Affiliate Marketing Start Up - Step by Step

in #affiliate4 years ago
  • Affiliate marketing
    has had a huge impact

We're now generating over
10s of thousands of dollars
per month in passive income.
we're going to show you
how you can start affiliate
marketing for beginners

and share our top tips so that you can
build your own sustainable passive income,
the smart way, step by step.
where we help you amplify

So let's jump into it.

Affiliate Marketing is an
incredibly powerful way
to generate passive
income, and in this video,
we're going to run through everything
that you need to know to get started
and to scale your new
revenue streams fast.
And if you stick around to the end
I'm also going to share
with you some of our
top affiliate programs revenue wise
to give you some ideas on
where to start looking.
Now firstly and really importantly
I do want to stress here
that this is not a get rich quick video.
This is a get rich smart video,
with the lessons that we've learnt
from a ton of trial and error
and years figuring out
how to make money online,
and how to make money
that is truly passive.
So to be clear, despite
what a lot of people
are out there saying that
passive income is a myth
or passive income isn't possible.
With the systems that we've set up,
we make money online
24-7, while we're asleep,
whether we work or whether we don't,
and affiliate marketing
is a big part of that.
Now, I also want to stress here
that while passive income is
amazing, and it is possible,
but what most people don't realize
about creating passive
income is that there is
actually nothing passive
about creating it.
It does take work, does take time,
and it requires you to add and to create
real value for your audience
or for your customers.
But the good news is,
is that that's what
we're going to show you
exactly how to do in this video.
And I also want you to realize here
that this is a long game.
You really need to focus on
your audience or your customers,
and the bigger the impact
you can have on them,
the more you're able to help,
them the more value you're giving to them,
the better this is going to
work for you in the long term.
Okay, so what is affiliate marketing?

Well, it's essentially where
you are paid a commission

or a referral fee for referring a sale.

So where you're recommending
a product or a service,

when whoever you've referred that to

makes a purchase or signs up,

then you receive that commission

or that referral fee
for driving that sale.

Now, we absolutely love
affiliate marketing

because it is a win, win, win scenario.

It is a win for your audience,

because you are helping them.

You are recommending them
products, tools, services,

resources that are going to help them

achieve a specific outcome.

So it's a win for them
because you're making

that decision making
process much, much easier.

And you're referring or
recommending the products

and things that you use,

and that you know will
be of benefit to them.

It is a win for the company
that you are recommending

or the service that you are recommending

because you're driving
them referred traffic.

It's not like you're sending
them a heap of people

that may or may not be interested,

you're sending them people
that you know are interested

in achieving that result or that outcome.

In which case, they're more
likely to sign up and to buy.

So it's a win or a value
add for your audience

or for your subscribers.

It's a win for the company
because you're driving traffic,

but it's also a win for you
because you receive a commission

from someone signing up

after you have referred them through.

And that's really what makes

affiliate marketing so powerful.

So how it actually works.

You will go and register
for an affiliate program

or a partner program
for a product or service

that you use and that you

would recommend to your best friend.

Then once you've registered
with that company,

you are given a unique link
that is tracked back to you.

You then post that link
or mention that link,

could be in your YouTube videos

or in your YouTube descriptions.

People click on that link.

When they buy you receive a commission,

because it is tracked back to you

and your unique link.

So in a nutshell, the quick version.

That's how affiliate marketing works.

Now in regards to the actual
commission's themselves

and how much people typically pay out.

It really comes down to

the individual affiliate
program themselves.

Some affiliate programs will pay you

a fixed dollar amount
for referring a sale.

Others might give you a
percentage of the total sale

or of the total amount
of items in the checkout,

you might receive a percentage
of that entire sale.

So some of the affiliate programs

that we're a part of will pay a fixed rate

$100 commission for everyone
that signs up using our link.

Whereas others then like Amazon,

we are receiving a percentage

based on anything that
is in their checkout,

at the time of them purchasing.

So it's not just the one link

to the product that we mentioned,

and just getting the commission on that.

In Amazon's case, you're
actually getting a commission

from anything that they
have in their checkout

at the time of buying.

