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RE: Facebook Nags Businesses to Promote Posts. Is this in our Steemit Future?

in #advertising8 years ago

superb article! made me think...
What about the quality of the advertasing? who will decide if porn is out of boundaries or for that matter: smoking, MC D, pukakola, etc...?
I believe thats a debate waiting to happen as soon as we get the first contract on the table!


Yep, that will certainly be a challenge. One of things I'd like to see Steemit do more of is allow for individual customizations. The profile data (image, url, small blurb, etc) is currently stored in a meta JSON on the blockchain for each account. I'd love to see that space used for more customizations of the steemit experience which might include preferences for the things you're describing.

Meanwhile I really need-want-desire to have total control over what i am advertised on I was actually thinking at the "steem board", once the userbase grows advertasing will become a natural thing but....
who will manage those contracts? Do Steem needs-wants to even touch some of that multi-allpowerful-worldwide company money? I mean, how do we help small companies to grow?, Do we say yes to redbull but no to coke? what about charities?
How and who will decide that is a BIG question?

In many ways, the proper, effective functioning of Steemit (and any truly decentralized, autonomous company) is also a process of reeducation for the human beings involved. It's a rediscovery of the beauty and order which can emerge from chaos. I see it as the embracing of voluntary interactions and no rulers. We'll have to rely on protocols and rules which are flexible enough to allow for peoples' needs to be met in some form of Nash equilibrium. It may sound impossible, crazy, or inefficient, but I think we're approaching a point in our technical history as a species where networks are more efficient and productive than hierarchies. There will no longer be ultimate deciders. There will be chaos and from that will emerge robustness, tools, and techniques for ensuring all stake holders are satisfied.

now, that´s a reply i will need all night to wonder upon.... (5:58 am here)

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