How Do Wildfires Burn Building Foundations and Make the Ground Boil?

in #agenda217 years ago

This woman was given 15 minutes to evacuate her home in the middle of the night during the Santa Rosa California wildfires in August 2017. What she has to say about what she’s learned since she lost her home is frightening.


Saw one clip where the house was LEVELED by "the fire" but the rubber garbage tote 10 feet away did not melt.

Makes no sense. Not anything I've ever heard of, especially with a wildfire.

Nope. Saw MANY pics where the house was leveled and the SHRUBS were not burnt... it was almost funny when they called it a "forest fire" because in the suburbs it seemed to be almost an "everything but the forest" fire... And I LOVE this "debunk." The guy does not seem to notice the trees are GREEN still. He says they were wet, that is why they did not burn but even "wet" trees have their leaves burn.

He also missed that the "dry wood" of the homes that caught fire was surrounded by other building materials like stucco and tile roofs, which of course were also vaporized by the fire in addition to the concrete foundations. And that the fire "jumped" the road to do it, all while leaving the "wet" vegetation untouched.

Have you looked at some of the other comments on the thread you linked? Looks like these kinds of fires are not new. Like the car from 2015 and fires in other states. Looks like they are now being used as proof of "normal"

Welcome to bizarro-world. You only thought you knew what was going on around you, turns out black IS white, right IS wrong and "wild" fires are very choosy about what they burn.
My husband was a fireman when we were young, and a logger before that. We have seen many forest fires, he has fought many home fires. The "explanations" make no sense. Fires are hot. They burn leaves. They melt rubber. They leave shells of houses in their wake, even when they are blazing infernos.

I like to think of a fire 🔥 as a living thing. Fire is born, breathes oxygen, grows by eating, leaves its waste as composte to grow plants anew, spreads, dies. Water wins.

Sure. But the things we're seeing in this fire don't make sense and operate outside of the way fire acts.

wildfires with high winds do some crazy things.

why did the government want to use lasers to burn down this woman's home? how does it advance agenda 21?

That second question is the kind of question that really shows you have not looked into Agenda 21 at all. Go do your own due diligence, you clearly know how to use the internet lol!
It is important that you discover facts for yourself, what I think or what @aboutyourbiz thinks does not matter, YOU having as many facts as possible is what matters and that is on you, my friend.

Which might be exactly what @funbobby51 is in the process of doing, since this post is 3 days old and only easily found under the #agenda21 tag?

I hope so. It is just so easy to get drawn into a "fight" over stuff when in the end, it is all up to us what we are able to get our head around. "Seek and ye shall find." If ye seek the shelter of your rear end, that is what ye shall!

Agreed. And it's not just what you are "able" to get your head around, but what you're "willing" to get your head around. Each of us have to be ready and have ears to hear.

I have a lot of compassion for her, I have an aunt who went crazy after her house burnt down, it is a very traumatic event.

But she can just use her insurance money to rebuild her house, even though it won't be the same since building codes are always changing and not have to live in a city under one world government. Anyhow, why was this woman's home such a high priority for the government?

You obviously have not looked in to Agenda 21 as @fishculture said.

to be honest I feel like I looked into it a long time ago and have forgotten about it, seems like more of an Obama era concern, Trump is going to turn the UN building into a high-rise condominium. The one worlders seem to be on the defensive these days.

Except I believe it was Bush Sr who signed on to it in 1992, well before Obama. Time will tell if Trump effectively changes things, hope for the best, but I won't hold my breath.

in looking into it tonight it appears that Glenn Beck wrote a book about it in 2012, it was part of cashing in on Obama fearmongering. I think that may have been what promoted me to look into it before.

In my understanding, one element of Agenda 21 is to push people into cities. In order to make room for more people living in the same amount of acreage, they need to demolish existing building and replace them with new buildings that will house more people in the same amount of space.

In this instance, people were driven from their homes and will not be able to rebuild due to some of the things this woman mentions in the video. When those who lost their homes determine they can't rebuild and settle their claims, the land they leave behind can be redeveloped.

It's pretty curious that the same area evacuated is also the same area planned for redevelopment, BEFORE the fire.

so did the redevelopment plan call for communist style dormitory housing or for a bunch of Mcmansions? "Needlessly frustrating and time consuming for developers" is just California. The City of Santa Rosa does not have such maps for the whole city of pending developments?
It always sucks to rebuild old things and bring them up to code. I got a new water heater, identical to my old one, but to install it up to the new code I would have had to put a bunch of holes into my basement for like $8000, and this is a code that is only in my city and no other cities have to do it. That video is a little misnamed, that is far from clear evidence of anything.

Clearly we don't have the same questions about this event/video. I'm not going to try to educate you on something I'm trying to learn about myself.

If you really want to know if the redevelopment plan calls for communist style dormitory housing or for a bunch of Mcmansions do the research. I and probably @fishculture would be interested to hear what you find, either way.

The facts that the boundaries are the same, and that there was a redevelopment plan already in place for the area inside those boundaries are enough to make me wonder what's going on.

These are neighborhoods where people owned these homes individually. These were nice neighborhoods, not slums, I've been there. What right does anyone have to make a redevelopment plan for someone else's property? They don't.

If they've got a redevelopment plan, then they also need an acquisition plan. There are two ways to acquire that much property in mass from individuals, eminent domain and natural disaster.

I am sure the city tracks all ongoing and planned developments in the city, my city is very built up and yet there is still a lot of ongoing development in the city, that was a map of a whole quadrant of a city with what looked like a few areas were there were some projects. They probably have similar maps for the other three quadrants, it's not a secret plot, note that this was publically available information. If anyone benefits from burning peoples houses down then perhaps it would be some shady developers on the local level, not the UN. What the woman was describing sounded like typical incompetence and in most cases it's better to attribute that which can be attributed to incompetence to incompetence and not malice.
So here is the text of agenda 21
I'll read it if you do, it's 350 pages. If they really want to hide the truth from you, they will put it in a book.

If they really want to hide the truth from you, they will put it in a book.

Says it all. Truth in plain sight.

Look at it or don't, I'm not going to argue or try to convince anyone.

I looked into it, frankly it seemed like the whole thing applies to developing nations except us paying for it, it is mostly an economic development and fair trade agreement, totally non binding, signed in 1992 and just now they start randomly lasering peoples houses in Northern, CA?
I feel bad that her house burned down but she has a long way to go in proving the UN did it with lasers.

i couldn't find anything in there about targeting select northern California neighborhoods for destruction using energy weapons or even pushing people into cities, can you tell me which parts talk about those things? It all seems to be about helping/ exploiting people in developing countries.

All I can tell you is something ain't right.

And thanks for taking time out to dialogue tonight. Whether we agree or disagree, I appreciate that you actually watched the video, formed an opinion and took the time to talk about it.

good post, I'm following you and I invite you to follow me and see my latest open mic post

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