry land to complete their life cycle. Lead-worm creepy crawlies assault the encompassing paddy fields from the encompassing meadows. At first the worms eat pita just, however the grown-up worms can eat entire leaf. They chop down the trees.

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Execute the grown-up moth with the assistance of a light snake.

After the collecting of paddy, the quantity of creepy crawlies can be diminished by developing the land or by developing the land.
The quantity of trees is lessened by flooding the influenced zones and by stalking the branches to eat flying creatures.
Utilization of endorsed pesticides if harm to leaves by 25 percent.

👉 Longer Urchanga:

Females and children bolster the rice leaves such that the edges and veins are just cleared out. Harmed leaves move toward becoming foam like windows.

👉 Grasshopper:
Elderly grassfighting and youngsters both experience the ill effects of paddy husk. They eat rice from the leaf side of the vein. Different types of grasshoppers assault numerous fields together. They are known locally in English and insect in Bengal.
👉 Concealment administration:

Hitting the bugs with a phony net.

Dalpala is an assistance of bugs.
Utilization of affirmed pesticides if rice leaves are influenced by 25 percent.

👉 Green-tangled ribbon creepy crawly:
Grown-up moth lay eggs on the takes off. The creepy crawlies are of green shading and over the head and a tail like a horn on the tail. Just the worms eat from the side of the rice leaf, they are hurt.

👉 Steed scarab green semiloopper:
These bug worms are likewise enormous like green-tangled trim bugs however there is no head or tail horn. The bugs eat side of the paddy takes off. They make more harm the state of the seedlings than the finish of the bud. The worms fall back on the ground.

👉 Concealment administration:

👉 Full tangle moth with light catch.

In the event that 25 percent of the paddy is harmed, utilize pesticides.

👉 The manager of the bugs
The bug bothers originate from the side of the rice leaf to the center of the head (Picture 33). The kind of green-bug bind bug, Semilupar and the sort of vermin nourishing and misfortunes are comparative.
The grown-up keymer is a moth. The storage compartment of the two resembles an edge (picture 35). They fly rapidly and contorted. The creepy crawly is wrapped with a wrapped sheet of silk like silk with wrapped leaves (Picture 34).

👉 Concealment administration:

Slaughter the grown-up moth with the assistance of a snake trap.

In the event that 25 percent of the leaves are harmed, utilize pesticides.

👉 Green leaf container:

Green leaf jumping is accessible in all nations of rice creation. Grown-up and youthful creepy crawlies eat juice from the leaves of the paddy tree. They spread beta paddy, transient yellow ailment, tungro and yellow beta infection. Tungro malady normally spreads more. Grown-up green leafhopper is 3-5 mm tall and has different dark streaks with green shading on it. They lay eggs amidst the leaf or leaves and lay eggs. Their children change five times and they have distinctive sorts of spots.

👉 Crisscross leaf container:
They spread betel ravine, tungro and orange leaves, and they ingested the juice of leaf juice. The grown-up grasshoppers have zodiacal spots. The children are yellowish dim.

👉 Concealment administration:

200-300 meters from paddy field, if the yellow leaf organism and zodiac leaf parasite are pulled in to the trap, at that point they can be diminished.

• Execute and murder creepy crawlies.*

Collecting green cases and tungroos with the capacity to develop paddy assortments.

On the off chance that a green leafline is found in the digression to the handloom and there are unhealthy trees in the encompassing territory, at that point the utilization of pesticide affirmed in the seedbed and paddy fields.
👉 Concealment administration:

When the quantity of creepy crawlies builds, at that point they are decreased to 200-300 meters from the field by getting the snake trap and murdering them.
• If there are 2-3 gandhi creepy crawlies in the rice field, at that point utilize endorsed pesticides. Apply pesticides toward the evening.

👉 Sheikkata Ledapoka:

As indicated by the idea of this kind of creepy crawly, they are extremely various, in light of the fact that their armed force in English is worm. They eat a field and assault one field. Leda creepy crawlies eat diverse assortments of grass. No one but creepy crawlies can hurt (Fig. 55). At first the bugs eat from the side of the clears out. In the event that the bugs are extensive, at that point cut off from the earliest starting point of half-section of land or rice, and subsequently its name is Shishkata Leda Pokka. It is an extremely destructive creepy crawly, and it is exceptionally costly.

