
Basically, I catch them because I can, and do a lot of catch and release just to check them out "for the thrill" of it, I guess you could say.

However, I knew some folks up there who liked to make soup from them, so, since I like being neck deep in the swamp and they like to eat them, it seemed like a good relationship.

It takes them a long time to get that big, and any with a shell length of under 12 inches or over 16 inches are illegal to possess, so that helps to protect the species. Also, very few of the ones that I caught were ever eaten, most just went back to the swamp.

Thanks for the question!

And thanks for your answer. Great stuff @papa-pepper, I love the outdoors and nature so completely understand your passion. Anyway, a great read my friend. I look forward to reading more. Have a great day :D

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