Attitude of Gratitude

If there’s one thing I know a lot about in this season of my life, it’s rhyming. While it’s true that we’re often rhyming made up words in the Hanson household, I have a rhyme for today that is not made up. I want to talk about cultivating an attitude of gratitude.


There are a few ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude that I have found to be really helpful over the course of my life.

While I am currently notoriously bad at it, journaling has always been a useful activity to engage in. If you’re finding you’re feeling discontent with your life for a reason you can’t quite put your finger on, writing down a few things that you’re grateful for can really help. I would venture to say this is particularly helpful if you’re a visual or tactile learner. Writing down “I am grateful I know how to write” and then seeing it on the page can get your brain moving in a more positive direction.

I have to admit that while I am sometimes skeptical of affirmations – something about them in pop culture just seems so inauthentic – starting out my day with a thought of gratitude is often really helpful in framing my day.

Finally, providing service is an incredible way to reframe your thinking in a more positive direction. As a youth, I always assumed that “service” involved some HUGE project. Helping someone move, spending hours helping at a local food bank, or quilting all spring to mind. As an adult, and having been on the receiving end of a lot of service, I am very pleased to be able to say that this is not true. An act of service can be as simple as sending a Facebook message that says “Just checking in <3” or telling your postpartum spouse that she’s beautiful.

What are some ways you affirm your commitment to cultivating an attitude of gratitude?

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