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RE: A Series on Gender and Agriculture - Issue #2

in #agriculture8 years ago

good follow on - reading through it it would seem that most of this injustice to ownership would be in the southern and eastern world - western landownership is perhaps fairer to women, but only after many legistlative reforms brought about by women in the last century. Landownership for woman only came in to the Uk under the Married Womans Property Act 1882 which allowed women to own property in their own right ( England Wales and Ireland only - not Scotland) - this got extended to the colonies of Australia .This act disolved the 'coveature' ( on marriage, all property reverted to a husband ) - thus a woman under this act now had the right to own propery with in her own name, to buy and sell .Her rights as an individual werer restored and she would no longer be seen as an identity under her husband.This is turn also meant any debts incurred would be HERS and not her husbands and she could be made bankrupt . This piece of legislation was the begining of women in the UK to be recognises as an idividual person - it would be a further 36 years before voting became a right for women
"Political movement towards women's suffrage began during the war and in 1918, the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed an act granting the vote to: women over the age of 30 who were householders, the wives of householders, occupiers of property with an annual rent of £5, and graduates of British universities' ( wikipedia)

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