Arise O Compatriots, let us respond together to the call of our Continent, AFRICA and in unity, serve our fatherland, NIGERIA



"He that strife for mastery is temperate in all things" the Christians holy books says plainly.

The dexterity Africans possess when it comes to adaptation to any circumstance at all can not be over emphasized. Africans has always and will always stand out from other continents when it comes to the issue of admitting and adapting to any circumstance that stands as an impedance to them.

I would say that Africans were prewired by God with the tools and elements of transforming a zero to a kilo, or in other words, a frustrating situation to a solution packed one.

They always face all challenges head long with the view in mind of squeezing out solutions out of it. If I was asked of to assign a label to Africans I will term them" the solution makers". She's a continent of great substance. It's not surprising
because that was the meaning of the native name of the great Nelson Mandela- one of the African heroes.

Africans, right from the outset never considers a dime on how to linger around in a difficult situation without looking forward to changing it. This is not true for all of Africans or all of their considerations so I guess there should be no room for extremism, but the majority of them possess this characteristics.

She calls a spade a spade. They call their problems, problems and their impedances, impedances.

Africans Aren't comfortable trying to glamorize there problems as solutions or masquerading their difficulties as good situations without making positive efforts toward it. They focus more on realities more than assumptions.

A man by the name Nelson Mandela is a direct epitome of such a real African who will never keep shut, who will adapt to any situation at all, and who will never admit to rest on the laps of complacency while faced with a herculean task.

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Nelson Mandela a selfless Political Leader (former President of South Africa) fought for peace and social justice. He was an anti-apartheid revolutionary and an advocate for human rights. He led peaceful protects against the White's oppressive regime against the minority.

In the 1960's in south Africa, Africans were been lectured to sit in the atmosphere of pressure without speaking out. Racism was the order of the day in those days, an unresting town crier.

The White men where trying to make Africans adapt through institutionalized codes in south Africa which automatically transformed Africans there into robots and subhumans. They were used objectionably right from the colonial era.

Africans were bereft and deprived of their rights and benefits in their own land. All they had were altogether withheld by the white men who oppressed them. They were aiming at making African extremely humble even if it had to be false humility. The Whites had access to jobs denied by blacks. The land of South Africa was extravagantly occupied by the luxurious life of the whites while the Africans were left frustrated.

They were taking Africans through pains, but thank God for real Africans who always will always adapt. They were positively stubborn. They refused to play the second fiddle. A real African who would never keep shut.

"Nelson Mandela" crushed that principle through his unending creaming of impatience. "No can't conform to this, I must change this", I'm sure these where the words that resonated in his head and like other Africans.

What a great set of unique and great people Africans are.
In their endurance always lies a great voice of a "Messiah" who will never be satisfied with playing the second fiddle. A real African of a necessity must always cry out even when his life is at the edge and about to tip over. That is the stuff they are made of.

So yes A real African would never keep shut when his voice ought to be heard. Contrary to this has been the demeanor of the African fathers and I will urge all other Africans to fit into this.

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Let's celebrate those Africans who never keep shut and for those who have past on, their legacies remain ever green in our hearts. With these, we can fight against those factors which contributes to our hardship, discouraged corruption and promote unity.

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