Alice Weidel im Bundestag: "Dieses Land wird von Idioten regiert!"

in #afd6 years ago


"Falls sie in einem Land leben in dem Fischen ohne Angelerschein strafbar ist, jedoch der illegale Grenzübertritt nicht haben sie das volle Recht zu behaupten, sie werden von Idioten regiert." Mit diesem Satz zitiert sie Erika Steinbach, die Medienwirksam aus der CDU/CSU ausgetreten und sogar kürzlich ihren bayrischen Verdienstorden zurück gegeben hat.

Merkel gleichgültig, Seehofer betroffen, Scholz bockig.

Hier die ganze Rede (TutorialsGerman):

Alice Weidel (AfD) in der Generalaussprache zum Bundeshaushalt am 16.05.2018 im deutschen Bundestag und bekommt einen Ordnungsruf wegen dem Ausdruck "Kopftuchmädchen und sonstige Taugenichtse" von Bundestagspräsident Wolfgang Schäuble.


Dieses Land wird von Idioten regiert!
Ja ,und zwar von allen Seiten. Sowohl von denen, die das hier finanzieren als auch von denen, die das wählen.
Ich zähle sogar die dazu, die hier wohnen bleiben wollen.

Auch Peter Boehringer ist nicht schlecht.

Die beste Passage war: »Wer zahlt denn Ihre stattlichen Pensionen, auch Ihre, Herr Hofreiter, Sie Schreihals? Ihre eingewanderten Goldstücke? Das glauben Sie doch wohl nicht im Ernst.«

Ich weiß da wiederhole ich mich, aber ich kann es einfach nicht lassen zu sagen, dass mich der grüne Hofreiter an Goofy (von Micky Mouse) erinnert. Da meine ich nicht die Haare, welche die Ohren imitieren könnten, obwohl es das Bild natürlich noch unterstützt, sondern stell mir so ein dämliches Lächeln vor, dass nach urks klingt.

Michael Grandt: Die Grünen - Zwischen Kindersex, Kriegshetze und Zwangsbeglückung

Der macht auch einen total debilen Eindruck. Neulich wurde er gefragt, inwiefern die Automobilindustrie, wie er behauptet hatte, "betrogen" hatte. Da kam nichts, außer ein hilfloses und in quälende Länge gezogenes "Das kann man in der Zeitung lesen." Wahrscheinlich mußte er gleichzeitig überlegen, was er jetzt sagt. Die Frage hat er jedenfalls nicht beantwortet. Allein der noch größeren Debilität der Grünen-Wähler ist es zu verdanken, daß diese Gestalten überhaupt in dieser Quasselbude hocken.

und Hofreiter sitzt schön mitm iphone da. - korrigiere Samsung (also 75% iphone)

Die Gesichtsausdrücke dieser drittklassigen Laien-Schauspieler sind einfach mal wieder köstlich, schade, dass sie für die Zerstörung Deutschlands auch noch so prächtig bezahlt werden...

Ist es wirklich so Schade drum? Ich meine, schau Dich doch einmal ernsthaft um im "Wirtschaftsstandort +49". Siehst Du in DE irgendwas, was erhaltenswert ist? Inzwischen muß man doch sogar wenn man Deutschland liebt, wünschen, daß es möglichst schnell zu Ende geht - oder willst Du Dir dieses Trauerspiel noch viele Jahrzehnte anschauen?

Yücel: Im Interesse der deutschen Sprache können die Deutschen gar nicht schnell genug die Biege machen

Quae medicamenta non sanant, ferrum sanat. Quae ferrum non sanat, ignis sanat.

Es wird aber in meinen Augen leider nicht schnell zu Ende gehen, alles ist auf Salami-Crash ausgelegt. Sehe genug, was in Deutschland erhaltenswert ist, so fatalistisch bin ich doch nicht, auch wenn ich genug sehe, was mich täglich ankotzt. Habe halt auch den direkten Vergleich Thailand-Deutschland, da ich mich dort knapp 1-2 Monate jedes Jahr aufhalte. Und das ganze Jahr möchte ich da halt nicht ausharren, würde mir aber wünschen, hier ein wenig mehr Thailand zu haben ;-)

Ich bin trotzdem schon beim Kofferpacken, kann mich nur nicht entscheiden, wohin. Entweder Thailand oder Panama, wahrscheinlich aber Thailand.

