Thinking About Living on the Road? (Part 2 of 4)

in #adventure7 years ago (edited)

-What We Brought-

Moving from a 1400 sq. ft. house into an 80 sq. ft. van is a really fun challenge. It helps you clear out all the crap you’ve collected. Even if you didn’t think you were a collector of crap. It reminds you of what you had but had forgotten and also of what you thought you had but is no longer around.

We threw out a lot, donated a lot more, and filled the van with what we thought we’d need. This is a list of the most important stuff we brought. The stuff I highly suggest you equip your own setup with.

The Berkey

(Photo from Berkey website)

Rob and I both agree that this might just be the best purchase we’ve ever made (at least off Amazon). If you don’t know what a Berkey is, it’s a water filter. The best water filter you can get. We used it over our entire trip filling up all of our water from streams, lakes, non-potable taps, and wells deemed to be contaminated with arsenic! I know. I know. What the hell were we thinking?!

But we never got sick once. Check out the list of contaminates this thing filters out here and it’s so simple to use too. I mean really simple. Fill up a jug with water from whatever source you can and pour it in the top and the filters drip clean water into the lower tank. The water tastes amazing and stays relatively cool in the stainless steel tank. We found it best to fill up every night to have a good amount for tea, coffee, and water bottles the next morning and enough for the rest of the day after that. Check them out here. You won’t be disappointed. We could not have done without our Berkey.

Solar Panel & Auxiliary Battery

(Our panel is not that big obviously ... but sometimes getting your own pictures and putting them to your post is such a pain in the ass ... so i sourced this from google images labeled for reuse category)

If you’re going to be living out of your van you’re going to want some power besides your engine battery. Because that would suck to turn the key one day when you’re out camping and find your battery dead and no one around to help. Our solar panel is only 100 watts and our battery is 100Ahs, a deep cycle AGM.

But we were able to charge our phones, run LED lights, a fan, a MacBook Pro, and sometimes an electric kettle (sometimes). There is a catch though. The battery was also connected to the alternator so that it could get a really full charge on our drives. The panel was not enough to top off the battery after a few days in one spot with a MacBook Pro gobbling up the power.

If you want to put in your own battery bank and solar into any rig you've got, my husband made this really informative post to help you out. Check it out here. He put a lot of time in and it's really good information. In fact even I could follow the instructions and that's not exactly my specialty.

An Unlimited Data Plan

(image from google search of shareable images)

It doesn’t take up any space but is so worth it. When you’re on the road it provides you with a connection with people, work, money, supplies, and entertainment. It’s nice to go into a coffee shop and work but sometimes you don’t have the option or the coffee shop’s internet is downright lousy. Having an unlimited data plan so that we could hot spot our devices was super worth it. How else are you supposed to communicate with your Steemit community on a regular basis?


Being able to bike around small towns, take things a bit slower and get some exercise was a huge necessity. It’s so damn nice not to have to pack everything up to go head somewhere and it added some good variety to our days. We often spent some long days on our asses getting to new places so being able to get good exercise in is crucial. And along with that it’s nice to check out new towns and side streets and even trails on a bike.

A Stove

Our Van comes with a built in stove and having access to one is crucial in my mind. There are tons of ways to go about adding one to your van. I think propane is the most efficient way to go. A year on 3 gallons … I’m still not sure how that happened.
It’s nice to eat out sometimes but you save a lot by cooking yourself and it’s usually healthier too.

A Heater

I’ve seen some pretty cool set ups of wood stoves in vans. We aren’t that cool. We have a little Mr. Heater propane unit that is a lifesaver. Most of the time we didn’t need it and can deal with some pretty cold nights but wow, you need to have one just in case. I’ve been stuck in 19 degree weather in my van before and I hate to think what would have happened if I didn’t have it.


I’m trying to make this all-encompassing here. But having good music, podcasts, and books on tape is really nice when you’re on the road. And even if you have that unlimited data plan there will be times when you have no service. Having access to some music or a good podcast to zone out to is so nice, especially if you’re driving into the night and need some help staying wide eyed.

Road Side Assistance

You’ll never believe it but we never actually used ours. A 1988 VW Van with a Frankenstein engine and we never had to call for a tow. It never left us stranded! But it did break down a few times. We’re pretty handy with the thing by now but even so, anybody who plans on traveling and living in their van should seriously consider paying for AAA or whatever service works best for you. It really does give you some reassurance. And with that tools! Bring the right tools!

The Normal Shit

I mean I have to say that there was a lot of stuff that was good to have. Headlamps, raincoats, jackets, clothes, boots, sandals, hats, meds, toiletries, sleeping bags and pillows, cooking utensils, pots and pans, silverware … but I mean seriously if you don’t know to bring that kind of stuff … who are you? Bring stuff you need for normal life and camping. A small axe, a knife, socks? The list could get long. But I told you the essentials.

