Why Black Panther Is The Best Marvel Movie Ever & Maybe Of All Time

in #africa7 years ago (edited)

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A Superhero Movie Like You've Never Seen

Dora Milaje

The hype is realer than real. This movie is not your typical Marvel superhero movie. No. This is something transcendent and all human beings on planet earth need to see it. Once you see this movie you will not walk away the same. It exceeded expectations and went to the edge of the universe.  Kevin Feige , Marvel Studios President, even said it himself. "The movie finished, and I looked over at Ryan, I said, 'that's the best movie we've ever made,". 

This is how great and monumental this film was. 

Unapologetically Black

First I'll start with the obvious. Black people! Black people made up pretty much all of the cast with the exception of 1 or 2 people. I can't remember a film with this kind of budget having an overwhelmingly black cast. As a matter of fact there hasn't been one of this magnitude. Vibes, vibes, and more vibes. Let's just say Africa represented well. From the music to the accents of the characters to the wardrobe to the feel of the movie. It was soulful. It was black. It was powerful. Here is why this all of this honest and positive representation of black people was significant. 

The psychological impact of seeing negative stereotypes of people who look like you will warp your brain. Literally. That is why Black Panther is so relevant. It is a superhero movie with heart plus soul and it shows us in power ruling with the grace, intelligence and swag we possess. 

Powerful Story & Acting 

You could feel the weight of humanity in this movie. The story is not only one of humanity in general. It is also telling a narrative through the lens of black people and digging deep into the relationship between African-Americans and native born Africans. It would take me pages and pages to dissect all the layers in the story so I will just leave you with that. 

The actors were phenomenal. There was so much heart and soul jumping off the screen. To me great acting is acting that grabs you, holds on and never let's go. That's what this movie felt like. I am still rocked by their performances and I am still processing all of this. Once you watch the Jabari tribe enter the scene you will know exactly what I am talking about. It grabbed me unlike anything I have ever experienced when watching a film. 


Other Marvel movies have tried to capture this breathtaking humanity and heart in a movie but have failed to do so in my opinion. Black Panther executed this flawlessly. I see potential Oscars everywhere.

Box Office & Reviews

Would it be a surprise if I told you Black Panther had the 5th-biggest opening weekend of all time? Or if I told you it had the 3rd highest gross in history for a four day opening weekend? Yepp. This film is moving mountains at the box office and it has only been out for about 6 days now. 

Vanity Fair

Not only has Black Panther been killing it at the box office but this right here is where I drop the mic. 

I have seen many Rotten Tomato movie reviews and the ones I've seen in the past have been pretty harsh or low even for well known movies. To see Black Panther rated #1 of all time is just crazy to think about even though this is a subjective tool of measurement. Yet and still it is #1 as of this moment although it could change over time. To me it just shows how wildly popular this film is combined with how many people actually enjoyed it. 

Wrap Up

If you have not seen the movie, GO SEE IT! Saying it's a must see film is an understatement. I mean that. I did my best to give a review of this movie and also I wanted to share what I felt after watching it. I did not want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it. At first I thought of doing a multi post review which I am still thinking of maybe doing. Not sure yet but if I did I would explore some of the layers of the film and go much deeper with it than I've done here. We'll see I guess. At the end of the day this movie will rattle you to the core of who you are as a human. At least that what it did to me. I feel even more empowered not only as a human being but I am even more proud to claim my African heritage. Much love and peace. 

Wakanda Forever

Have you see this movie?

If so, what did you think about it?

If not, does this sound like it would be interesting to watch?