War noch nie in Panama, obwohl es da für Tigerenten extrem schön sein soll ;-) Ist mir auch zu nahe an Amiland und meine Wahl, wenn ich diesen Schritt mache, fällt sicherlich für Thailand aus, Gesamtpaket ist einfach stimmiger...

Wenn Du Tips/Anregungen zu Thailand brauchst, meld Dich einfach...

Die Originalaussage stammt allerdings nicht von Erika Steinbach sondern, wie Weidel auch sagt, vom tschechischen Präsidenten Milos Zeman, der um das "Winterfest" 2017 herum meinte:

„Falls Sie in einem Land leben, in dem Sie für das Fischen ohne Anglerschein bestraft werden, jedoch nicht für den illegalen Grenzübertritt ohne gültigen Reisepaß, dann haben Sie das volle Recht zu sagen, dieses Land wird von Idioten regiert.“ [1]

[1] Weihnachtsansprache des tschechischen Präsidenten Milos Zeman am 27.12.2015. Quelle: JouWatch: Wird 'dieses Land von Idioten regiert'?

I do know a little German:

"Merkel muss weg"

Seht wie einseitig n-tv sich das aus der Rede herausspikt was zu deren Agenda passt:

Typischerweise kann man da wieder nicht kommentieren, sonst könnte man die "Fakenews" ja sofort "debunken", indem man die komplette Rede verlinkt.

logo, genau deswegen schreibe ich ja hier die Artikel

Ist jetzt auch die Frage wie Kopftuchfeindlich sind die Altparteinen, wenn es darum geht lukrative Posten zu verteilen? Soviele Moslems sind an der Spitze nicht zu finden.

Auf Welt-Online sind die Kommentare noch offen. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Kommentare sind positiv. Heute sind nur wenige Regime-Trolle unterwegs. Ist bei Euch in DE etwa schönes Wetter? Hier geht's zum Artikel:

Die Welt Online: »Schäuble rügt Alice Weidel bei Generaldebatte im Bundestag«

Aber das ZDF bringt erstaunlicherweise die ganze Rede im original, und zwar - Achtung! - ungeschnitten und in HD unter dem Titel "Absurde Steuerpolitik" - was ist da los? War der Kommissar für Agitation und Propaganda krank?

Alice Weidel im Bundestag am 16. Mai 2018
Weidel: "Absurde Steuerpolitik"

Ronald Thoden, Hektor Haarkötter, Karin Leukefeld, Walter van Rossum, Wolfgang Bittner, Eckart Spoo, Ulrich Tilgner: ARD & Co. - Wie Medien manipulieren

I wish there was a button I could press to translate this page. I hope Merkel goes to prison for her arrogance.

i still dont know why 80% of Germans vote for her.

Because Germs are demented. I'm telling you. You keep denying it, even though it is ovious and evident.

So you are that distracted by her name that you fail to remember that the German chancellor is not elected directly ...
Wish you were born into another country now? Poor guy ... :D

Who cares whether it was elected directly or indirectly? I'm not retarded enough to care.

You're not retarded enough to care about the things you miss? Hahahahaha.

I told you, Germs are demented. The proof came without me asking for it. Look who's here! A fine specimen of a Teutonic douche bag who can't even tell her ass from her elbow, but always has something nonsensical to say.

No one votes for her as she is not elected directly ...

The problem here is that she was elected. Not how she was elected, dummy.

During the election campaign 2017. Merkel is still the chancellor. In Germland they call that 'democracy".
Life's a Bitch dont't vote for one

Basically it is the ending of a brilliant speech by Alice Weidel in a building in Berlin called "parliament". She quoted the Czech President Zeman, who on Christmas 2015 said:

»If you live in a country where fishing without a permit is a punishable offense, but illegal border crossings are not, then you have the right to say that you are being ruled by morons.«

Earlier in that same speech, she said that it is the German taxpayer who sustains the German welfare state, and not "girls with headscarfs, men with knives and other useless people". Immediately some useless guy from the green party freaked out like a dog whose reflexes have been triggered. While he kept barking at her, she went: »Who pays for your abundant pension, Mr. Reithofer, you loudmouth? Your immigrated "gold nuggets[1]"? You do not seriously believe that, do you?«

She got a call to order for that.

[1] "Gold Nuggets" is a reference to a speech of the delusional alcoholic Martin Schulz, who at a speech he gave in 2016 at the Heidelberg University, said: »What the refugees are bringing to us is more precious than gold!"

