The New Power of Tau - Scaling the Creation of Knowledge

in #agoras2 years ago

Ohad Asor, creator of Tau Chain/ Agoras, has lately published the long awaited blog post detailing his vision for what veritably probably is the most ambitious design in the crypto space Tau.

Tau will accelerate mortal trials by prostrating long hardwired limitations in our cooperative processes; limitations which we infrequently indeed question


The Problem of Social Governance!

Take social governance, for illustration. As individualities, we've opinions over a wide variety of social issues. Maybe you feel that the speed limit on certain roads is too high, or that programming should be a mandatory subject at public seminaries, or that everyone would profit if cryptocurrencies were officially honored and championed by the state.

Still, you have no idea how to get these enterprises across to the general public. I mean you could try writing a letter to your original representative or subscribing a solicitation but eventually that is doubtful to gain important traction. Meanwhile, the veritably same issues that seems to have divided the nation over the once decade remain at the van of our political debate. Immigration, climate change, revocation, gun controletc. are each important issues of course, but veritably little progress have been made considering the quantum of time, coffers and attention that have been devoted to them.

So the problem with traditional forms of social governance, similar as popular voting, is apparent on the one hand it has difficulty relating and addressing the wide range of opinions different people hold, on the other hand, indeed with respect to the small number of issues that do end up washing up to the face, it is not particularly effective at detecting agreement.

The central cause of this problem is that current modes of discussion aren't scalable. There are essential limitations in the way we are suitable to communicate our views across to each other; videlicet, mortal capability to comprehend and organize information is the main tailback. We can not possible follow multiple exchanges at formerly, or recall everyone's propositions formerly there are further than a sprinkle of people in the blend. This is why utmost cooperative decision making bodies in practice are generally relatively small in number the President's press, Supreme Court Judges, boardroom directions of a fortune 100 companyetc.; you just can not have a productive discussion with 50 people. Our entire civilization is structured around this veritably limitation conversations do not gauge.

Scaling Collaborative Discussions Under Tau also

Imagine if we can overcome this limitation; what will it mean for social governance? By using a tone defining, decidable sense, the Tau network is fluently suitable to keep track of every stoner's propositions and descry agreement automatically. Note that making a proposition is exactly the same as advancing for that veritably same proposition when you are proposing' tykes should always be on a leash in public unless in a demesne'you are in effect putting in a vote for such a proposition. This way, innumerous issues, anyhow of how specialized or niche, can be assessed through the network coincidently, and social agreement can be detected on the cover. The Tau network can gauge social governance by prostrating one of the topmost limitation in mortal communication of ideas by delegating the task of logically making sense of everybody's propositions to the computer. A simple use case of this will be the rules of the Tau network itself through a tone defining sense, Tau is suitable to descry agreement among its druggies from block to block, altering its own rules to conform to the choices of the stoner base.

The benefits of scaling conversations aren't limited to just a more effective form of social governance. Sense is not simply about detecting face position agreement, the network can fluently form farther deductions from everyone'spropositions.However, one can conclude that'Socrates is mortal, If one countries'all men are mortal'and'Socrates is a man'.'But deductions can be veritably deep and non trivial. Imagine if we had a group of 1000 mathematicians all inputting their fine sapience as propositions. Tau can fleetly descry who agrees with whom on what, and conclude every logical consequence of their combined wisdom; in effect arriving to new trueness and perceptivity. In other words, Tau greatly accelerates the product of new knowledge. This will, of course, also work if you have physicists, croakers, masterminds, computer scientists, indeed experts in every field working together on the platform. By spanning cooperative conversations in a logical network, Tau is suitable to gauge the creation of knowledge.


Ohad Asor's New Tau Blog
Buy Agoras Tokens to Invest in Tau
Telegram Chat
IRC Chat: Where you may ask Ohad himself technical questions
Tau Reddit
Tau Chinese QQ Group: 203884141

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