Advice to my Son!

in #advice7 years ago (edited)

My oldest son is a Senior in College, I find myself waxing nostalgic and filling the role as that old wise man that offers advice whether he wants it or not. My latest round of advice to him was regarding the importance of addressing the little things! I thought I would share the pearls of wisdom that I offered to him with my fellow Steemians to see If I hit the mark!

Let’s face it, most of have lives where we forget about or put off the little things. Over time, as these little things accumulate we begin to feel overwhelmed, unsuccessful, and even embarrassed. As we leave these little things undone, they become a drag and affect other aspects of our lives. Slowly these little things eat away our self-confidence, pride, feeling of success, and stature.

Below are 5 “little things” that, when addressed, powerfully boost self-confidence.

Get a Haircut

Few things make me feel squared away as a fresh haircut. A trimmed head and cleanly shaved back of my neck give me a sense of power and “put togetherness”. It is my first step in being able to confidentially enter a room without fearing that people are immediately judging me.

Wear New Underwear

This is probably the area where most men fail- but this is very important. Wearing new underwear provides you with a crispness and comfort. It is the ultimate in clean! Plus wearing new underwear gives you a sense of preparedness. You never know when the opportunity will present itself but you feel good knowing that in that special moment, you will be ready!

Keep Your Car Washed

Again, this is another “little thing” that is often neglected but when addressed is very powerful. Having a clean car provides you with a sense of pride. It outwardly shows that you care about detail and appearance. It also arms you with some power in knowing that you can confidentially offer to take your car when you and your friends are going somewhere. Chances are that your friends have neglected this “little thing” and will be impressed in your attention to detail.

Make Your Bed!

Making your bed every morning not only starts your day with a quick win and boost of accomplishment, it also assures that you will come home to a clean room!

On a side note, much like wearing new underwear, you never know when the opportunity for a special moment will present itself but you will feel much more confident knowing that if it does- you are prepared!

What other advice should I offer to him?😀


Great advice dad :,)

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