BALS - There's Not Enough Time for My Kids

in #advice6 years ago


I just got back from taking my kids Trick or treating. Except actually, we took them to a trunk or treat because our neighborhood is ghetto and full of tweakers and there is no way that I would take them door to door in our neighborhood.

There is a lovely church that does an awesome event though, where volunteers decorate the trunks of the car, and they all line up and park next to each other and hand out candy from their car trunks. It's safe and fun and the kids get tons of candy!

I have been exhausted the past few days and haven't had as much time to upload videos and do comments! So, sorry about that! I started a full time job and I am trying to juggle everything and it is so hard.

I feel like this user who explains that they don't get enough time with their son. I am starting to feel like that with my kids, so I totally relate. I go to work before they wake up and get home shortly before they go to bed, and the moments I do spend with them, I am not in the best mood from my 10 hour day.

See what Lady Steem has to say to this person though, and thanks for tuning in! I can't believe it is November already! Where did the time go??

xx - Beth

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