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@humanearl sir....
Again wonderful and interesting topic for blogging...
"Black Panther"...Is this a good movie? Yes. It is certainly one of the better marvel Movies.
Is it the best Marvel movie yet? No, it is not. Winter Soldier and GOTG Vol.1 are still the top 2 best marvel movies.
I think Michael B. Jordon did a commendable job as Killmonger but IMO his character deserved more screen time. He is a good actor and I think he did not get enough good scenes to show his full acting chops. Also one complaint I have is they wasted opportunity at the start to establish his cruelty or ruthlessness. When he steals the Vibranium axe at the start, they should have let him kill the guards mercilessly to establish his mean streak. His character was compelling though, because his past, intentions and plan was simple and drawn out very clearly unlike most other marvel villains.
Much has been praised about Wakanda and its design. But to be honest other than Shuri's Lab, the planes and weapons we did not get to clearly see much of Wakanda like the skyscrapers or the trains. It was always from distance or in the far background. Everyone talks about how Wakanda is very advanced and a wonder but even when they are walking on the streets, the surroundings like streets, houses did not feel "Advanced". I read somewhere that the Wakandan architecture was inspired by Blade Runner and if so I think that was a mistake here as Blade Runner was about a Dystopian future. I think they should have done something like the capital city of Nova Corps in GOTG, whatever we see about the capital of Nova Corps in GOTG, like streets, buildings etc. feels so premium and advanced.
The acting from everyone involved was very good, specially from the ladies. Andy Serkis as Klau was a blast to watch, he had the most fun. He is always good in anything he does.
I thought the fight at the very end between Black panther and Killmonger on train track was underwhelming, specially compared to all the previous fights in the movie. Its not a very bad fight but you take away the costumes and it was just like any other fist fight. I think it lacked real urgency and tension.
Also I think the movie also lacked in the fun/comic parts compared to other Marvel movies considering it's tone not as serious as Winter Soldier
Overall I will give it a 7/10.

Thanks you so much @humanearl my dear friend for this amazing post...

I think they intentionally did not prtray Killmonger killing people at the very beginning. I think they wanted to focus more on Klau being the person of interest first.

The ladies in this movie are amazing. What I really enjoyed was all the social themes that were at play. Ryan Coogler did a great job at writing it.

I didn't watch this movie yet! But I will definitely do now!


Oh man you have to. Tell me what you think of it when you see it.

I want to watch that too bro @humanearl!.
I watch a lot of movies of black peoples superheroes, karates, about governments, and that one in your image bro @humanearl, the slave one, I forgot the title of that one . I want to repeat it again and again ,cause the story have a deep messaged, actually all of their movies. I think its about the diamonds that they are selling to the black rich people, and even the youth people their they make them like warriors of their community.
Thank you bro for sharing us that one. I will always visit your blogs and share also to you my opinions whats all about it.

II think the movie you are referring to is called Blood Diamond with Leonardo DiCaprio. it's a good movie and sad at the same time.

Truth is, when I saw Black panther in Avengers, I outrighlty said I couldn't wait to see a movie of black panther alone even before the production started so now that it is out, I am so not surprised with the reviews I have been seeing coz with what I saw him do in Avengers , it was only going to get better.....It's unfortunate that the state where I reside at the moment have wack cinemas and havnt started showing the movie ...can't wait mehn.

Not cool bro. Not cool. Have you been to Silverbird Galleria in Ota? Or OOPL cinema?
Ask questions since the state still seems strange to you.

I have checked the website of OOPL and they arnt showing it yet. It's not even in their coming soon movies. The cinema in OTA is very far from me now, how will I travel that far to go see a. Movie and besides I am not sure it is showing there too bro

Dang. Hopefully you get the chance to see it. You would love it because it's filled with African culture.

I have watched this movie and I can say one thing - it was a success.
I liked a lot in it. But we with toboc from different places of habitation and poetic at us with toboc will have a different opinion. I hope that you listen to different opinions and not support from loyal fans who do not say a single word against you.

This review was written by me on the well-known Russian-language resource film search. Therefore, I duplicate it here, only in English:

Kugler's refined narrative skills are already evident from the first minutes - the action starts slowly and slowly, gradually introducing characters and explaining the essence of the story, while not dragging out or fatiguing the procession itself. In general, the first act is the best that happened with the Marvel movies in the long run - the characters finally joke not for the sake of a tick, but the pile of special effects does not fall on the viewer's head. However, as the cinema passes the equator, problems begin - the plot turns become artificial, and the story is hurried. The third act, already traditionally for MCU - is the weakest part of the picture and is perceived as an inevitable superheroic stamp that looks without any highlight - plasticine characters throw each other aside without a hint of dramaticism.

