3 Ways to Sell More Products Using Affiliate Marketing | Try THIS With a Small Marketing Budget

in #affiliate5 years ago

The simplest way to sell more products or services is to scale out your marketing budget the bigger your marketing budget the easier it is to sell more products and services but you know what that's not realistic for most people hey everyone... I'm Neil Patel and today I'm going to share with you how to sell a lot more product without having a big marketing budget the first thing you need to do is check out affiliate marketing is you pay other people to market your product or service and the beautiful part about affiliate marketing is you only pay them for every time they drive a lead or a sell and you can pick which one it is and that's amazing because if they're not driving you sales. You don't have to spend a dollar now the key with this is incentive eyes your affiliates the way you do this is Pam a nice bounty every time they drive you a sale or a lead but before you can do that you need to figure out your cost for your product or your service so for example let's say you're selling something for $200 but your physical hard cost is a hundred bucks you know you can't pay out affiliate more than a hundred dollars if you pay them a hundred dollars every time they drive you sell you're breaking even you're not making any profit you don't want to do that you could really offer him ten bucks but if you offer him something that's too low it's not going to incentivize them to push your offer instead of pushing your competitors offer so you need to make sure that you're giving them enough of a bounty where they're gonna be like oh my god this is a lot of money and I'm gonna be happy the next thing you need to do is check out all your competitor Philly 8 campaigns so go to their websites look for their affiliate pages and when you look at their affiliate pages see what they're offering you ideally want to try to at least match that if not beat that if your numbers. Don't work out where you can beat it then of course you know give a lower bounty to your affiliates and last but not least optimize your landing pages through using crazy egg you can see how far people are scrolling where they're clicking where they're getting stuck and when you optimize your landing pages your conversions are gonna go higher you can even run a be test inside crazy egg and as your conversion rate gets better and even if your conversion rates better than your competition you can give a lower bounty because if someone drives a hundred visitors to your competitor and they only get one sale but you have an optimized landing page and they either have a hundred visitors to your website and they get three sales, in theory, you can pay them less because they're getting a much better ROI on their marketing spend to do that and you can generate more sales or a lot more sales without having to increase your marketing budget.  

As found on Youtube

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fredsuggest.com/3-ways-to-sell-more-products-using-affiliate-marketing-try-this-with-a-small-marketing-budget/

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