Desmond's Cock: A Christmas Short StorysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #africa6 years ago (edited)

It was Christmas eve and exactly 6.30pm on the clock when Funmi, 22, knocked on Desmond's door. Funmi was slim and tall, her legs long and straight like the stem of a banana tree. She was the only daughter of Desmond's neighbour who lived in the next flat. Desmond had invited Funmi to his flat because he had a Christmas gift for Funmi's mother.

Hearing the soft knock on his door, Desmond walked towards the door and opened it slowly. Desmond smiled when he found Funmi at the door. The smell of Funmi's perfume filled his nostrils.

"Hello Funmi, come have your seat here," Desmond said, walking towards the remote control on the table. He turned down the volume of the 42 inches television pinned to the white wall of the living room. And then he said, "wait a minute, Funmi, I will be right back."

While Desmond was away, Funmi scanned through the sprawling living room. Her eyes caught a picture of Desmond slightly hanging above the television. It was the solo picture of Desmond in his induction gown on his graduation from medical school. Funmi smiled, full of admiration for Desmond and wished her boyfriend was like him.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting Funmi," said Desmond, who was now in his boxers and holding a heavy polythene bag. "Please, hold my cock."

Funmi was not surprised. Helen, her best friend, had seen Desmond's cock earlier in the day and had described it. The cock was huge and black but docile. At once, Funmi grabbed the cock and started stroking it. The cock was still docile, so she stroke it harder.

"Stroke it gently," Desmond said, "You may get it injured."

"Okay," Funmi answered, just then the cock crowed.

"Give this cock to your mother," Desmond said, "it is my gift for her this Christmas. I will see her tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Uncle Desmond." Funmi grabbed the heavy cock in the polythene bag and left. She was awed by Desmond's kindness.

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