Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Like Pro - Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Pro Strategy

Introduction To Affiliate Marketing:

It’s my great pleasure to share with you for people who wanted to start their online business today. Do you know anyone, who wants to start their online business they first start with Affiliate Marketing If they don't have enough money to invest. Because you can start your affiliate marketing with just less than $100 investment to earn $100 per day. Today I would love to share with you, my exact experience that how you too can earn $100 per day easily.
This is true. Even if you don't have a single penny and If you wanted to try to earn at least $50 to $100 per day, I would recommend you to start with affiliate marketing. All you have to do is, You need to spend little more time and effort. That's it. People choose affiliate marketing because, literally you can make this as an automated passive income source. Once you able to create the perfect system, then you no need look back to work again with affiliate marketing. It's a kind of Automated system, and there are some automated tools that will helps you to work for you. And those tools would helps you to generate passive income without your active participation.That I will give you in the later section. If you wanted to earn 6 figures or 7 figures income in online, then you supposed to earn some passive income from affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

I would explain you in short about affiliate marketing. I hope most of you have heard about affiliate marketing already. However it’s my responsibility to explain if somebody new to affiliate marketing. The meaning of affiliate marketing in online is You would get paid commission by selling others products(digital or physical products), You would sell other's products through your blog or social media or paid advertising or to your leads or any other media. I will describe you below in simple way:

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In This above picture I have explained the complete basic structure about how the basic affiliate marketing system looks like. I hope you understood now. Let me give you the best way to start your affiliate marketing and how you can too earn $100 per day without any website or any auto-responder.

Best Affiliate Marketing Network:

It's my pleasure to share with you all my experience in affiliate marketing today. I hope and I wish you should get success with affiliate marketing even though you are completely new to online marketing. Alright let me share you my best affiliate network that anybody can earn from the day-1 itself.
"Clickbank" is the best affiliate network to earn money fast and consistent. Great news is 99% of the clickbank products all are digital products. So that you no need to wait for the delivery. As you know digital products(like ebooks, video tutorial etc.) and get delivered instantly. And You would get instant approval to join this platform as well. So I would recommend you to join clickbank today if you haven't yet.

This is the way it looks like, its very easy to join. And you would get very instant approval.
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Get Instant FREE Access To My CPA Marketing Course, where we have walked you through the step by step procedure for CPA Affiliate marketing in 16 video series. Let me know if you have any questions reply to the mail you would receive your login details.
Now let me explain you the step by step procedure about:

How to choose the right niche?
How to pick the right product from clickbank?
Why 99% of new people fails in affiliate marketing?
Advance Affiliate Marketing: collect leads through lead magnet?
Free Traffic and Paid Traffic?
How to send automated follow-up series emails to your leads?
What is the best way to automate your affiliate marketing system?


Once you logged in to your account, You would get this page, and go to the marketplace where you can see in the above image. Click over the “marketplace”.

How to Choose The Right Niche?
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You can see all the niche categories in the above image. So choose any one niche, based on your passion and interest. If you’re unable to choose the best niche, I would recommend you to choose the “E-Business & E-Marketing” which anyone can do it very easily and this is one of the all time demanding niche as “Health & Fitness” and “Self Help”. So choose the best niche that you are passionate or confident. Now let us know how to pick the best product to promote.

How To Pick The Right Product ?

You can pick right products by two methods
Direct From Clickbank Marketplace &

Basic Method is directly from Clickbank marketplace. Being a beginner you can use the basic method. For that just follow the below instructions. I would always recommend you to choose at least 2 best products based on the below parameters:

Gravity (which is > 50)
Rebill Availability.
Must have Affiliate Tools Page.

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If you look at the above image, you will get to know the key things you need to consider while choosing the right product. Let me explain you the meaning of above key terms.

This will show you how many people are promoting this product and getting sales in the past week. So if a product gravity is more than 50 means, there are more than 50 people promoting this product and they are getting sales.

Rebill means many clickbank products have only one time commission. If they have rebill option, you would get commission for the future recurring sale from the same customer. So it’s up to you weather you want to choose products which have rebill option or not. Sometimes if you find a product which has more gravity and didn’t have the rebill option, yet you can promote that product but you have to receive the customer data first. So that you can promote other niche related products to that same customer with follow up emails through your autoresponder.

Must Have Affiliate Tools Page:
It means If the vendor have the Affiliate tools page, you no need to worry about the tools to promote that product. Basically most of the vendors have some experts who can provide email swipes, banners, images, product videos etc to help affiliate marketers like you and me. You can pick any of them and promote without further headache to think about email swipes or banners etc.
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To get to know the availability of affiliate tools page, you have to check that option as you can see in the above image.

