You Don't Need To Anti-Age. Welcome to Pro-aging.

in #aging6 years ago


On recommendation of my acupuncturist I've decided to start a new blog about what it means to age and what it has meant to ME to age.

In my humble opinion, everyone needs an acupuncturist. They're remarkable. Part therapist, part holistic practitioner, part nutritionist, part friend. ALL BRILLIANT. (For those who are reticent it's virtually pain-free, relaxing, transformative, healing, and so much more.)

No two aging stories are exactly alike.


so many stories are similar and have similar components.

I 'm NOT into the whole "anti-aging" movement. You may have read that on my other blog. I'll repost it here soon.

I am into PRO-AGING.

I'm all FOR aging.





...with a plan.

You plan your vacations.

You plan your retirement.

You plan your work


why aren't you planning your positive aging?

If you take a look at the side bar to the right you'll see that I've lived a BIG life. A life that was not sustainable for the long haul.

I sustained it for about 35 years and that was plenty.

THEN I realized in my body, mind, intellect, spirit, and emotions that I needed to transition to the next phase of my life. I have taken many elements with me and have left many elements to fond memory.

Face it, we can't do everything forever.

Of course, you can teach, consult and write until you drop (if you so desire and if you so desire).

You can travel with a long list of conveniences for comfort.

In addition, the most wholesome things you can do are read, learn, perform appropriate exercises, meditate, volunteer, spend time in your community and eat a clean and healthy diet. Making the most of those components age may not really be an issue for you.

I do recognize that many of you are facing health challenges and adjustment has become your middle name.

SO adjust!

I adjust all the time and when my ego gives me negative feedback I tell it to STICK IT and continue on my merry way.

I've even been experimenting with chair exercise. Not because I'm relegated to exercise in a chair but for variety and to give my battered body a break. PLUS IT WORKS!

If you can't exercise standing up, SIT DOWN!

And if you can exercise standing up, MOVE IT!

PLEASE don't be like generations of my family who reached their 60's or retirement age and proceeded to sit in front of the television and let the world pass them by. They weren't particularly debilitated or ill. They just gave it all up.

AND THAT is when they began to deteriorate. None of them ever had anything major wrong with them UNTIL they stopped moving and didn't eat food with substance and didn't keep their minds active.

Some things took their toll quickly but with others it was a slow burn.

All in all the inactivity, inattentiveness to healthy eating, and disuse of their brains contributed MORE to the onset of illness and disease than anything else.

Just because you retire or transition from your original, active occupation doesn't mean it's over.

Far from it!

I'm in AWE of people in their 70's, 80's and beyond who are still very active in all aspects of their lives.

They are living life by example to all of us..

We can all be examples to each other in our outlook on aging.

Aging is not a curse, or a malady.

Those who dismiss us will be lucky to age with health, dignity and wisdom.

Move it or lose it is not some kitschy catch phrase. It's essential to longevity.

Start where you are.

You may be in your 40's or 50's. If you didn't start caring for yourself or you were burning the candle at both ends in your 20's and 30's, TODAY IS THE DAY to start.

Start with your mindset then bring your body along.

You will be amazed what a few positive thoughts about the beauty of aging will do for you inside and out.

YOU are the person people will come to for advice, insight, feedback and input.

You are a wealth of knowledge whether you know it or not.

Time on this planet gives us a cornucopia of insight regardless of our walk of life.

I plan on getting into the nitty-gritty of aging from my personal perspective and from the perspective of my elders and teachers in the articles to come.

As my grandfather would say on each of his birthdays
"I'd rather being having a birthday than not."

Happy birthday to us!

Each and every year.

This week's article is dedicated to my remarkable beyond words acupuncturist, Mimi Vreeland. Thanks for everything!

As always, thanks for reading.

See you again soon.

Happy aging.

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