in #african7 years ago


Sky News in an Interview with DANGOTE he said *"I have been very successful not because I do not fail, but I do my very best not to allow failure to determine my future, I try harder to achieve my goals today than the day before....I do not take excuses, excuses destroys and kills a dream...What I do today determines the results tomorrow...the greatest challenge we have in Africa is that we like to work for people instead of creating jobs for people...We like to be helped but don't like it when we are given the opportunity to help others....Until you understand the principle about life as God created it you would never be successful, those who create opportunity and help others are the most influential in the universe, they are the most successful business owners you see today...Discover how you can help the society or the community and you are already on your way to make Riches....Life is built around humanity....I belong to a network that has high level of risk takers , we combine our resources and invest in a company to reap an annual interest, this is one of the ways I secure my wealth....If you do not belong to any network to make you extra money you would one day look back and call for help in your business and it might be disappointing no one would help, the banks would help but give you high charges and that alone can collapse your business if you are not careful....I do not want to talk about other Rich guys, but look at Mark and Bill they all belong to a Network that makes life meaningful to them.....Mark's team are Billionaires today but when they started most people felt they were just kidding and would soon fail, some of those he started with left due to short sightedness, it's a part of the process to keep you going....The future of your life must be linked with a Network team...Lastly Africans like working hard but I feel most do not explore enough so they work a whole year and can not afford basic necessities, 90% go to school and end up working for someone, 5% discover wealth using God given wisdom, 5% hawk on the street, the mistake here is that they are thought how to input in a work force but not thought the principle of money, hence a few are Rich and many retire with less or no financial security....I am not different from you but I decide to think different and that's what give me results, so I work with people who think its possible, most Africans blame people for their downfall but 90% of their habits makes them fail, most complain and give excuses and blame someone for their failure...Blame yourself when you fail check your habits and seek to be better today....Work on your dreams until it becomes reality".

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