in #africaunchained6 years ago

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The African continent is one bedevilled with a lot of issues bordering on bad governance, lack of infrastructure, high rate of unemployment, uncurtailed criminal activities, inequality in gender rights, protection of human rights, lives and properties, to mention but a few.

These anomalies may seem exaggerated but it is the reality. Almost every African nation is plagued with these issues in varying degrees. It leaves so much to be desired of Africans, as a whole. But more specifically, these anomalies are intensified in Nigeria.

Nigeria, the giant of Africa, as it is so rightly referred to like most African countries has a rich culture. It is more specifically referred to as the giant of Africa, though because of its large population. Some people may also argue that it has more political relevance in comparison to all other African countries.

Being a leader in this country will require of you to note the possible challenges that it bears and one of it's foremost problem has been bad administration that has engulfed the political system with corruption. The country is replete with resources of all kinds and manpower. It therefore takes a good government to see that these resources together with manpower are well harnessed. My administration has been trying to fight this corruption, which is a deeply rooted phenomenon in Nigeria, but there are too many bad eggs in the system already, such that it would take a good deal of time and effort to get them expunged but we can see that a great change has been made for the past years that I have been in power. After this corruption is immensely eradicated, efforts will be geared towards improved infrastructure and sustainable power supply. The importance of stable power supply can never be over-emphasised.Thereafter, I would look into the educational sector; this too, needs to be revamped. The method of learning and environment in Nigeria beats me hollow. Efforts will be geared towards incorporating a curriculum that equips students towards becoming job creators rather than jobseekers (who in most cases, do not even have anything to offer an employer.) Tribalistic & religious sentiments will be seriously frowned at. On no account would anyone be victimised on tribalistic or religious grounds.

Very importantly also, discipline would be introduced into the civil and public service. Every one would have to earn their pay. The laxity that's pervaded the civil service would be eradicated.Other areas of concern would be: improved and easily accessible health care facilities, an impartial justice system and grave punishments meted out to criminals.

Being a leader is more a spiritual mandate than an earthly, physical one. To this end, I deemed it fit to always uphold my position with all integrity and understanding of purpose. Empathy is key. A leader ought to be able to empathise with the led masses at all times, for they are the reason why a leader is instated in the first place. I would strive to be an empathetic, just and enwisdomized leader. The rule of law would at all times prevail. No issue of concern to the masses will be relegated to the background. Every issue and everyone would be treated with equity. At the end of the day, I believe I would have happy citizens...people who have complete faith, love and trust in their leader. Everyone would have motivation enough to work for the greater good of the society. All these, by the special grace of God, Almighty.


Wow! Great entry post, I hope you win, let's just watch but you have won yourself 0.5sbd as the first to participate.

Thanks sire. I hope to win too!

Good luck man, very good write up.✴️✴️✴️

Africa to the world, it's hasn't been an easy task as an African to create a niche for them selves in the outside world, but the spirit of success has always been there for us to sail through the hardship of everyday life. I hope you win.

Thanks bro.

you are doing good job dear...; -)

Thanks dear

Lovely writing. There is so much to be desired the way and manner Nigeria is governed today. There are too many politicians and too few leaders. I pray a day comes when people that have the best interest of the country at heart, take charge of its affairs.

My prayers as well. Thanks

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