Identify Whats Holding You Back on Steemit and Push ThroughsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #advice7 years ago


Many of us have things that hold us back in many aspects of life.

And, lets face it, Steemit can very well be an aspect of life if one gets deeply enough involved.

So, what might have us hesitating from posting our own quality content?

I have nothing of value to share...

Think about all the things that interest you. Are you sure that there are no users out there who feel similarly?


Let us however presume for a moment that you really don't have something that you want to talk about - and you don't wish to plagiarize the content of others (very noble of you). You could still offer your perspective on things.

Such could either be sharing the interesting things that you have encountered (and it such is somebody else's content then a simple link to it is great) - or you could add your angle on the content that somebody else posted.

I don't know... maybe you're into commenting upon the poise of football players during games and how such might affect their performance. Or maybe you're into talking about the handiwork that went into the props used for the latest Doctor Who series. If the content that you post is additive and involves no reproducing of others' content as your own - you're gold.

People won't like what I have to say... They'll flag me.

Holding controversial views is nothing new. Its how you deliver them that makes a difference.

For instance. Lets suppose you are pro-or-anti-Trump.If you look around you will see plenty of examples of how not to express those views - with loud voices and pickets - and a monotonous chant that pretty much says nothing to those viewing other than "We're an angry mob. Here us! Hear us! Rabble-Rabble-Rabble.".


And Steemit posts can certainly give off vibes that are just as... crude. There are better and more refined ways to express one's support or opposition - and such begins by talking about the specifics and not waving around a broad brush laden with tar.

Should you express your controversial views? If they are important then I think that you have a responsibility to do so.

Will you draw criticism? You might - and you need to ask yourself if you are prepared to let your perspective take the heat.

Yes you may even be personally slighted for your views. That is their failing, not yours - for as long as you exercise your right to express yourself with responsibility.

Also, if your message can survive placing an added effort at diplomacy on your part - then why not?

I don't like to post things without images...

This quite counts for me and I am sure that I am not the only one.

I just 'really' want to post quality content with at least one quality image to go along with it. As a result I tend 'not' to post.

There are three appropriate courses of action - and I would sincerely recommend that you consider all three of them.

The first option is to persist with trying to create quality original content for every post.

This is time consuming and certainly an expensive process in terms of your time. On the other hand a personal touch here can go a long way 'and' you develop an artistic skill-set as a bonus. Win!

Its alright if your works aren't masterpieces, especially at the beginning.

Carrying around a digital camera (or suitably enabled mobile phone) and taking a 'lot' of photos can also help ensure you have a lot of original source material to draw upon.

The second option is to trawl through image stores online or even search through google for images suitable for your article.

This will take some time but often not nearly as much time as making a new image yourself.


It will be important to always include the source of images sourced in this fashion. Include a link to it directly below it (just as do).

For this post this I chose to go down this route.

It is actually pretty handy if you are on a computer network that restricts access to image uploading facilities.

The third option is to simply 'not' include an image.

Now, the way Steemit is designed, in truth you will 'want' to include some form of image - but there is nothing stopping you from just foregoing the image - especially if its a relatively short post.

Its also possible to create a generic image that you use again and again for precisely these kinds of posts.

Whatever your hangup - there is always a way. It pays dividends to pause and think about such matters as it'll do much to improve your user experience of Steemit - and it'll likely mean more payouts for you too as the improved quality of your posts elevate the community standard. This would certainly be a nice thing.

Think back upon times that you've foregone posting because of personal hangups.

Was the hangup different from those mentioned above? Comment below and let us know more!

Did you perhaps find a different way to address those hangups?

Well - in any case, if you found this post interesting and would like to share this with your friends then a resteem couldn't hurt.

If you 'didn't' like this then feel free to share your views in comments. A civil conversation can go a long way.

And keep on steeming!



I found this post at 7 days. Please leave a comment so I can upvote :-)

Surely you mean 7 hours @akrid. :cP

But thank you. ^_^

HAHAHAH wow, I have a problem with my brain apparently. SOrry lmao
nice post xD

Hours... Days... Its very easy to mistake one for the other. :cP

So I'm sure that your brain is functioning perfectly fine. :c)

Thanks again @akrid! ^_^

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