How to Prepare for In-Person and Online Freelance Job Interviews

in #advice6 years ago

How to Prepare for In-Person and Online Freelance Job Interviews-alejandro-escamilla-2-unsplash.jpg
Image Source: Unsplash User Alejandro Escamilla

Freelancing might not be a career path that involves traditional office settings, but it does still often involve job interviews - particularly for higher paying opportunities. Sometimes, these job interviews are carried out via online video chats, while other times an in-person interview is required. Regardless of the method, job interviews are like little puzzles that need to be solved while putting your best self forward, and here are some ways you can do just that!

Never underestimate the authenticity of your appearance. While it's common knowledge that you should dress your best for any freelance job interview, remember that it's one thing to look awesome, it's another thing to look awesomely YOU. Always add in an accessory of some sort that reflects who you are creatively, whether it's a tie, a scarf, or a piece of get the idea. It's a great way to show whoever's interviewing you that you have a strong sense of self, and a subtle indication you'll bring that same confidence to the work you do for them.

Know your worth from the beginning. This means both characteristically, and financially. Prepare for your interview by making a list of the traits you know that would make you stand out from the competitors in the job you're applying for. These traits aren't meant to be memorized and parroted back to the interviewer. Instead, they're meant to put you in the correct frame of mind - positivity! Although nervousness is usually inevitable, the more convincingly confident you are, the better. Leave no room for doubtful thoughts. After all, you've already impressed enough to get the interview in the first place!

Leave no room at all for getting shortchanged. Regarding knowing your financial worth, it depends on what's already been indicated to you via the job description. If there's a set hourly or completed project rate, then by accepting the interview, you're acknowledging that you're fine with that, and you can skip this step altogether. However, if phrases such as "commensurate with experience" or "negotiable" have been indicated, then you should go into that interview as prepared as possible. One idea is to check out the Editorial Freelancers Association's Editorial Rates.

Make sure you're rested and ready to go. No matter what time your interview is scheduled for, you need to make sure you're focused. Your attentiveness will show that this is an opportunity that's important to you. If you go into the interview feeling exhausted, it'll be all too evident in your appearance and in your demeanor. Being a tired interviewee could also indicate to the interviewer that your time management skills aren't at their best. Go to bed early the night before, and get up the next morning with enough time to not only get ready, but also to arrive between 10-15 minutes early - after all, it's better to be too early than too late!

Content source: my own blog - please click the image below for the link!

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