Brewing Beer for the Agora - Learning and Expanding What is Available

in #agora3 years ago

I first brewed beer at the ripe old age of 19.

When I finished my indoctrination at the youth camp in Montana I fled down to south Texas to experience something different than how I had grown up. Once there I realized I had no friends and no way to buy beer legally. Even back then I was trying to live as a free man and just didn't know it so I went to the local brewer supply store and bought all I needed to start my first batch. Fast Forward 23 years and I'm back at it.
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One of the first things to happen when the covaids hit Washington was a shutdown of pretty much everything. After several months we had a few dining establishments that also serve alcohol re-open against the mandate of King Inslee. Of course it didn't take long for the king to send out his local hitmen in the form of the cannabis and liquor board to threaten the establishment with revoking their permission slip to serve alcohol to patrons who voluntarily wanted it in addition to threats of extortion and violence if they continued to serve. The community responded and there were locals outside the door in the following weeks making sure these hitmen could not continue to make these threats. I inquired about what would happen if the king decided not to permit the establishment the ability to sell alcohol. I was told they wouldn't be able to purchase it from vendors.
With this a friend and I sprung into action and started gathering up all the equipment we could to start brewing beer. Others inquired about acquiring wine for them in the same manner. Our plan was to start brewing so we could at least try to supply these courageous business owners in the face of the kings tyranny. After a failed batch or two and some time to gather our thoughts because the king loosened his tyrannical hold on these establishments we finally have our first acceptable batch worth sharing.


The first batch I brewed when I was 19 was a knock of of Samuel Smith's Nut brown Ale. I decided it worked then and it was time to go back to it. Now I will admit it is far from perfect but for myself and a few friends it is worthy of celebration. We are trying to focus on brewing without all the modern amenities since in the not so distant future those of us wanting to live free will be cut off from them for lack of compliance with the predator class. My biggest mistake is not mixing in the sugar to carbonate this batch into the wort sufficiently. At least this is my best guess. The flavor of the brew is spot on but some of the bottles, the ones bottled from the second half of the wort are very sweet and erupt like a Yellowstone geyser when the cap is popped. In contrast the ones in other "Golsch" bottles with flip top caps sealed with rubber are far less sweet and less carbonated. Not flat but not adequately carbonated either. It could be the bottles and it could be the priming sugar not being mixed in all the way. It could also be a myriad of other things as well. I guess only time and experimentation will tell. One thing is for sure my and my merry band of voluntaryists living free in the inland northwest will have a blast finding out.


Hopefully it will only take another batch or two to get to the point our backyard brews are acceptable to offer at our exchange. The idea is we are ever expanding our offerings and trying to reach more people than we have in the past. This weekend at our Spokane Freedom Exchange(link to channel on telegram here) I may allow some patrons to sample some of these brews so they can see what is in store for them if they continue to support the efforts of those wanting to live free in the community.


Until next time don't follow orders, stop complying and don't just claim to be free actually be free!

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