Write it Down, Record it, Track it!! (Strategies of Successful People)

in #advice6 years ago

Write it Down, Record it, Track it!!
by Noxsoma

I am a big fan and thus an advocate for keeping a journal, measuring and counting. There seems to be some kind of link between the act of writing down words that record activity and progress. This is why we keep score in contests, count money, calories, etc. It helps me remember. And, as an introvert, it helps me to celebrate, (because I keep such victories to myself, unless I share via social media.)
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Statistically, measuring, tracking and recording leads to greater successes than just winging it. People who count calories are more successful at losing fat than those who do not. During my weight loss strategy, I found this to be true. I needed to know how many calories I was consuming so I’d know whether to eat more or less during any 24 hour period.

Of course this can be taken to extremes. I write daily. My “Bajai Body Camp” program is as much about writing as it is about fitness, and more specifically gaining strength, balance and flexibility in body weight calisthenics. I’m sure the same can be said for any activity, even if you are trying to become better and more confident at meeting and dating women. The PUA (Pick Up Artist) community proved this to be so by comparing notes and techniques via social media, chat boards, blogs and seminars. Motivational speakers advocate the same practice. It’s part of a discipline for success.
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Selfies help track progress, and identify
challenging areas.

Because of technology anyone who has a phone also has a note pad and a camera… at the very least. Many of my clients, former students, participants and friends who have embraced the fitness lifestyle have used their apps and devices to measure their walk/run distances, record their workouts and how stunning they look in that new dress, bikini, or how much they can lift. A flex pix every now and then does wonders for the ego and motivation.

If you keep doing an activity over and over again, regardless of what it is, you will get results!

At some point, those results will attract the attention of someone who will, (maybe after a time) get up the bravery to ask you how you achieved such results. You will have the option to give them an overview, or a detailed strategy of what worked, or didn’t work for you.

Life, to me and maybe to you as well, is mainly about progress; moving forward, growing smarter if not wiser, learning from mistakes and developing strategies to move us to what we perceive as the next level, whether it be income level, or health level. I recommend adding this simple strategy to your arsenal.

Good luck.


I am a big fan and thus an advocate for keeping a journal, measuring and counting.

Couldn't agree anymore...

As they say, what gets measured gets managed!

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