Bonus – Your Very Own Trill Dog

Some people don’t like dogs or would rather not share their small space with one or deal with the hassle but Trill is our bestie so she came and took up way too much space but she had a few pretty good functions that just about any dog can provide you. First, security … Having a dog in your car can alert you to issues like robbers or cops trying to knock on your door or even bears. Although I was the one who screamed first about the bear standing up on its hind legs looking into the window of our van! Secondly they are pretty good entertainment. At least Trill is. Never a dull moment with her silly antics. Companionship is obvious too. If you’re alone, a dog is such a nice friend to have who’s not going to complain about your food or your stinky socks. And finally dishes. It’s a lot easier to clean your dishes with a dog helping. I know that sounds so gross but she’d lick up the leftovers and then they were much easier to clean up with a little soap and water.

That’s the list! I highly recommend these items in your van. You’ll be happy you have them. But that is only Part 2 of this series. Part 3 is next with a list of What We Wish We Had. I think it’s some pretty invaluable information so keep an eye out tomorrow for that!

Love you guys!


Back to the 60's. My time. At 71yo I'm not so sure about on the road again. I love my creature comforts and so do my dogs - my bed, my chair, my meals. Great fun is in-store for you guys. Have at it now.

P.S. Send pictures so I can live vicariously through you. TeeHee.

I actually did a post a few days ago that included a part about how having a place to grow roots is underrated in our society today. You might connect with that.
I love that you are on Steemit! We need more people who have significant advice for the younger generations. I'll be following you ( :

etovpu and pholo me back pls

There is a van like this for sale down the road and I'm begging my hubby to buy it! I think it would be great for camping or taking to my future off grid land and staying in. My dog is little so he doesn't take much room but I think ya gotta have a security dog. Trill is beautiful 🤗

If you're gonna get it the most important part is the engine. Check that thing out and get to know all it's problems really well. It will have problems.
Thanks for the compliments on Trill, she's our baby and we are very much in love with her (;

Ok thanks for the tip 👍🏻

Loving this series! Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience with us!

So glad i can help!

I Agree.... this stuff is useful. Not only because it can help people who want to do the same, but I also find that it helps me to look at things from a different perspective.

I think we often take things for granted (not in the sense of not being grateful) but because we (at least I am this way) can be very narrow minded, we lose sight of certain alternative ways of doing things that can be great things to do for achieving certain goals we have in life. Sometimes we make assumptions about life maybe that prevent us from being free to follow our dreams.

You're right on the money. ( :

Hey girl new follower from the THL group. Good to have you onboard and good for you for living the good life and keeping things simple. I have resteemed and followed you. Have a great day

Nice! Looks like i already follow you! But glad we share a community here.

Hey! Nice post. I really laughed at the usage of your dog to clean your dishes :D
I could totally imagine that scenario with any/most dogs!

Keep those posts coming! You are being followed!
Ohh, that came out a bit creepy lol, thank god you have a security dog :)

haha! we always tease her that she needs to get a job but obviously she has at least a couple (;

I think for me the biggest "challenge" would be to try and hedge myself against changes in the gasoline price. Because I feel like I would be committing myself to spending a lot of money on gas. But no way around it is there?

You could try to do the vegi oil thing but i think where we went that'd be hard. One of the reasons the VW Van is so great is because it has pretty good gas mileage compared to most other campers. On the first half of our trip we were getting around 19 or so miles per gallon and after we got out kayak that dropped to 17. It's better than most but I'd do the research. There are a few other options that get better gas mileage but they will have a significantly higher up front cost.
We bought the van for $8000 much better than a Toyota Hilux wonder vehicle we came across that got 23 mpg and the Sprinter van that is bigger and i hear gets something like 19 mpg.
Gas is a huge expense.
I'll post about if we found the savings of not renting were actually offset by the cost of gas or not (still doing the calculations on that) ... people always boast about how cheap this life is but I bet they didn't really look that hard at the real costs. I have a feeling it's wishful thinking.

I don't think it is cheap at all. Depends how far you drive of course.

This is awesome post thank you for posting this looks very interesting and this is incredibleI upvoted you .
Upvote and follow @jack123

glad you liked it ( :

This is awesome. I always dreamed of doing something like this and already have a great watchdog, he even lets us know there's a rabbit in the yard. Haha. Thanks for sharing your adventures and tips. I'll be watching for more of your adventurers. Great job!

Hopefully I'll have many more to share. But I hope you do too! Don't just dream it do it! And I want to hear your take afterwards (;

Thanks I will be sure and post if I get the chance to try it.

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