
I'm super happy when I make other people smile. Thank you!
Climbing is a safe sport as much as you want it to be. People always push the limits, it's just important to not go beyond them.
Check this guy!


You got me with that @tellurian, it will no way ask me do that man.. I afraid of height, i bet my legs become jelly when think of it. Even now when see the photo, my leg start shaking.. Is this real or photoshop edited. He damn brave.. If you knew him, pass my salute to him .

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Not really know him but met on this climbing festival. Amazing creature!

He really conquer the fear. If you have a chance, would you do the same?

When we talk about this level of climbing, it's not a question would I do something. Actually the real question is would I like to live on that way. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. But his passion and dedication to climbing are impressive and that's the thing I try to power up in my life as much I can.

I also very impressed with his passion and dedication in something he like to do. Actually this also applied to all of us, we need to have passion and dedication on everything we want to do. His talk really was an inspiration talk. He could have motivated a lot of people's determination on something they like to achieve.

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