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RE: Deported! Leaving Mexico the hard way: Part 1

in #adventure7 years ago

I really don't understand, are you just a tourist or are you planning on staying in Mexico? Because if you are just a tourist the most common reason for the cops detaining a foreigner who isn't latino is to see if they can get a mordida (bribe) Now if you have been there for longer than your permit then you could have some other type of trouble, but knowing cops around these parts (Mexico and Central America) I'd go with the bribe.


They weren't looking for bribes. For some reason, the immigration dept in Mexico is the only one that isn't. I'm not sure why or how they're above it, but they are. Many people in the centre had tried to bribe them and got nowhere.

That really is a new one for me, I'm from Honduras were the police learned about bribery from Mexicans I think they are famous all over the world for it, so this would be the first time ever I've heard of a whole department not being in that business. Of course I don't doubt there are honest cops in Mexico but over all they are corrupt.

Yes, a lot of Mexican cops are looking for tips, so it was surprising to learn that this was a whole other thing.

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