Thanks for the translation, good points indeed. It's a grim business when you have to choose between Martin Schulz and Angela Merkel, what a relief to have the likes of Alice Weidel joining the political arena. I hope we are entering a time when more people take the trouble to engage in politics, as complacency has taken us down a very bad road all over Western Europe.

In the UK we have a new party emerging that is of a similar political stance called "For Britain". It is in its infancy but already gaining strong support.

I know, I've been living in the UK for almost 10 years now. Northern Ireland it still lagging behind by about 10 years, but from now on, no matter what party emerges or doesn't emerge, whether there be a change in policy or not: Western Europe is lost. There's nothing left to do here but to work on an escape plan. It's now time to bail out.

The problems are enormous and I have thought of moving but really it goes against the grain to leave my green and pleasant land that my forefathers fought to defend. Where in the world is not facing the same demographic pressures anyway? There is a growing political resistance, look at Italy. I still see hope for a political solution myself, but it will take a lot of courage and determination to stop the rot.

Douglas Murray: The Strange Death of Europe - Immigration, Identity, Islam
The Strange Death of Europe
on Amazon.CO.UK

You are right that every industrialized nation is facing a demographic decline. But it is handled differently in Europe than it is handled in the white crown colonies, in the US and in Eastern Asian countries. While those countries select at the border and only let the best ones in, Europe's nanny states are loser magnets and only attract the useless ones that need to be taken care of by those who work. Logically, this drains those countries from their tax payers on the long run. The highly qualified people leave, while there is a steady flow of young people with low or no qualifications from underdeveloped countries to Europe, whose aging taxpayers have to pay them for breathing and breeding.

If you want to peek into the future, then have a look at the kids in the age bracket 0 to 6 years. That is how the society will look 20 years from now. The countries our forefathers fought for are gone. And they are gone just because our forefathers chose to shoot at each other instead of having a beer together and learn from each other instead. He who dies in the field is no longer of any use for his country.

The decline of population in Europe starts around 1916, and the replacement started after WW2 in Britain and somewhat later in Germany. By now it is impossible to reverse, because that would mean increasing the birth rate from 0.9 to 4 children per woman.

While Japan's entire population will decline from 120 Million Japanese to 80 Million Japanese between now and 2050. They try to compensate this decline of population with automation and robotics. In Europe we try to compensate it with immigration. But there are no Chinese workaholics coming to Europe. It's mostly people who often can't even read and write in their own language, let alone being able to develop top products. This means that the old Europeans have to take care of these young people as well. That's your retirement money gone. For ever. Now you don't need to be a prophet to see that the economic downfall of Europe is inevitable, do you?

I agree with a great deal of your assessment. Canada is making the exact same mistake though, and the US has mass immigration from Mexico that I think Pres. Trump has only partially managed to reduce so far. So, you're left really with only Eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland and the Far East that are working against the tide. Even those countries have a lower than replacement birth rate but at least they are ready to defend their borders. (There is one tiny country I heard of, I don't know if it is a myth, where they follow a libertarian model I think, I forget the name). You may struggle to be let in to these countries but I don't know for sure, obviously as you point out skills are a big plus if you are going to try.

As far as your comment:

By now it is impossible to reverse, because that would mean increasing the birth rate from 0.9 to 4 children per woman.

I question that we absolutely can't reverse it because there is no physical reason why we can't increase the birth rate, we simply have to discover the will to do so. I think current cultural norms are a factor in the low birth rate, and cultural norms are one thing you can change.

In a democracy where the majority are supported by the minority already, this may I agree be insurmountable at the ballot box, in which case an economic collapse is perhaps to be wished for because it will force change on society whether society wants it or not. I fear that an economic collapse may bring civil conflict in Europe because so many people who appear to be disposed to violence have been stupidly let in and are dependent on the state. Please don't misunderstand me I share your gloomy assessment of where we are heading if we don't change course, and change is becoming more difficult every day as the new arrivals will be able to vote before long, but I'm just not quite at the point of just writing the whole of the West off yet.

As for drinking beer and sharing ideas, well that is just what we're doing here - I see that as a little cause for hope as well. Crucially I believe we must start having these conversations now in earnest, otherwise there will be no hope of putting things right after the (probably inevitable) crisis. We must undermine and replace the mainstream media with truth telling media, but that is a process at least that has already begun. The difference between now and the past is that we have this fantastic means of communication now so the people who see what's coming can at least start to plan ahead and try to organize for the aftermath.


And that party will manage the increasing damage happening due to Brexit? Can't believe it will.

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