Online Business From Home - Achieving Time and Financial Freedom

in #affiliate6 years ago

Do you remember being at a fork in the road wishing you had the courage to keep moving forward Maybe you thought I'm going to stay still because the the known is a lot less scary than the unknown Maybe you thought if I keep doing the same things over and over again Finally, you would get different results Well, we're here to share now when you are at that fork in the road and you face your fear you can have more time And money to do the things you've always imagined Perhaps you're like us we worked really hard The business or company you've dedicated your life to is changing We know the world is changing and it creates anxiety and it's exhausting.

I Remember I come home from work Emotionally exhausted have dinner and fall asleep on the couch Hi, I'm Bob. And this is my wife and business partner Adrienne and we're entrepreneurs our business was changing and it was changing rapidly We were being disrupted and it was such that we wouldn't recognize our business in the very near future Years ago, we made the choice to keep working and contributing. It keeps us young We knew that if we were forced to stop working that could have devastating Results we had the very tough discussion and we've realized that if anything happened to either one of us Neither one of us wanted to continue in the executive search business alone Yeoman amar Warner our business wasn't scalable We continued to trade time for money and we were tied to our business We weren't able to travel the way we always wanted and we wanted to still to travel see the world as the quality time with one another and with our family We decided to make a different choice The time was now we didn't have time to wait.

It was a fork in the road we had a choice to put our head in the sand or Embrace the world that was changing Benefit from technology and not be afraid of it. We Continued to be curious We went online and we found resources that has opened our eyes to the power of the Internet We would be filled with anger and regret Knowing we didn't have the courage to do something new One of us might be alone wishing we had made different choices Feeling helpless with no ability to go back Living a life of regret was not a risk we were willing to take As executive recruiters we worked really hard Our belief was to become more successful or make more money.

We simply had to work harder a Philosophy that was taught to us by our parents The reality is we continue to trade time for money Business wasn't getting any easier There wasn't enough hours in the day We were looking for something that was scalable and sustainable We wanted freedom to travel the world and continue to contribute grow and learn In our quest to learn what else was out there? we discovered these excellent resources that really got us thinking we found an educational community of like-minded people All at some point had been out of work in the road just like us This community is called six figure mentors or sfm everyone had arrived at this point because of their own unique journey and everyone wanted to contribute to and embrace the digital world With the goal to achieving time and financial freedom He chose to become digital entrepreneurs and this is scary Who would think that a couple of old people like us would understand digital marketing? You may be thinking that it would be way too difficult to learn a new skill at your age We thought the same thing we continued to be curious and we found a scalable business And we're no longer trading time for money Be very clear.

This is not for everyone It takes dedication and courage and the willingness to get way outside your comfort zone We're glad we made the choice We now have the ability to work when we want wherever we want in the world and the greatest thing is all we need is our laptop and access to the Internet We face our fear when we got to that pork in the road and we kept moving forward Check out these resources Maybe this road is right for you, too we hope to join you on your journey and We look forward to meeting you soon you .

As found on Youtube

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