After that you have to finalize 2 best products based on the parameters we have discussed above. Out of those two products again filter the best one which you believe that converts better. So get ready with the final one product to promote.

The Second Method - Muncheye:

In method you can get the hot selling products and new launches every week. Once you find out the best deal, then click over that product link and contact with that vendor directly, obviously they will offer you to promote their product.

The Big Mistake All Newbies Do:
Here I just wanted to remind you friends the big mistake usually 99% of the newbies do initially.
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If you can observe the above image, you can easily understand the concept now. I request you to focus here, otherwise there are chances that you too do the same mistake what I did and 99% of the newbies do.

After finalising the product research, all the newbies will start promoting that affiliate product directly to the customers. As you can see the above image, most of the people directly send the traffic to the affiliate product. In this case for suppose you targeted 1000 people and let us say you have got 1% conversion. So you would probably received 10 sales right. It means You have got good profits around $200(Example: $20 commission per product). It means those 10 customers are real buyers and they have the potential to buy anything you promote them in that same niche. But just think about it,

  1. Do you have any of their contact details to promote in future?
  2. What about the rest of 990 people who visited your product page? Do you have any of their contact details?
  3. What If you didn’t get any sales from that campaign?

Probably you won’t have any of their details. Because you didn’t use any lead magnet to collect their contact details. If you really want to Earn 6 figures or 7 figures income, you shouldn’t do this mistake and You should act like advance marketers. I would suggest you to just copy the advance marketers model. So that you too can earn as pro marketers earning. Probably every affiliate marketer should do this mistake. And many of them like me takes few years to realize this concept. That’s the main reason I’m writing this book. So that you shouldn’t do this mistake and I don’t want you to waste your time and money. Let us dive in to the advance level affiliate marketing strategy.

Advance Affiliate Marketing Model:

"Advance marketers always Collect Leads Not look for sales initially"

I’m so excited to share this concept with you guys. Because this is my favorite and all the pro affiliate marketers using model. This is very simple and you can easily copy this model if you just focus on what I’m going to share with you right now. So just be focused now
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If you can see the above image you can easily understand the concept. Here I would elaborate every stage othe this model. It’s very simple and easy. All you need to do is just implement once. You no need to have any past experience or any technical knowledge. You just need to know how to copy and paste. That’s it.

At stage-1 as usual you would run a campaign for traffic. Then you would Instead of sending your traffic to your affiliate product, here you would send that traffic to something Free giveaway to those people.

Option-1 : Either write a ebook something valuable or if you don’t know how to rewrite an ebook, go to the second or third option.

Option-2 : Go to or any similar website who can offer resell rights for their ebooks. And Buy any one ebook from them, it may cost you not more than $10. And offer that ebook as a FREE giveaway.

Option-3 : Go to fiverr or upwork or any freelancer websites and order one ebook on the topic you want.

You can choose any of these three options to offer FREE giveaway to your traffic.

"People Love To Buy Things But They Hate To Being Sold"

Stage-2: Create a Landing Page

I would recommend you to go for clickfunnels or leadpages. These are two best ones. Integrating with your free Giveaway. Your Free giveaway may be an ebook or a video or anything you feel that gives some value and very catchy to the customers. After Integrated your ebook with your lead Magnet(landing page), Drive traffic To your lead page. In the later stage I will give you the best traffic methods to promote your landing page. In every stage while you reading this book, always keep in mind that you are going to collect leads first. Let us go to the next stage.

Stage-3: Drive Traffic To Your Lead Page:

Once you designed the lead page, run any campaign to drive traffic to your free offer. If you wanted to earn quickly, I would suggest you to run a paid traffic campaign otherwise go for free traffic methods. Here are some paid and free traffic methods:

Paid traffic Methods:

  1. Solo ads
  2. Facebook Ads
  3. Bing Ads
  4. YouTube video promotion.
  5. Instagram Influencer Shoutout.
  6. Classified submission(monthly subscription)

These are the best paid traffic methods which I have been testing everyday. Out of these Bing and facebook are the best ones to get potential leads. You can try even Instagram Influencer Shoutout as well. Sometimes I don’t want to recommend you solo ads, because you would get the same email list as many others also receives. Most of the gurus and experts will suggest you to buy solo ads, but I’m not 100% agree with solo ads. Upto some extent it’s fine to get instant quick traffic. Alright let us dive into the FREE traffic, which most of us waiting for this.

FREE Traffic Methods:

Remember Friends, Never ever drop your affiliate link directly in any social media. They won’t allow affiliate links. So always promote your lead magnet to collect leads first. Once you received the leads, then start promoting your offers through email marketing. In the later stage I will explain you how to do email marketing very easily without any prior knowledge. Here are few best FREE traffic methods.

