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RE: CBC's crematory story is a precursor to another Aldous Huxley prediction

in #agenda20306 years ago (edited)

Only way to defeat this potential deprogramming is to embrace that the imperfection of humanity is perfect as it requires unity to overcome weakness.

That humans are different then animals in their ability to create.

We do have a history of being used as cattle for employers profit... While jobs are being replaced by computers..

Computers paired with humans can help in so many ways. Computers just reveal to us the fractal of the matrix we are already part of and waking up to our power within it.

Unfortunately it always goes back to that same group who feel superior due to their bloodline and income. :p

Now that currencies value is up being challenged, the only thing that has value is what we can do for ourselves, that we can also help others with.
(wich most of that group have to hire people to do EVERYTHING for them... Think how useless they all must feel these days. ^_^;;)

Although the process you speak up
Makes me think if similar conditioning for their pending attempt to repeat history and create ilnness to cull the population.

For this topic that keeps popping up in my news feed: Screenshot_20180514-201010.png

Time to heal the equation ♡
Those poor native kids... and the smallpox...

"The virus" of the matrix.


Yes, they have been prepping us for some kind of mass infection for years. (Probably why they are so eager to get ahold of our DNA) they like to toss in these little scares every year (bird flu, swine flu, SARS, anthrax, the eboLIE hoax, measles, Zika, back to the flu again). They have to keep us in a state of constant threat. So people will run out to get out their shots.

From last year.


Dang dude welp time to get to work blogging on simple facts on how to detour the spread of disease.

Can't wait to send those corrupt souls off to the quazar star dimension.

Its incredible to think these people already don't view humans as anything more then animals... xD

A life in the reincarnation cycle is so short in contrast to the eternal soul existance...
but wow to really squander the entire expiriemce to live a selfish life that uses others as slaves.

I hope they enjoy watching nothing but a rotating quazar star for an eternity on a lifeless planet while the rest of the souls who gave a fuck get to live it up in supreme paradise.

Fucking twats, can't bring $ with you.
You can sure as hell be accountable for the karma created.

Guess we need to bring creator spirit back for the kids sakes man.

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