Today I Finally Shipped 2 USB Solar Chargers to Ghana to @ortigas100 with USPS only $23 and I hope to send all sorts of lifechanging electronics to Steemit Members In Africa (And developing world) Smartphones/Internet change lives!

in #africa7 years ago

So Yesterday i tried Fedex to send these USB Solar chargers, and it was going to be $200 so i went to USPS and didn't get there on time, and so I tried again today and it was a SUCCESS and i FINALLy shipped these USB Solar battery chargers to Africa (Ghana) for @ortigas100 who had made a post about how he just couldn't stand going through areas without any electricity where he couldn't use his smartphone to get online and use websites and steemit etc...and I thought of a simple solution, to start sending portable battery bricks/battery banks to Africa and the Developing world, preferably Solar powered ones but these people without reliable access to electricity can simply start collecting Power Banks (I see Homeless people in America do it , they carry around like 10 of these $5 - $10 USB battery chargers so they have a few days worth of power while they watch youtube or netflix on their phones or tablets out in a tent in a canyon, and so it would be a solution for people like @ortigas100 when he passes through places without electricity,.

(Example of type of charger I sent, mine were from ebay $9 each, we should stick to name brand stores and tested high review products though and find a happy medium between cheap mass produced stuff and higher quality...

Here's me coming in the USPS store, just making it before they closed today! Heres me inside USPS

And after a few days of delays finally I started the paperwork and packaging ....

Heres the customs Paperwork and receipt from USPS! (With address info cleared etc )

And It only cost $23 to send this package of 2 portable USB solar chargers for recharging snmartphones or tablets or anything USB (even Ecigarrettes lol) + an extra usb adapter wall outlet i found, sorry I just realized Ghana might not use American wall outlets, but I wanted to give you something to plug these in with But I am sure you probobly have USB to wall adapters for your phones.

And here is my outside the US Post Office happy that i FINALLY got the USB Solar Chargers out!

if this package arrives i will send all sorts of toys and fidget spinners, e cigs and they can really join the modern world haha just kidding no fidget spinners although I bet African children would fucking LOVE fidget spinners, wait and if we make some that charge batteries they could really be useful!

This is the dream for the VERY near future! Steemit providing Solar and WIfi AND potential JOBS! Remember that even if rural people could go online and document their daily life and get $10 a day THAT would be a milestone in itself! We can help raise the bar SO much for humanity!

In my previous post, @mergesort recomended we try the cheaop but highest quality longest lasting USB battery bank chargers called Xiaomis Battery Banks

I was told that this would be a good brand and I will order a few and send THESE to @ortigas100 and then @tj4real and @xpency so they can get one test it out and recieve more to hand out to people who join thir African Steemit Club where they promise to post everyday for at least a few months but they get a USB Solar Charger or just a battery bank non solar
and @stellabelle and me are working on this, and I want to eventually get packages of a smartphone and battery and 1 month of mobile internet prepaid, all for $100 ($20 battery $40 android smartphone $40 prepaid mobile internet, ) all to help get new people online who seem like they have a story to tell! Anyone in Africa any young person that WANTS a job in the internet world and who WANTS to work in the cutting edge or technology CAN do so! we HAVE the jobs for them ALL! We just have to get people to join steemit and to get internet and electricity and smartphones into the hands of the peopel who dont have them!

Even on the other side of the world, our Technology lets us connect in ways never before possible! Why aren't we more excited about this LITERAL magic??/

Imagine that African Woman talking to that American Man on the beach , while she is on a hilltop on the other side of the planet, and yet they can still talk??? That IS magic its a MIRACLE and we should ALL be using it more and be getting more excited about it!

We will have SO much fun helping so many people! we wont even see it as work, we will just be connecting with friends helping fellow humans get online to help themselves and I feel it is our duty but I dont expect anyone else to view the world that ay unless they want to. I just feel like if i can help, I should and maybe that is my purpose, maybe thats what I was put on this Earth to do, maybe Ill be able to make my name by helping billions of poverty stricken and chronically undernourished humans because its so unnecessary and with the proper motivation (money) we can careful spin a web of incentives to almost trick? our fellow man into helping each other LOL and before we know it, those 800 million people who go to bed hungry every night will be seen as a valuable labor force which can be taught how to make hundreds of dollars a day in work online, and they can be making money for someone! and they can be paying taxes helping their governments, they could all be consumers too and contribute to the global GDP they would be able to work on problems and just imagine what we could ALL accomplish if we ALL worked at our maximum capacity!?!

They say more poor people own smartphones than ever but they arent using them as productively as they need to fully utilize their smartphones as THE magic tool to uplift themselves from poverty.

EVery human should get a Smartphone from Birth! Not from the government but just we should make sure that when a child is born in some developing country with little opportunities,that they AT LEAST get the internet as abackup to find work! Thi is just a paradigm shift more of us should be getting comfortable with. more and more jobs and work will be online and the 3d world will be more and more automated, so entertainment and the 3d VR world will become very important. and we should NOT allow a billion or two humans go without Internet when its becoming SO amazing....its just not right...we should give every poor person on Earth ONCE free hand out...and that is a smartphone which they can use to help themselves! its ONE free handout you give them ONE time and it CHANGES thir life it like the most magical thing in the world!

When @ortigas100 receives these solar USB phone charging batteries he can take photos of himself using it and Steemit will really like this whole story and @stellabelle can use it as a way to rally more people to upvote her posts asa way to donate to this new project of hers to try and send thousands of these solar chargers to Africa AND Android Smartphones to allow people to have something to use to actually get online, with prepaid month iof mobile data to use it with, and they can make an introduce yourself post to make enough money off their first post to make the money back! And use that to pay for ANOTHER steemit internet kit!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Nice post. Upvoted and following you. Please do the same for me. Thank you.

What you are doing is marvelous ! :D
Thank you from an African :)

Great to see all the effort being made to uplift Africa. I hope i can join this Africa club @ackza and @tj4real and @xpency

please, how much does it cost to get the solar wifi?

We will have SO much fun helping so many people! we wont even see it as work, we will just be connecting with friends helping fellow humans get online to help themselves and I feel it is our duty but I dont expect anyone else to view the world that ay unless they want to. @naz722

Thank you for giving us very useful information especially for me, you can always make an interesting post like this with your post hopefully you can always share interesting information in each of your post and hope you always success and get satisfactory achievement @momochsim

Great and honest deal @ackza with @ortigas100
Contratz @ackza for success your deal...
Wel done..

Your Project is amazing, I really like what you are doing. Keep it up and stay strong, we need more people like you. Hope this is going to be big and you can buy a whole lot more of solar chargers to support people in Africa ✊🏼

Feel free to have a look at my vonation (donate with the your vote to a animal rescue foundation) posts, if you'd like to 🙂

Followed and resteemed,

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