in #advice6 years ago

Image Source :shutterstock

She was on her own, Single and Merry,
Full of life and jolly,
Suitors throng around her day out and day in,
The gifts kept pouring in,
They all sought her hand in Marriage,

You came along and shot your shot,
You promised her Heaven and Earth,
You used all the romantic lines in the book,
Yet she was adamant,

You loved her too much, so you said,
So you pressed on, you gave her no resting place,
"Give me a chance" you said,
Calling and texting,
You wouldn't stop wooing and toasting.

Finally, She gave in.. At last,
She agreed to be yours,
to be your Baby,
Friend and Wife.

Oh how she loved you with all of her heart,
"Meet my baby boo" she'd tell anyone and everyone who cared to listen to her rant,
She showed you off to the world,
You became her backbone and rod
Did you even know she loved you that much?
Did you?

You were her trophy, her prize
she couldn't wait to settle down with you,
have your kids
and Start a family with you
The Courtship didn't last long
Maybe she'd have discovered and saved herself from such wrong

Not too long after,
Before many witnesses,
In the cathedral of the Saint Mark,
On a sunny Saturday
She changed her surname, and wedded you.

Then you started,
You forgot all her sacrifices, how she turned down many just to accept you,
You forgot the promises you made to her,
The undying love you promised,
The heaven and earth you'd give her

One night, the food was salty, so you gave her a dirty slap, a wake up call for her carelessness as you put it.

"it must never happen again" you threatened
"I'm sorry" was your apology later on,
And she forgave you, because she loved you.

On another occasion she slept off,
a hectic day at work was to blame not her,
but you wouldn't hear of it,
For she had burnt your dinner

This time, she needed large dark shades
to cover the black eye you gave her.
But she forgave you, because she loved you,
Or maybe she was just foolish..

Many advised her to leave you,
"He'll change" she told all who had noticed
She was such a firm believer in you,

Of only she had listened,
But really,
The Marriage was just too early,
it was barely over three months,
And she was already heavy

She pleaded with you to change,
to stop hitting her,
to register for a anger management class,
If only to please her,
But did you listen?
Did you?

One day you guys got into a heated argument, she was going to say her mind today,
For she was tired of the torment,
"if I had known, I wouldn't have married you" she spat out,
This infuriated you in no small way

"What did you just say? say that again, and I'll make you regret the day you were born" you threatened,
But she wasn't going to be threatened, not today

"I said, if I had known, I wouldn't have Ma......." before she could complete her statement, you gave her a dirty slap across her face
Such was the force it sent her flying backwards to the ground,
her lower lips immediately started to bleed,

She gripped her face in shock and pain,
She was about to run out the door when you stood in the way,

"I'll teach you a bitter lesson today" you said
Even as she began to sob amidst your threatening,
On the ground she coiled up in a fetal position, in anticipation of tonights beating

You got on top of her and started raining down on her
Slap after slap,
Punch after punch,
One hit her in the upper jaw, a tooth nearly came lose,
Another punch hit her in the eye, it instantly became inflamed and red,

"Please" she began to beg,
"leave me alone,"
"Please Stop" she pleaded again and again
But did you stop?
Did you?

You continued the assault,
You were the teacher,
she was the naughty student,
and it was lesson time.

Soon her cries got weaker and quieter,
But did you stop still?
Did you?

You were far too gone to notice
Soon she was quiet, her hands with which she had blocked several blows no longer came up to block more blows..

Finally, You stopped,...
"Next time, you'll never disrespect me"
But she didn't respond

Suddenly a strange apprehensive feeling came upon you,
"Honey" you called, fear palpable in your voice

"Honey, it's Me, wake up" you shook her,
but her body was limp she didn't even stir
Her eyes were still,
she just lay still, like there was no air

Bruises and cuts all over her face,
Some were already turning purple
You felt for a pulse, there was none
You listened for her heart beat, it was gone

"please sweetheart, get up" you began to cry,
"I'm sorry" you lied one more time,
"I won't do it again"
but it was too late now.
She was dead

She used to call you her World
But you it was who took her out of this world

She loved you with all her heart,
But you it was who stopped her heart

She loved you with all the breath In her,
But you are the reason she isn't now breathing

She died loving You
She died at your Hands ...

When she said "I do", it wasn't to this.
Twas just Four months ago she had acquired the title, "Mrs"
Now she had a new title "Late Mrs"
Did you even know she was pregnant?
Did you?


No body deserves to die at the hands of another, especially at that of their Spouse.
Stop Domestic Violence.
Stop the Domestic Killings.



@desmoniac says so!


This is so beautifully written. It's sad to see men who have taken to domestic violence as a way of love. If you see your wife as one body you won't hit her because no one intentionally causes harm to themselves. This message needs to get out there. Men need orientation and sensitization.

Say no to domestic violence.

Hmmm..Domestic violence is really appalling
Unfortunately, it does accrues to Men only
Remember the story of a lady that stabbed her Husband to death last year in Nigeria

It actually applies to both parties bro.. Women are not left out, but in 90% cases, women are usually the victims of domestic violence.

Yea, Alot of sensitization is needed.. And people need to scrutinize their partners very well before engaging in marriage too.

This has to stop....seriously

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