Nevertheless, despite all the shortcomings of the second half, the whole movie is rescued by the characters. Again, what is unusual for the last parts of the movie world, all the characters have found at least some characters and speech, above all, about minor characters - they are not just extras for the main actors, but full participants in the plot. Moreover, the position of the antagonist is not turned into a farce, and the main opposition is more than justified. Perhaps, the main actor's property will not be Chadwick Bozeman or Michael B. Jordan, but Letichia Ray - the sister of T'Challa organically interacts literally with everyone and fills every frame with energy. And, perhaps, to Martin Freeman at this celebration of life is not always comfortable - his character here is like a decoration, a kind of excruciating thread to other films of the "family".

Kogler's fight and fight are given only partly - they are boring and full of banal hromakey. If possible, they are combined with successful dialogues and full-scale shooting, so if you are not a fan of conservative cinema, then it will not be very annoying. But at the same time the production itself at the highest level - the Wakand labs are filled with the smallest details, a variety of equipment will suffice for several films ahead, and the amazing costumes change more often than the locations. However, there is a paradox in this - the presence of all technological innovations makes T'Chall and the others Mary Sue, and it becomes more difficult to worry about them. It is obvious that Wakanda for hundreds of years ahead of humanity in development, but then the question arises, how they allowed all these jambs, moving the plot.

Planck quality stories of origin from Nolan or Favreau did not reach the film, but Kugler was close. In addition, it is unlikely that Ryan had the same artistic freedom, since there is an understatement in the picture - the first two acts of the characters move the action, it's interesting to watch, but the third feels like the vent of the superheroes is a trivial final battle, without which "like not enough". And this is what saddens most of all in the current MCU - instead of creating more author's works, the producers work on well-designed templates. But Kugler managed to create a very worthy movie, and I'd rather watch two more hours of dialogue than a one-hour prelude to the disassembly between graphic models. And even though such an outcome is distressing, the high self-giving of actors and the competent direction of the whole picture make it possible to justify it.

The film sags in the third act and, in a good way, the whole segment in the middle has clearly disappeared somewhere, however, in the general artistic sense, there are no any claims - this is a thoughtful story about betrayal, challenge and redemption, filled with colorful characters and interesting dialogues. Perhaps, in this direction the whole MCU should move, but, nevertheless, it allows more freedom for the creators, and it turns out that the director starts to shoot, and the producer and the editor finish. "

Izvnjasb for possible mistakes, I do not know English languages ​​in ideals that would ideally write similar reviews on films.
Thank you

The actors did an amazing job of really driving the story forward. Thanks for the input.

Can't get cooler and more badass than Blade.

And come to think of it Blade was the first in the Marvel movies I believe. Blade was dope. Wesley was the man.

Bro this fight scene though. I forgot how killer he was. Pun intended.

This review resonated your deep inner feelings about the movie (or experience you may call) Black Panther. I am deeply impressed by the way you have expressed your views. Seems this movie has taken the cinema industry by its captivating theme.

Africa has so many feathers in its cap. Numerous studies suggest probably it was the place in Africa where human beings were replicated in much advanced stage. Its not about being black, its all about Humanity. The people are brave and have contributed much in the development of the world throughout of the ages.

I will surely watch this movie as I have already heard about it. Thank you @humanearl for echoing voice of so many people through your wonderful blog.

Simply put the movie is a MUST SEE.

@humanearl now you are just going to make me cry. My friends are already making me sad just because i havent been to d cinema to see it. But with this analysis of yours dont think i can delay it anylonger.

Bro If you get the chance you should go see it. It is really powerful. African love.

@humanearl, I have never seen before Black Panther movie. But you well explained here what's indeed inside movie story. Black panther being powerful story and best part of acting. I can't long say about this movie. If I have seen then I could tell more about. But I fully read this post it's indeed fully story summery. I have passion to watch Black Panther movie. I wanna find it. Thank you for various topical story.

It's a powerful movie and very unique.

For a moment, I thought you were talking about DC's Black Lightning on Netflix, which is a bust IMO and portrays a lot of stereotypes. I'll such check out Black PANTHER! Thanks!

I've heard of Black Lightning but haven't seen it.

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