African Infrastructure Development: What are we trying to build continentally? (Part 5 in a series)

in #africa7 years ago

We've done a lot this week!

We've touched on why infrastructure , we've tickled who is involved in African infrastructure and we've delved a bit into how infrastructure service delivery works from conception all the way to people receiving the infrastructure service, and we looked at that in the most generic of ways. Yesterday, we peeked into the recipe for the secret sauce that makes the project development process work, the enabling environment. We've looked at what infrastructure is from the level of the space shuttle flying over our beautiful blue planet, and we broke it down into economic and social infrastructure.

And it's Friday today, Steemit went AWOL for a while and our brains are all fried

So let's not make this too hard today. Let's get more specific about what infrastructure initiatives are underway in Africa, without getting too deep into the mechanics.

This will help us set the scene for looking closer at how the big infrastructure projects get funded, then consider ways the private sector can make a major difference on this stunning continent of ours.

Africa on beautiful blue dot

Relax - I'm not going to make you read too much today. Today is picture day.


Image source

Geordi La Forge dodges one

Let's look at the continent by economic infrastructure sector

Okay! Let's do it that way.


Where do we look?

One of the best places to look for summary information on what's happening in African infrastructure development is the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa, a group I mentioned in that first post. Their annual reports are good hunting grounds if you want a comprehensive understanding of who, what, where and when. Not why, but those four other Ws are super helpful. I've taken extracts from their 2015 Annual Report

I also thought I'd give you an idea of what the first Programme for Infrastructure Development Priority Action Plan (PAP) looked like for each sector when it was first communicated back in 2011.

Each of these next sector sections has a snapshot of current projects in that sector on the continent, according to the ICA, and the original PIDA PAP thinking on where the continent should be in terms of physical connection and regional integration by 2020 and then 2040.


Continental overview, from the ICA's 2015 annual report:

Image source

The PIDA PAP thinking:

Study on Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), PIDA Study Synthesis, September 2011. AfDB reference ONRI.1/PIDA/2010/04


Continental overview, from the ICA's 2015 annual report:

Image source

The PIDA PAP thinking:

Study on Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), PIDA Study Synthesis, September 2011. AfDB reference ONRI.1/PIDA/2010/04


Continental overview, from the ICA's 2015 annual report:

Image source

The PIDA PAP thinking:

Study on Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), PIDA Study Synthesis, September 2011. AfDB reference ONRI.1/PIDA/2010/04

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)

Continental overview, from the ICA's 2014 annual report:

Image source

The PIDA PAP thinking:

Study on Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), PIDA Study Synthesis, September 2011. AfDB reference ONRI.1/PIDA/2010/04

George Takei Oh my

Did I say the pictures would be simple?

I may have exaggerated a teeny bit just to get you to look. Shame on me.

Panda shame

Closing out today

I think we can start to see the magnitude of the challenge that African infrastructure planners and financiers have to come to grips with - just on economic infrastructure connecting our continent with itself, energy, transport, water and ICT linkages.

Have a great weekend all.

Thank goodness for Pixabay, GIPHY and Star Trek.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


As Africa plans for building electricity producing power plants we request that they do so with Energy Efficiency.
Power plants should no longer be constructed with chimneys. The exhaust from these power plants needs to be utilized, and not blown into the atmosphere.
The recovered heat energy and CO2 and even the water from this exhaust can be utilized to create jobs growing food.
It's a simple process that can make a big difference for the country of Africa.
Do not miss this opportunity!!

Those are not chimneys, what you see going up into the air is steem. They are cooling towers. But I agree it looks pretty shocking. I only learned this recently by the way.

@kiligirl, You have won my heart only due to your world class work. Every time I visit your profile to check either you post something new or not. Your hard-work gave you some unique recognition in the Community, which is not a JOKE. BRAND NEEDS LOT OF TIME, BUT YOU MADE IT HAPPEN IN VERY SHORT SPAM OF TIME.
Today's Blog is another full of fruitful information regarding:
African infrastructure and how infrastructure service delivery works from conception all the way to people receiving the infrastructure service, and enabling environment. What infrastructure is from the level of the space shuttle flying over our beautiful blue planet, and we broke it down into economic and social infrastructure.(Beautiful lines).
Keep smiling & Stay blessed!

I guess the main challenge is that no one is willing to invest because they don't trust African governments. Inga dam can solve all water and energy problems in Africa. Once again, the problem is not resources but logistics. Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics. Great post!

Africa is one of the largest and resource rich country. Thats why I am wondering why its people where poor. Where this rwsources go?

A country can only go as far as it's leadership regardless of what's in the soil.

Exactly..I also got scared yesterday when it was not working as I had never experienced this before...anyway, hats off to you for your efforts to make us aware of the projects..for infrastructural development ..
I am resteeming it...

Same here - it was a really scary experience as there was very little information available on what was happening. Thank you so much for you support as always, @momi5 - I'm not sure how much time I'll have online this week while I'm in Lusaka, but I'll do my best to look out for your posts 😊

Hi Kiligirl it's Ellie Mae, just trying to comprehend all of your posts. It's a lot for someone that has never been to Afrika. The system there is most often regarded as corrupt. My first question is. How much money do you have to pay in order to play? Is there any certaintee that your proposal will be considered once you have applied.

Now that you have attained financing from X how is it secured without state intervention? Am I getting this right?

What parts of Afrika are you proposing to aid with infrastructure? There must be a circular advantage to production so that that poor are incentivized to continue receiving upgrades to their living situations.

From the pictures I have seen via the computer. Any upgrade would be welcome, but what makes the masses want more if the government finds them easier to control in a status quo environment?

Perhaps I am thinking about your posts from a perspective that was not intended. It seems to me that the entire process is indeed a worthy one. That it is time for Afrika to jump on board. Recognize the benefits possibly becoming one of the finest examples of modern technology in the world.

New opportunities present themselves constantly. Methods need only to be utilized, deregulated, experimented with to exact what is best for each location.

Please let me know if this is any where close to what you are proposing.

I had a lovely time with my Sister's. Glad to be back on track. Have missed hearing from you. Have a whole page of notes to ask you about as I have thought a great deal about your posts.
Love from the swamps Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Hi, @mother2chicks, I'm so glad you had a good visit with your sister. You ask such good questions I really want to think about how to answer them and not give you a throwaway answer. You probe some of the most important aspects of infrastructure service delivery. I'll be in Lusaka all this week with limited access to the internet - not because Lusaka has limited access to the internet, but because I'll be busy each day looking for clients! Would you mind terribly if I absorb all your questions as you ask them - and keep asking them - and then give a good try at answering them next week? Love, LD 😊😊

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed...

I agree i also did that

Congratulations @kiligirl, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 191 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $2771.44. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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skil yg mantap kakak

Hi @hilmi, I tried Google translate to understand your comment, and it said "Skill sob brother". I'm going to guess this isn't what you meant to say. Please let me know.

haha skill sob brother that sounds like ebonics.

If you don't understand none of my business.

Wow, that sounds rude.

You posted the comment on my article, so unless you just wanted to waste a piece of the blockchain, it's in your interest to be understood.

I could have said what a lot of others say on the site when they don't understand something posted in another language - "English please". Instead I put in a bit of effort and used Google Translate to understand what you meant. I wasn't satisfied the results conveyed what you might have meant.

Perhaps you could return my courtesy and say what you meant.

@kiligirl - Me too waiting for the meaning of 'skil yg mantap kakak' :P

I have a funny feeling we might get old waiting for this revelation...😉

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