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RE: Thursday streaming

in #aer7 years ago

Nice mix of songs! I was able to finish it even though it took 30 or so buffers haha! I like how you have Blink's comedy and emo songs in there, made it seem like a trip down memory lane. Eskimo Joe's quite persistent, isn't he? I think you're the one who recommended it to me, too. Also, Jumper seems to be a recurring song in your playlists haha! There was a section where a streak of songs all agreed with me, but yeah I still can't quite figure out any theme. Great work with this, mate!


No theme really, just whatever Spotify thinks i want to listen to (i only skip if I'm really not in the mood 😆). Its just playing my library on shuffle ☺

Thanks 😄

Yeah, no, as an AI-guy, I try my best to beat the system every time haha! I knew it was all Spotify's suggestion, so I'm trying to figure out why it suggested the songs that way. By theme I mean, what's your preference in songs haha!

Ah, lol XD

Spotify can't figure me out either. Some of the discover weeklies it gives me are brilliant but most are just terrible XD It would do better at figuring out what mood I'm in if a lot of the songs weren't stuff I listen to regardless of what mood I'm in XD

In my music library there's classical (well by "classical" there's Beethoven's Symphony No6, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and a rock version of Pachelbel's Canon Gigue which I will eventually find an orchestral version for), random songs from the 80s that I like because I like or because they remind me of home (Dad always had something playing when he was home), various electronic (I like most electronic as long as it's not boringly repetitive or ott doof doof), epic orchestral, alt rock, some punk and it's peppered with some New Agey and poppy stuff too. Oh and the entire soundtracks of Moana and The Lion King Broadway Musical.

There's probably some other stuff in there, I can't remember everything XD

Haha! You know you have varied taste when a class A machine learning algorithm couldn't figure you out haha! Personally, I gravitate towards Beethoven's 9th, but 6th is good as well But 9th is better There's no contest for sure. Because 9th is the clear winner I tend to go for the oldies as well, and I feel that my preference' ceiling is the 2000s I couldn't relate to the recent 2010 tracks anymore, apart from a few exceptions.

The hits of Motown were the soundtrack of my exams during college. I experimented on switching up the music, and I don't why it is, but Motown got the best results. I averaged 105 ... out of 100 :O whenever I listened to Motown. Shocking, I know! I don't know if the subjects I had Motown on were easier, but I didn't want to switch it up out of fear of breaking my perfect streak. I remember a dean's lister classmate humblebragging he got a 100, and that he could've done better if he took the time to study (mind you, he was sitting in the middle of the classroom, so yeah everyone could hear him talk), all the while I was in the back rightmost corner nearest the exit, quietly sitting minding my own business, holding a paper that scored 120 hahaha! But, I digress. That's a story for a different post haha!

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