B.A.L.S. - Bullying and Suicide

in #advice6 years ago

Hey Dtube!

So today will be a little more heavy than normal as we delve into a question as to the effects of bullying on suicide and who is to blame.

Tune in for an interesting topic today!

As always, if you have any questions yourself for Lady Steem, leave them down below or contact me on Discord!

Have a great day!

xx - Lady Steem

▶️ DTube

There is a problem with suicides in America. It's very well covered up.

@bethwheatcraft yes cyber bullying is the main problem nowadays. You cannot get away from the internet no matter what you do. When people (especially kids) get bullied in this manner there is no way to get away from it. It is not like it was when I was a kid. The bully would pick on some kids until he picked the wrong kid. In most cases that was me. Needless to say they stopped bullying me and others at that point. LOL! In all honesty the cyber bullying is far worse because it is strictly emotional bullying. It can wear down even the strongest people after a while. Good post and even better topic.

Yeah it really sucks for this new wave of kids!

Good topic to discuss.

Becomes even more difficult when its like the almost the whole school against you, because you were not the same nationality as them, even if both are parts of the United Kingdom.

I think real crux is to remind people is that they are not alone, even if they feel like they are, as that is how bullying makes you feel. And its not just physical, it's people acting like you don't exist, that you are invisible, a person to be made fun off, even if in ear shot etc. That was then, now there is internet too.

I remember telling my mum about it, and she said just deal with it, so I retreated a long way inside myself for many years. Beginning to come out my shell now though.

But yes depression and suicidal thoughts still rear their ugly head occassionally (well not suicidal thoughts since arrival of kids)

The answer I think is giving people the skills and knowledge to deal with 'life' and unfortunately the age to do that has to be younger and younger.

I am so sorry you went through that!

That is why I said so much of it is affected by what happens at home. The school can only do so much, so parents need to be there for their children. If my daughter says she is being bullied, I take that very seriously, also considering that I have always struggled with depression and I don't know when that may or may not kick in for her too.

I will never understand why kids are such assholes who turn into adult assholes. I never once went to school thinking "ya know what, I hate this person I am going to tease them relentlessly and make them feel subhuman".

And ya know what? No kid is born feeling that way either, they learn by experience and observation, so bullies either have bully parents or zero parental support at all and get their resentful jollies off by making other people's lives miserable too.

It's a hard road to steer for my littles because you are right, we need to give them the skills and knowledge to deal with this, but we also need to protect them, especially at a young age.

Thanks so much for sharing your personal story and for writing such a thoughtul response!

It's part of life, who I am, if I'd not been through that I'd be a different person. I am happy with who I am (mainly). Maybe, I have been through those lessons, so my children don't have to.

My 7 year old is frightened of being bullied at school, so we have been through scenarios and yep, hitting back has been discussed too.

Unfortunately, she does worry a lot, but if that is a gene, then the poor girl has a double whammy.

I have a 7 year old too and we have had the same conversations!

I also agree that bullying makes you who you are. Though, I think I am much more cynical and skeptical of people now.

I have much more of a DGAF attitude than I used to as well! Not sure if that's a good thing though!

It's a good thing. :) (I had to google DGAF though LOL)

I made a video response to this because this topic is very important to me.

"I have dealt with bullying for some time of my life and still deal with suicidal thoughts here and then (because of the pressure of my family and society to make me fit in and not being accepted for who I am).

Beth talks about a girl that has killed herself due to bullying and gives her opinion and solutions. Since I also have my fair share of experience with bullying and suicidal thoughts I share my solutions in this videos response."

Besides that... Beth, where can I find you on Discord? Did you change your name there?

I will check that out. I still have the same name in the Discord, but I think you blocked me a while back! :(

I unblocked you months ago and I can't find you under @bethwheatcraft in the DTube chat.

You can also join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/VRSaB9y

Hope to see ya soon :)


I left a bunch of the discord groups. Maybe that's why? I will look for ya! :)

Here in Nigeria bullies are quite rampant. Annoyingly, they seem to appear cool in the eyes of their peers. I survived bullying by reaching out to friends... I hope the campaign of sharing experiences goes out to schools

Friends are an important resource as well. I don't understand how people can have so much hate in their heart. I am glad that you survived! :)

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