  1. YouTube Review Videos
  2. Post In Facebook(Niche Related Groups)
  3. Post In Google+(Niche Related Groups)
  4. Affiliate Content Profit App. This is my favorite App. It’s 100% Free and you can promote Your lead magnet offer in others viral content to capture potential leads. Get yours FREE Affiliate Content App Now. This will helps you a lot to collect leads in any niche you want.
  5. Blog Commenting. This is also one of the best FREE traffic method, but it needs some time. I would explain you here how to do blog commenting:

Blog Commenting: This is the simplest and best way to promote your offer in any niche related blogs. To do that, just follow the below step by step procedure:

  • Google It as >“Niche + Blog”> You would receive all the best blogs in your niche.
  • Open each blog post and start commenting in each blog. Remember one thing, your comment shouldn’t looks like spam. Read that article first and then comment according to the article and insert your lead magnet url smartly.
  • Go To Google Alerts > Search Your Niche(ex: Make Money Online) > give your email to get notification. This will helps you to notify every new post related to your niche. When you would receive the notification that somebody posted a new article related to your niche, that amazing right. Just open that post and comment as I said earlier.

That’s it, this is one of the best free method to get FREE traffic. Watch this video To earn $100 Per day Clickbank By Blog Commenting to practically learn about blog commenting and enabling Google alerts:

Once anyone click over your lead magnet page, they will asked to enter their name and email. Once they entered their details, You would collect that lead into your Auto responder email list and That person will receive your FREE giveaway to their email. Now let us go the next stage in advanced affiliate marketing model.

Stage-3: Now the real marketing will start here.

Once you got some potential leads to your autoresponder mailing list, start sending follow-up series email. Here you would get the need of “Affiliate tools page”.

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Once you got some potential leads to your autoresponder mailing list, start sending follow-up series email. Here you would get the need of “Affiliate tools page”.

So you can copy all those emil swipes to your autoresponder follow up series. In between offer some free value added things like ebooks, videos etc to make them your loyal customers and to build the better relationship with them.

With this same model, all the pro affiliate marketers earning 6 to 7 figure income every year. This is what I would like to share with you today friends. The advanced method may looks little bit confuse, but if you do it once you won’t get any confusion. Even a newbie can do this only thing, take action.

                       "Repetition Is The Mother Of Skill - Tony Robbins"

Yet if you’re looking for the simplified method, where you don’t want to

  • Create any free stuff like ebooks, or video course etc..
  • Operate any Email autoresponder
  • Create any email swipes..etc.

Then Follow my another and the best Simplified and automated method ever.

The Best Way To Automate Your Affiliate Marketing System:

Cb passive Income Software licence This is the best method to make it completely an automated passive income source for you. With this licence you would get

  • 14 Days Free trial with only $1
  • You would get 60 Days Money back Guarantee, If you feel its not working, you can reply to the same mail, they will cancel your licence and they will return your 100% money back without asking any question. This is the best Thing to test any system if we want. This is one of the main reason, I have tried this system.
  • They provide all the Free stuff behalf of you
  • They will send the follow up mail to your list behalf of you
  • They will promote clickbank products to your list with your link.
  • They will do all the 90% of your work.
  • You no need to invest for Leadpages and autoresponder anymore.

Only thing just send traffic to your link they will provide you with their ready available Free content. Its that much simple. This system will run automatically. You can too have a try for next 14 days with $1. They will provide you free training and some tool to promote their free content with Free Landing page. All you have to do is, just drive traffic to that free offer. They will do the rest of work for you. You can monitor everything at your members area.

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It looks like the above image. If you really don’t have time or you don’t want to send follow up mail to your list etc., then I would recommend you to try this with $1 trail. I’m sure you would enjoy it. At least you would learn some advance stuff there.


So far it’s an amazing journey with you friend. It’s my real pleasure to share this valuable Information with you and thank you so much for being with me till the end. I wish you good luck and god bless you more health, wealth, happiness and success all the way. As Bob Proctor said, If you want to accomplish anything in your life you just need to adopt THREE Things.

  1. Ask (What do you want?)
  2. Believe ( have faith on your desire that you would receive) &
  3. Gratitude ( Always be grateful for everything you’re receiving in your journey)

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That’s it friend, just focus on your dreams, read self education books everyday and be happy in every moment of your life. Let me know if you have any questions, you can contact me

Thank You So Much and Keep rocking Friend. I’ll see you with the next Money Making Method. God bless you financial freedom and time freedom.

Let me know your questions in the comment below.

Mohan Sampath

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