How well do you know your history? History repeats itself

in #africa7 years ago


Once in a while, I compare reading lists with some of my friends. Today was one of those days. It is honestly so refreshing to have someone you can do that with, no?

One of the books that was recommended is titled The Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams. Over the last few months, I have been generally interested in understanding everything connected to slavery. How did it happen? Why would Africans sell each other? How does one get to a point that they are willing to engage in such a trade?

I cannot still answer most of these questions in black and white, but I have gained an added perspective. BTW there are very many books out there on any subject anyone is interested in; reasons I love the internet.

Back to my friend

Since The Destruction of Black Civilization was only one of the many books given, I let them know it was going to be the one I read first. This is how the rest of the conversation unfolded:

Him: You will get emotional.
Me: Have you read Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi? I've been doing hard stuff yo 😁
Him: Share it.
Me: I only have it on Kindle but could definitely gift you on Amazon.
Him: Black stuff is mind-blowing
Me: It is. Alafu (Then) the way history repeats itself it should scare us (sic)
Him: I feel like the current generation could change the narrative
Me: We live in such a selfish generation though. Selfishness is what led our forefathers to start selling their brothers and sisters with the hope that they would benefit most from slave trade.
Him: I have to believe we will win.
Me: It is more than just "wokeness"
Him: Being woke is a life long process, like a journey
Me: Which we sadly might never see the end of; we do then we undo
Him: The setbacks are necessary to give us stamina
Me: You're hopeful, I like that. I am more scared than hopeful
Him: I am scared as f***. Only hope keeps me going.
Me: 😥😥
Me: Let me learn history, maybe I'll find out what the future holds
Him: True. The future is hidden in the past
Blue ticks him like a boss 😂😂

Point is, let us understand where we've come from so we understand the present and where we are headed. I don't even want to get started on what's happening in Libya. FYI, these problems have slowly been building up. Maybe I should just do a post on what has been happening and why we are now here dealing with such shameless acts.

What other books would you recommend for my cause? How well do you know your history? Are with the generation to make it right? Definitely interested in hearing what others have to say about this.

*None of the images used are mine - all credit to the owners.


If you think about it, that is what the Race of Man has done since waking up below the stars... ✨🌍🌋🦍🦏

We pray at each other. Europeans, Arabs and Persians have done it all along --it is known; all the wars among European powers, ancient and medieval wars in the Middle East... ⚔🕍🕋🏺🤺🏰🏛🐫🐪

I refer to the campaigns of the Persian Empire subduing all in their path and those of Muhammad out of Mecca and across Northern Africa, sweeping on camelback like the plague, for instance...

Then East Asians have done it too, since China's first dynasties to the Sino-Chinese War this past century... The Japanese, with all their honor and tech improvements, have done it all along! 🎋🍜🐲🏯🏹🥋🐉

Then we come to the Americas --Mayans killed and ate one another! 😳 And I just read about a ruler of Pre-Hispanic Quito that killed his own brother to take over his Inca Empire --was it Atahualpa? 🤔


My point is, Africa is not exempt from this primitive rule --if they sold one another it is not weird they did --oddly, it must be part of what humans do!

(Oh yeah, BTW,that was me looking for cultural references among Emoji 😅)

Are humans inherently selfish? Seems to me like we are. Will that change? Thinking of it now btw, this is perhaps why we still have politicians that think of nobody else but themselves. Seems like everyone is always out to protect their interests huh 🤔

You did such a good job with the emojis 😂😂

Haha thank you, they thank you too. xD

Well, you are probably right. Africa, like Latin America, has seen its fair share of dictators and autocrats, no? What did happen with the elections in Kenya? Did the cheater retreat?

I think we should be able to find a way of "anarchic" government with a measure of control by some illustrated, literate elite; otherwise (as in socialist systems) the robberies and corruption become monumental...

The Supreme Court upheld the elections. In Kenya, the one who steals most is the winner 🙄. After the nullification though, I like to think that the results were a reflection of how Kenyans voted. The electronic system minimizes rigging chances considerably.

Dubai has my ideal kind of government

Dubai's government... I'll have to look into that!

As hard as it is to believe, I think it is the other way around; electronic systems are easier to meddle with, as has been demonstrated by Venezuelan elections and their machinery suppliers, "Smartmatic".

Kenya deserves to be ruled by the righteous, not a band of criminals... I hope the best for your land and Nation, for real.

There is a gallery right at the center of town. At Kencon. The photos of what is happening in Libya and other countries. I will see if I can get the link to the owners stuff and share it. So sad.

I get heartbroken every time Libya is mentioned. It is wrong and should not be happening. All this time we thought we had made progress as a people but it was just a charade 😭😭

I will appreciate the link, @mutitum, thank you.

I saw some news the other day and it break my heart..

You and me both @aburmeseabroad. I wonder what can be done to change things as they are.

Thanks for enlightening us.

Thanks for reading @jeanwandimi.

Great post. I will look for The Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams.


Thanks @njoromuts. Look for Homegoing too. It is quite the read.

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