Paths to Freedom: Auto-flower Forests and The Black Market

in #agorism6 years ago (edited)


If "legalizing" and taxing marijuana isn't a path to freedom then what is. While the expression "kid in a candy shop" comes to mind when thinking of walking into a dispensary, the egregious taxation and regulation by bureaucrats who, at the end of the day, have only just granted privileges to the serfs who begged for them is not a step in the right direction. Having spent my last vacation in Denver, Colorado I can say the idiom of kid in a candy shop holds true but, like everywhere else, they are forced into being taxed into oblivion and to abide arbitrary restrictions and regulations almost never not put in place to benifit the producer or consumer but further line the pockets of state lobbyists and their crony friends.

The Black Market

The "war on drugs" has wasted trillions of dollors and ruined countless innocent lives with SWAT raids, checkpoints, patrols and expanding the ever growing population of prison slaves in "the land of the free." But just as, if not more, importantly is the antithesis of any strict regulation placed on goods and services.....the black market.

When most people hear black market there is a feeling of fear and uncertainty. They tend to think of things that are generally considered to be morally wrong like human trafficking and selling stolen goods. This is the State's propaganda and false rhetoric used to convolute the actual meaning of words which are the building blocks to understanding and being able to logically analyze reality.

According to the Agorist theory of the five markets laid out by Sam Konkin the black market consists of banned ethical activity. The common mistake would be conflating the black market with the red market, which is unethical or immoral activity but doesn't necessarily have to be banned by the State. Slavery is a good example of red market activity as I'm sure you know it used to be perfectly legal in the eyes of the State.

Free Individuals Don't Need Permission

People have gone about their business in spite of the State ever since its existence. In most cases consciously evading some sort of tax, license, regulation or other dumbass rule set forth by some ignoramus who presumes to have more right over individuals than they do themselves.
And the tighter the bureaucratic hand of the State squeezes, the bigger the black market gets and more people are willing to evade increasingly ridiculous regulations. The more people are willing to break "the law."

"Farmers, gardeners and horticulturalists can do a great service for our cause by hybridizing a strain of marijuana so that it reproduces faster and grows shorter in height. Activists can spread this weed on 'public' land."
-Ben Stone

Auto-Flower Forests!

Entrepreneurs gathering raw materials from nature to sell them is an essential aspect of self ownership and the foundation of freedom. You can make damn decent money digging up ginseng and selling that if youre in the right area and don't mind getting dirty. The marijuana industry is a multi-billion dollar business and that's just white market (State sanctioned sales).
Imagine if you could just walk over to the side of the road, pick a handful of buds and make a quick $100. Imagine the State trying to regulate something as prevalent as wildflowers or clovers. Or trying to tax it...I think it's hilarious!

Fortunately for freedom minded folks, there is a little something called auto-flowering. This is the practice of breeding the common two strains of weed: indica and sativa with a less known strain called ruderalis, first perfected by "The Joint Doctor" in the 70's. The name ruderalis comes from the German word ruderal which means 'roadside' or 'weeds growing by the roadside'. It's as if the strain breeders had subversion in mind when perfecting their art.

Spreading the Love

These wonderful little weeds have all the qualities needed to be a pervasive pain in the ass of the pustular propagators of the State. Because auto-flowering plants only take six to thirteen weeks to harvest from seedling (ranges depending on specific strain) and most strains being relatively short they are perfect for growing in mass on so called "public" land and uninhabited private land and being somewhat left alone. If only for the sheer number of plots that pop up.
Some good ideas for seeding locations would be along abandoned railroad lines, public parks, forests and nature reserves, and pretty much anywhere you think could sustain plant life and survive passersby curiosity or subservient snitching to their perceived overlords. And in twelve weeks, the hills will be alive with the smell of ganja!

Guerrilla Grow

For the true free market anarchist who sees the potential in the marijuana market, the guerilla grow tactic would be the most efficacious. This method is exactly what it sounds like. You ninja your way into a good spot, plant or transplant, then walk away and don't come back until harvest time. This greatly reduces risk and one could have several ops at a time: some for accumulating wealth and some just for the betterment of society. This method also doesn't stricty have to be small auto-flower planta either.
Heavily wooded forest patches and overgrown fields would provide better isolation and security than previous suggestions. As far as private property goes, I see no problem with growing on **uninhabited ** private land. One wouldn't start a grow op in someones yard, in their flower bed or their tomatoe garden for obvious reasons that I shouldn't have to state here. But large areas like southern Oregon have vast expanses of forests and growing twenty or forty plants on the edge of Farmer John's 150-acre property line isnt going to hurt anybody. Not accounting for the fact of plausible deniability, one could even offer to lease land for these purposes.

There are more aspects to this such as not leaving trails when (if you have to) traveling back and forth to the plot. Planting shrubs and other vegetation around the perimeter of the plot at the same time and other security measures. Things like drainage for rain runoff, access to sunlight and possible soil amendments are all just things to start with.

If this was common practice across the country, states would have no choice but to at least leave pot smokers and dealers the hell alone or spend countless resources in futile efforts to kill a weed. The abundance of supply would ensure access to any and all who need it and drastically lower the barrier to entry for anyone that wanted to start an actual shop on an actual corner. Because at some point the State will run out of resources and move onto it's next blundering attempt to control people. Im sure the amount of wild weed would decrease as more entrepreneurs set up dispensaries, bakeries, medical shops, construction companies, and all the other fifty-zillion things you can do with cannabis.

Just some thoughts.
This is strictly for educational purposes.
Don't know if I need to say that to keep the bludgies from kidnapping me for talking about growing a plant but its true, everything is for educational purposes. And hey, you can never be to careful with that dubious bunch of criminals in suits called the State.



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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

This is the State's propoganda and false rhetoric used to convolute the actual meaning of words which are the building blocks to understanding and being able to logically analyze reality.
It should be propaganda instead of propoganda.

Bro, I've been saying this for forever!

I don't smoke, but if there was a super cheap way to acquire the resources, I'd be down to toss the resources out while driving or walking at the park.

They gonna burn the entire park down?

Right! Almost no effort involved.
I've seen shotgun shells filled with seeds instead of birdshot. Genius.

Lol go dove hunting on public land with that! That's Texas as fuck and anarchy as fuck.

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