High performing team templates for businesses (Part 2)

in #africaunchained6 years ago

You are welcome to this final part of the high performing team templates for businesses. In the Part 1, I took time to explain what the topic is all about. In case you are still at loss over that, this article seeks to unravel and explain those parameters that businesses use to identify the strengths of teams, as well as their development needs? Those factors that businesses will always take into considerations in order to build a highly effective team remain the essence of this article.


Among the factors I highlighted and explained in details include competency and placement of team members, clear goals, team information sharing, unambiguous roles and responsibilities, and value diversification. In this final part of the article, we will continue with highlighting and explanation of other factors that are important in building high performing teams. Below are the additional factors that deserve attention:-

Creativity and problem solving

A team that value diversity of opinion is always more adept at solving problems. High performing teams aren't averse to opinions. They are open and always welcome varied opinions, which are objectively studied to know whether to take them into working/operational guidelines. A team success is largely determined by how effectively it can generate new solutions and focus on the end objective. This is very important factor which should not be ignored.

Effective time management is central

Time management is important in order to meet set goals. To encourage high performance and the increased likelihood of accomplishing set objectives, teams must be able to manage their meetings and administrative activities well. Teams must therefore structure their meetings in a way that would enable them meet deadlines.

Boosted Morale

High performing teams value the contributions of individual team members and would always appreciate them in order to boost their working morale. By appreciating worthy contributions of your team members, you will get them in high working spirit and therefore stand the chance of successful in meeting targets and objectives.

Effective conflict resolution mechanism

A team's ability to resolve its conflicts is important because this singular factor has the capacity to make or break a team. In order for such conflict resolution mechanism to achieve its aims and objective, it should be directed to focus on the task at hand, and not on the individuals team members.


Adjustment and flexibility

High performing teams carry out periodic checks on their progress in order to find out if they need to make adjustments. This is an important factor that should not be ignored if a team must meet its goals and objectives.

The listed are the much I can think up, and which I believe it's generally applicable to all business. However, I will not fail to acknowledge that conditions under which every business operates could be different. What works for A might not work for B. So, business executives should be able to come up with appropriate checklist that would apply to their own peculiarities. Thanks for reading.

To your success
I am yours @eurogee

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