👉 Concealment administration
In the wake of reaping rice, the bug worm and poultry are in the fields or in the splits of the dirt. So in the wake of cutting the rice, subsequent to consuming the fire or planting the fields, the patalis and worms pass on and in the following season the quantity of creepy crawlies can be lessened in general.
On the off chance that the develop paddy parts or set down with bamboo, the assault will be lessened.

On the off chance that you put the lamp fuel blended with water subsequent to depleting it around the field, it can not originate from the influenced territory.
Aside from this, the quantity of creepy crawlies can be lessened by planting stalks in various territories of the field for water system and flying creature encouraging.

If pesticides are found in 2-5 strains for each 10 square meters of paddy field, utilize pesticides. Be that as it may, it is to be noticed that pesticides are not connected in rice.

👉 Urchanga:
Urchunga chop down the tree, so the trees pass on. Commonly their misfortune might not be right with harming creepy crawly harm. The underlying foundations of the Urchunga tree and the foundations of the tree beneath the dirt. In any case, the stomach eats inside the creepy crawly stem. Urchunga is an issue in rice field that can not be stuck in rice fields. The bug assaults just when there is no water in the field, or at places when the water is less and the dirt is unmistakable. At the point when the fields are submerged with water, they go to Urchunga Ailey or to the high places. There lay eggs in intense places under the ground.

👉 Concealment administration:

The creepy crawly assault can be counteracted by submerging the fields with water system.

Urtagga can be stifled by the blend of rice powder and pesticide blend by sprinkling rice or ground in rice fields.

Hereditary pesticides can be utilized rather than #ximmers.

👉 Warehousing Yields:
Different sustenance grains and seeds of distribution centers are influenced by different sorts of nuisances. Therefore nourishment grains diminish, seed germination limit and sustenance diminishes. Aside from this, the nourishment ends up incapable and it decreases the market esteem. In excess of 60 creepy crawly harm to the stockroom stock A portion of the primary vindictive bug depictions are given.

👉 The crab bug:
Both the grown-up and the worm make harm the warehousing crops. There is a long stomach before the bug. This bug eats the inward shells by burrowing with the assistance of a trunk in the grain.
👉 Laser Grain Borar:
Both the worm and the wormwood harm the stockroom crops (Picture 58). Little size, head and neck are obvious in the lower right corner, so look from above does not fall into the eye. The bug powders are exceptionally oily and the inward piece of the grain develops on the ground.

👉 Unknown Grain Moth:
Just worms harm. The grown-up creepy crawly is little, light dark colored shading, and a few stains of front lower arm (photograph 59). The best edge of the back wing is extremely exceptional. They meander the grains in the grain and wander the housetops and remain there till the understudy.

👉 Red Blooms Beatle:
Both of the influenced creepy crawlies and worms hurt them. Grown-up grown-up bug is little and rosy dark colored in shading. The creepy crawly likes to eat oats (flour, flour, suji) and developing lives. The influenced sustenance things are stinking and awful taste.

👉 Concealment administration:

Repair the distribution center house or grain stockpiling holder and keep it clean if breaks are made. The stockroom will be air-safe, without rats and dampness safe. New and old nourishment grains can not be assembled or combined.

2 a month prior to sustenance stockpiling can be showered in the distribution center floor, dividers, entryways, top roof, and so on after endorsed stockpiling of stockroom.

Some creepy crawly trees, for example, neem, nisinda and harms, are dried and pounded by blending nourishment with grains.

With a break, the nourishment put away in the stockroom can be utilized to avoid drying of bug by drying it.

If the worm assault is extreme in the stock, at that point the stockroom will be totally shut for 3-4 days utilizing aluminum phosphide or phosphacin (4-5 tablet/ton nourishment grains). The noxious name is extremely destructive to people. In this manner, before utilizing the cylinder pills, the vital safeguards ought to be made and ought not be utilized by anybody other than the accomplished individual.

This is for today ✌️
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Have a good day my dear Friends😊
See you friends the next time till then Ba-bye-Tata take care!



The correct standing determination may be a important issue for developing territory based mostly for a lot of come back and profit. nice quality cannot be found while not a good seed and mother, and nice product is not accessible while not nice quality seeds. therefore the essential duty of a husbandman to develop by selecting the right station among varied assortments of seeds. Right now, [fr1] and [fr1], ufashi and totally different forms of gift day assortments of rice area unit being developed in Asian nation.

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