Obviously, your link
needs to be the last one

that they click at that time,

for you to receive that commission,

or for that to be tracked back to you.

So that's typically how it
works for a one time purchase.

But if you're referring
people and recommending people

purchase an ongoing subscription

or something that has a monthly fee,

then the Commission's
for that could either be

a one time fee as well,

or it could be an ongoing
monthly commission

that you receive for the length of time

that the person you referred

remains with an active subscription

or remains an active
purchaser of that service.

So an example like that
could be something like

Ecamm Live which is our top recommended

live streaming platform on Mac.

They have a monthly
subscription or monthly fee.

So anyone that we refer
to them that signs up,

we receive a percentage
of their fee every month

for the length of time that
they are an active subscriber

or a paying member to access Ecamm Live.

Now I can't stress this enough.

You really want to come
from the place of integrity

with the products and services
that you are recommending.

And come from a place
where you are looking

to add value to others and yourself

by recommending things
that you already use,

the things that you know,
the things that you like,

and the things that you trust.

And the things that you know,

are going to add value
to other people as well.

There is no point recommending
products and services

just because they have
the best commissions.

That's what a lot of the sleazy salesy,

and people that are giving
affiliate marketing a bad name,

that's what they do.

And the flow on is,

it's like you're
referring your best friend

to something that isn't any good.

Your friend isn't going
to be happy with you,

because you've recommended

that they purchase
something that isn't good.

So you really want to come
from that place of integrity,

and look at the value
that you can add to people

with these recommendations.

So what you're doing
here is helping people

make a decision based on you knowing

what is going to help them
achieve a specific outcome.

And you're also going to
save them a heap of time

going out there looking at
all the different options

and making their own decision.

You can refer and recommend,

which are the ones that you use and why,

which is going to help them as well.

Now one of the biggest
questions that we have

come up all the time
around affiliate marketing,

is people asking if this will
work for them in their niche?

Well, this is the biggest discussion point

with people thinking,

that's all right for us in our business,

but it won't work for
them in their business,

or in their niche, or in their industry.

So for us, we recommend things like

gear to shoot videos, cameras,
lenses, tripods, microphones.

We also recommend software,
video editing software.

Any other tools or other programs,

that are going to help people
create better videos faster,

and see return on implementing
video in their business.

Also services and tools, like Tubebuddy.

It's an amazing tool

for helping you grow your YouTube channel.

And we also recommend things like Kajabi,

which is the coolest membership platform

that we use to host our Primal
Video accelerator membership.

Or even other people's products or courses

that we know are going to help people

achieve a specific outcome.

So it's not just about being an affiliate

for the really obvious
things, gear and tech,

but think bigger than that.

What are the other services
and tools and things

that you use that you would recommend

to your ideal clients or
customers, or to your best friends.

So to give you some ideas
in other industries,

if you are a dog trainer,
this could be the dog treats

or the dog toys that you recommend

that people use when they
are training their dog.

Or it could be a specific
course that you recommend

someone take to maybe stop things

like their dog barking at the front door.

So something specific,
but something again,

that's going to help people
achieve a specific outcome.

If you're a personal trainer,
it could be the gym equipment,

it could be the weights, it
could be the protein powder,

the nutrients, the supplements,
all the things that you use

that you recommend people use

to get a better outcome
or specific outcome.

If you're in the craft space.

It could be the specific
dyes, the fabrics, the wool,

the knitting needles,
all the specific things

that you use, that other
people will be able to use

to again achieve a specific outcome.

If you're an entrepreneur.

It could be the books that you like

that have changed the game for you,

or that you recommend people read.

It could courses that you've taken.

It could be services that you use

in your day to day life
for planning your day.

That could be something like a journal,

like the 90X planner, to help people

plan out their next 90 days.

Whatever things you were using

that you know will benefit
your ideal audience.

So then how do you actually

start with affiliate marketing?

Well, the first thing to
do is to write out a list

of all of those ideas, all of
those products and services

that you use day to day that you know

are going to be of value to someone else.

So you want to write out a list.

It could even be a spreadsheet
that you're filling out here.

