What Age would you go back to if you could? (Or if you had to?)

in #aging7 years ago

I've been thinking about this for a while... and then today, a friend of mine quoted Satchel Page, "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?"

As I have another birthday approaching, this weighs heavily on my mind. Every birthday I ask myself, "Is this the year I get "old." And then I ask myself what this "old" concept is? I have my own idea about what it means to be "old" outside of the concept of physique, health and the look. In fact, the look depends a lot on health.

Every birthday I think about what I can do to be more healthy. Three years ago I gave up eating wheat and I dropped five pounds and sculpted my belly a little bit more... within 45 days. I've not gone back to wheat, although I might have a bun with my burger every now and then.

So let me answer the question I asked you, and to add a caveat; it's not about what happened during that year. I became a dad for the first time at age 26, and although it was the most profound event of my life, it was a stressful year. Plus, I've been around for a minute so I have lots of options.

The youngest I'd return to is 19. I was in the military, in decent shape and fighting condition, but my mind wasn't right... according to the government-issued pawns I was working with/for. It was probably a hormonal thing with me. A first class petty officer told me that year that he didn't like me because I was a "young man," and young men have certain characteristics. By the end of his tour we were friends, but I learned from him the perspective that some older men have towards those younger than themselves. I was determined not to be that guy.
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About 22 years of age. Navy post

24 was the year I got out of the Navy. It was a good, but awkward. My biggest realization; civilian women aren't like military women. I'll leave it at that, veterans understand.

35... and it's cliche to say (like the song), it was a pivotal year. It was a year that illusions were shattered, along with my faith, trust and nuclear family. I embraced minimalism, and returned to a more lone-wolf state. Dad-vibes kicked in... and I was a single parent... for the next five years. This was also the year I started getting "out there" on the night scene. It was also the year I decided I needed to shed the 60 pounds I'd gained the previous decade.
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Age 35, and 60 lbs. overweight

At age 42, I was the strongest, in terms of weight lifting, upper body strength than even in my life. I hit the elusive 300 lb. bench press, but then I stopped. 42 was also a good year for young girls.. a la American Beauty. I lived that life that year, although I didn't end up like Kevin Spacey, in the film or in real life. One of them broke into my house, after I had to put her out, and stole lots of analogue equipment. It was the year I went digital.

At age 46 I became a group fitness instructor at a University. I led a room full of college girls, maturing into women, who were in my kids' age range. It was pretty funny and pretty cool, because the perception is that I was ten to twelve years younger than I was. Imagine being 34 at 42. Not only did I begin to drop fat weight and tone up over the next 10 years, I found my faith in fitness and its ability to slow the aging process.
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Age 52... dream of giving it all up and hitting the trail.

55... I "hit the lottery" and left my gig and traveled around the world. I'd finally lost all the 6o pounds I'd gained in the first decade being on the job. I'd completely redesigned my body. Then I traveled around the world... mostly chasing a woman, making videos and writing and having some liaisons along the way, and hanging out on beaches watching sunsets.

Looking over this essay, I realize I've covered every decade except childhood. If I had to choose... It would be difficult. I've narrowed it down between 19 and 42. 19 I was naive, skinny but still rebellious. At 42 I was a mature kind of sexy, bulky muscular, strong but still rather bitter.

And then there's 24. It had its own kind of freedom, but was wrought with confusion. It was the year that set me on my particular path. I've no doubt I made the right choice.

I'd say, if I had to go back, hit the rewind button... it would be 24...

Have you ever thought about this? If so, what year would you go back to?

Keep in touch http://www.noxsoma.com


Impressive writing. Make sure to post more work UpVoted

I will, thanks.... This is #10 for today. And, I'm out. More goddies tomorrow.

I would go back to 21 and change so much! I would workout then like I do now so that I could have so much more progress!

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