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RE: March ProgBlog #2: was this where the rail was?

in #aer5 years ago

I've actually done IT (just as a job not as a degree) and it doesn't help at all XD

Are you finding the program complicated looking? Once you're familiar with the layout (which I modified slightly so this isn't even the normal/vanilla layout) it's not too bad, and if you're familiar with layering on analogue artwork then you're most of the way there (though again I probably have a bizarro way of doing things because the joys of learning by stuffing around XD).

Glad you find it interesting :D


I'm still in kindergarten when it comes to IT. I've had to really extend myself since becoming involved in steemit. So look at your program and I go cross eyed. I love to see what you can digitally and artistically create. It is just so different to what I am used to.

If it's any consolation I feel exactly the same watching analogue artists at work or seeing their results. Like, how do you do all that I don't understand how these mediums get those results and how do you cope without undo kinda thing XD

That's what makes life interesting. It would be boring if we were all adept at the same things. The way I cope with crappy digital results is to not let them see the light of day. That is the down side of digital effects. It's a hit and miss process. Sometimes I include an image I'm not that keen on and then get encouraging remarks about them.

We all view art differently.

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