And then you want to go and
do a little bit of research

and find out if those products or services

actually have an
affiliate program already.

Now to do this, it can be as simple as

just going to Google

and typing in the product or service name,

along with the word affiliate,

affiliate program or partner program,

they all mean the same thing.

In a lot of cases, if they've got one,

you should be able to find
that they're linked in Google

or head over to the front
page of their website.

Usually scroll to the bottom.

And they should have some mention

of affiliate or partner
program down there.

If they do, you want to go ahead and apply

and sign up or register
for that affiliate program.

Once you've been accepted,
you'll be able to log in

and grab your own unique tracking link.

And then all you need to do
is to share that link out.

And that's where you can
put it in the description

of your YouTube videos, you
could put it in your blogs,

in some cases, you could
put it in your emails

and those sorts of things as well.

Now going back to your list,

if there's any that you can't easily find

if they have an affiliate program or not,

you could reach out to that company

or to that brand and ask them.

In some cases, they do have them

and they're just not
public on their websites.

In others, they might be some other ways

that you could work with them

if they don't have an
affiliate program right now.

Now one really important thing

I do want to mention at this point,

is that you want to be familiar

with the terms and conditions
or Terms of Service

of each of the different
affiliate programs.

Most of them out there are
pretty straightforward,

but some of them do have
some strict requirements.

Even things like Amazon
a very specific around

when you can and can't
include their affiliate links,

and even have some text
and a bit of a disclaimer

that you have to include
with an affiliate link.

Now, I don't want to
scare you off with that,

but it's definitely something
you will want to be aware of.

Now to really ground this
and make it real for you.

I'm going to jump across now and show you

behind the scenes of some of

the affiliate programs
that we are part of.

Just so that you can see what's possible.

So that you can see that this
stuff does actually work.

Alright, so this is the dashboard

on one of the affiliate
programs that we are a part of.

This is set to report for year to date.

So we've got everything
back here to January.

You can see that we referred 417 clicks

and $200 worth of commissions.

So this one here pays a flat rate

$100 per conversion or per sale.

So you can see here the number
of sales, 2, 6, 5, 5, 11.

And the dollar amounts on this end.

$200, 600, 500, 500, 1100.

Right through to this
month so far, at 700.

So that's one program that's
a fixed rate per sale.

Okay, so we're inside another one now.

This one is set to show
the last six months.

So for May 349 clicks, 10 signups,

eight customers, brought us in $219.

This one here is a
subscription based service.

So you either get the
choice to pay monthly,

or you can pay for an annual subscription.

And we get a percentage
based on either of those.

So you can see here as well

that the amount of clicks
or the amount of traffic

that we're getting on our
videos over time is increasing.

That could be because our videos are

increasing in views on YouTube,

and increasing in popularity,

or maybe we have created more content

or have more links out there
now that people are clicking.

But last month 568 clicks,
13 people signed up,

which was 13 customers,
bringing us in $321 US.

And this is another one here.

You can see total with
this affiliate program,

we've earned $22,967 since signing up

towards the start of 2016.

If we come down here and have
a look at the recent activity,

you can see someone signed up
and purchased six hours ago.

We got $14.70,

19 hours ago, $8.70.

6 days ago, $8.70,

10 days ago 53.70.

Now all of these here, this is
another monthly subscription.

So all of these amounts,
are now dropping in monthly.

So obviously the new ones
that get added in here,

just add to the base pool that
we are accruing every month.

And then there's even some
bigger ones here, 545.

And again, this is pretty
consistent month on month

and it's growing.

And here's another one here now

again showing year to date,

from January through to now in October.

You can see the amount of
clicks that we're having.

You can see the number of sales here,

and then you can see our commission's

that we've received for
each of those months.

So you can see with
this affiliate program,

year to date, we've done $12,842.

So you can see how these things add up

and stack up over time.

These are just a few that I've shown you.

Some of the bigger ones and
some of the smaller ones.

Now I have a massive pro
tip for you here as well.

That's going to change the game

with your affiliate marketing.

And it's going to save
you a heap of headaches

as you grow with this stuff.

