How To Dodge Bullshit And Focus On What Matters

in #advice7 years ago

Life is extremely simple, yet it can get quite fucked up if one does not focus on what matters and rather starts paying attention to all the noise that surrounds us. I take a rather aggressive stance towards this philosophy for the simple reason that the time we have is limited and one has to be as efficient as possible if they are to make the most out of it. What I am about to write might not apply for everyone so read with caution.

Politics can have many uses, but usually they don't serve your best interests

1. Remove All Religious, Political and Economic Dogma

Whatever the masses have invented and support in bulk, try to stay away from. Humans have invented specific institutions to solve specific problems for specific people. No system, no religion and no economic paradigm benefits everyone and never will. If you decide to dive into these endeavours of the masses make sure to know how to play the game — because this is what is all about.

Often politicians, religious leaders and economists know exactly how the people react in the respective category and manage to stay on top, while controlling the situation. In other words, If you participate you either fuck or get fucked. There is no middle path except if you opt out. You can hope for a revolution, paradise, an economic miracle all you want but your hope is just a leverage for others to take advantage of you.

2. Pay Attention To Actions

Most people are full of shit. Most people are full of shit. Most people are full of shit. Once you digested this, then repeat the mantra a few times more. Words mean absolutely nothing. Zero. Nada. An individual that manages to learn how to see through words and only observe actions will always be ahead of the game and save multiple years in respect to time wasted on nonsense.

The reason most people hide behind words is because most people are weak and most often do not understand what they want, nor they have a fair grasp about the raw facts of reality. People try to convince others about tactics, plans, ideologies, the future, yet their actions show otherwise. The less you pay attention to what people say the better off you are.

3. Everybody Is An Ad

We all sell something whether that is our compassion, product, services or ideas. Everybody tries to shill something that benefits them one way or another. There are no benevolent actions nor neutral stances. Even expressing nothing is still a position that aims to protect or shill a specific product, idea or person.

Try to be direct and ask people what do they want from you — or if you want to be more diplomatic "How Can I help you?". The sooner you get to ask this question the better off you are both are since you will cut through the bullshit and start focusing on what the common goal is. The foreplay is pointless and will only act as a distraction if you are lucky. At worst, you are being emotionally manipulated.


Don't be confused by false narratives. People require very few things to be content. Forget about becoming happy since this is a guaranteed recipe for misery. Part of the tactic for dodging bullshit is being able to just screen almost everything and rather focus on the every basics that we so often take for granted. Most things that we believe are important are nothing but a mirage — promotions that have been shilled to us since the day we were born. Most people are other people and as the world gets more and more globalised this trend will only grow. The challenge is to keep an edge.

The less you pay attention to what people say the better off you are.

So you would suggest me not to pay attention to your text? ;-)

"If you participate you either fuck or get fucked. There is no middle path except if you opt out."

How exactly does one opt out? Most people would opt out if they could, but they simply can't due to present circumstances.

Agreed, 100% @kyriacos
Thank you for the reminder.
What prompted this post, specifically?
Something did, and what I would like from you is some insight into what that was.
Made me curious, you have! 🤔

Another way of saying the same thing
any group larger than a clan is crazy

law of diminishing returns

Beem practising some of the things you say for some time now. Like when I decided to stop watching TV and politics - that's exactly what I said to myself. I've wasted too much time with this shit.
However, I have yet to find a solution to keep other people from trying to mess with my life. Some people just don't get it that they're not welcome in your life and keep trying to fill you with their negativity.

Very interesting post, good perspectives, deserve a resteem
Keep up the good work

Thanks for the post that was really interesting.
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

I Am Fully Agreed With You And By This Post.


Thank you for sharing most valuable post @kyriacos
Upvote/ Resteem

True. Also sometimes we are worried about what people would say and get depressed though we want to do a particular thing. It's all mental. Specifically sometimes relatives are so pressing and negative about something in our life that we lose our focus completely.
So nowadays any task or business or any idea I want to implement I just keep it private enough to not lose the focus by avoiding discouragement from negative people around me.
Nice article. Keep up the good work. Cheers!!!

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