ADVENTURE READING #2 : "City" + A half empty bus and good company.

in #adventurereading6 years ago (edited)

So... I'm very excited for this contest, and I have to admit that I'm happy that i found it right on time!
Also, I think there should be more people doing this contest, the concept I S - S O - G O O D, books are an amazing way to lose track of time, and you can do it ANYWHERE! And when I say -anywhere-, I mean.. any kind of place you can think of including a tree's branch.

Enough talking about the idea of @therovingreader , LET'S BEGIN WOOOOOH.


THE PLACE: A bus... Any kind of bus that takes me home.

I'm a student, and I have classes from monday to friday, full morning schedule. One of the places where I can take a little of time for my reading.. is the bus, ¿crazy, right? Many people get dizzy, but I don't, so I take an advantage of it and read or re-read the books that I own without thinking of the homework that waits for me patiently on my desk. Sometimes there's a lot of people on the bus and the noise it's so loud, but actually those things don't interfere with my reading, my weird brain finds a way to turn the volume down of the noise, so I can listen the voice in my head way better. I have to say that is very cute when you sit, or stand next to someone else that loves or likes reading and they ask you about your book, you can either end up with a new "to read" book, or a new friend, or just a friendly conversation. When you read in the bus many things can happen, and I like that.


THE BOOK: City | from Alessandro Baricco

A re-read

I have to say, this is my favorite book, and every time that I have read it, I have found something new. (One of the reasons why I love it)

City it's hard to describe, Alessandro Baricco made each character so unique and each story that's in the book so different from the others, but at the same time, they are all related. That's magical. The principal story is about Gould (a prodige kid), his two imaginary friends that are always with him (Diesel: a giant, and Poomerang: a mute) and Shatzy (a lovely woman that takes care of Gould). These four budys teach you a lot about the little things in life and happiness, why it is important to always point up at something, and they show you how your past can affect your choices in the present. This principal story brings up other two: Shatzy's Western and Larry Lawyer's story.

The western : It may look like an entertainment at first, but actually reading to Shatzy's western can help you to meet her, and also, the western has its own essence, like if it was from a different book.

Larry Lawyer's story : Gould turns on the radio sometimes to listen the fights or interviews of Larry Lawyer. So there are chapters like if you were listening to the radio, like you were Gould. So you get to know Larry Lawyer very well, for example, how he quit being a lawyer and start boxing.

The way that Alessandro Baricco wrote the book, and the way of how he intercalated stories, and mixed different personalities in a whole, is special. City , it's not a normal city. instead of streets and avenues, neighborhoods, houses and builings, there are stories and people, past and hobbies, choices, questions and answers... He represented life as a City ¿isn't that amazing?


The reason why I recomend this book goes beyond just reading, laughing and spending time. Life is such a beautiful thing and this book helps you to realize that, there's sadness, joy, excitement... and I think reading City brings out the real you, and I think that THAT it's more important than anything.

PS: This book was a gift from a friend in highschool, and I'm so thankfull with him for it. I LOVE YOU LEO.

Here are some better pictures of the book + My dear roomate Miguel who was so happy to help me take the pictures in the bus with his super cellphone.



I'm so glad you liked the contest idea and managed to get an entry in. Even better - you won! The winners post is up.

I love reading on buses too - it makes the transportation time go by so fast and your photo and description captured the feelings exactly. I used to get carsick, but I think I trained myself out of it.

I'll have to check out City, since I like the idea of interwoven plots to celebrate life - and what better place to celebrate life when surrounded by so many others just trying to get through the day on the bus!

Nice pictures @akaem they sure look good

Thanks! I didn't take them with a smartphone or good camara (just the ones of the book itself), that's why the quality is so low, but in the end they weren't that bad! @rindaman1234

Never been able to read on a bus... Long live to tables and beds.

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