And that is to use redirect
links or to own your own links.

And what I mean by this is
instead of just sharing out

your raw affiliate link,
that you're grabbing

from each of the different products,

or each of the different
programs that you're a part of,

instead of just sharing out that link

and putting that link in
your YouTube description

and on your blog and other places,

you want to make sure that
you are using a redirect link.

So for us, we use the
product or service name,

and that is the link
that we are sending out.

And then we're using
a plugin for WordPress

called thirsty affiliates,
which redirects people.

So whoever goes to one of those links, or service,

they are then redirected to

where we want them to go,
to our affiliate link.

So they're still taken to the same place

but there's two main benefits in this.

The first one and the main one

is that if that are affiliate link changes

and we have been a part
of affiliate program

that update their links from time to time.

If you've got that link pasted everywhere,

multiple YouTube videos, on your websites

and those sorts of things,

it would be an absolute pain to go back

and to replace those in all
of those different places.

Whereas if you're just sharing
your own redirect link,

all you need to do is
to log into your service

like thirsty affiliates, and
update the link to the new one,

then across all of your videos

or anywhere that that
link is already placed,

everyone that clicks it will be taken

to that new link or that new location.

So that's going to save you

an absolute ton of time and headaches.

But also, it's going to make
your links look a lot better,

especially if they're
branded for your company,

or your channel name, or your business,

like ours

So it looks a lot better,
and it's also a lot shorter

than some of the affiliate links

that you will get out there.

Some of those can be ridiculously long.

So thirsty affiliates
is the WordPress plugin

that we use to do that,

but you could also use any of the other

redirect services out there
to manage those links for you.

Now earlier in the video, I mentioned

that I would also share
with you a few of our

top affiliate programs,
and why they work so well.

So the first one is pretty
obvious one, and that is Amazon.

Now Amazon, as you know, they
pretty much sell everything,

which means that you can sign up

for their affiliate program once,

and then you're able to
use that affiliate program

to drive people to an absolute ton

of the products that you recommend.

So for us, that's things like
microphones, cameras, tripods,

any other tools that we can recommend

people use to get a specific outcome.

And again, the other
big benefit with Amazon

is you're also able to
receive a commission

from anything that someone
has in that checkout

at time of purchase, not just

for the one link that they clicked

or the one product that
you referred them to.

And another one that I've
already mentioned in this video,

is Ecamm for their live
streaming software Ecamm Live.

Again, that's the live streaming software

that I actually use

for any live streams that we do,

and it makes it really easy for us

to recommend to our audience.

And they have an ongoing
monthly subscription,

which means that our
commissions or our referral fees

from them are ongoing
monthly commissions as well.

So the cool part about that is

we're receiving ongoing
commissions from them every month.

Now two others that I want to mention

are for Active Campaign and ConvertKit.

Now, these are both email platforms.

And these are both
products that we've used

and that we recommend to our
clients and to our audience,

to help them grow their email list.

And to manage everything
and build out automations.

All to help them grow their business

and grow their revenue online.

We have a big focus on helping people

with this stuff at Primal Video.

So while the two of those
are very similar, and yes,

there's a lot of overlap between them,

we actually recommend
them to different people.

If you're an absolute beginner

looking to grow your email list,

ConvertKit is probably
going to be the one for you.

If you're someone who is looking for

more advanced automations
and advanced features,

and those sorts of things,

then that's when we would
recommend Active Campaign.

And both of these are a
monthly subscription service,

so people are paying monthly
to use these services.

We are receiving a percentage

of what they're spending monthly,

as our commission or as referral
for referring those sales.

But they also make it so
easy for us to promote

because these are the tools that we know

are going to make the
difference for our audience

and people who are
interested in using them.

So those are some of our
top affiliate programs.

But there really is no limit to how many

affiliate programs you could be a part of

as long as you're coming
from that place of integrity.

Now, if you're someone
who is really serious

about growing and scaling
your affiliate income,

then having an email list
and growing that email list

is one of the most powerful ways to do it.


that we put together
showing you how you can

grow your email list
organically using YouTube.

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