Fall Of An Empire

in #africa6 years ago (edited)

The west may pretend as much as they aready do but there is a globle shift of power to the east , which is creating so much uncertainity among themselves but truth be told things keep on changing all the time.

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Empires rise and fall but every new empire always come up learning from the fallen ones mistakes and mostly its always due to greed to expand their influence over seas either by means of war or decit.

If we look back Greece , Rome, britain ,Germany were some of the great empires exploring the world to harvest all sorts of minerals ,but the cost exploration comes at a cost of shrinking the economy .All of this countries have that in common.

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Another thing is that war is always good for business but not for the one fighting the war but for those who sell war machinaries ,at the end of the day the war is lost with just ambitions what the world would have been in their grip.

That's where we are today with the US hegemony the economy is riding on debt $ 1.5 million per hausehold in debt and still growing , everyone is funding the US military adventuresm but at their own cost.

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No one talks about this issues since the state is owed by another deep state , controling information to avoid uprisings Plus persue their agenda peacefully.

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