My Quest for Understanding of Who I Am - The Ultimate Adventure Awaits!

in #adventure7 years ago

So this quest, this journey I have ventured on to understand who I am has brought me lots of answers. As jesus said in the sermon from John's writings in the bible, “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” in John 16:24. in my own quest for understanding I have found this statement to be true, every question that I ask, I eventually will get an answer to it, it may come in a completely different form then expected or it may come in much more of a time lapse then i would have thought, but it does come eventually and I go 'oh yeah, ok I see, I understand now'.

What I have found helpful in this quest as questions that I have asked of life, of myself, and what is the meaning to all of this is to be open to all of what life has to offer, I have pushed myself to not go into fear, but to recognize the for lack of better words the 'goodness' that does exist here, that is present within many different aspects of life not only in my world that i observe and participate in, but also in random acts of kindness so to speak that happens in news stories or stories through friends or random moments in life. Though being open and being available for life's 'goodness' to come into my focus and learn, grow, and apply that understanding in my own form of 'goodness' in my life I would say complete's the circle of life and thus allows this form to expand and grow based on how my 'goodness' will effect others and how they in turn expand and grow from what i share or show in their own form of 'goodness'. So it forms a ripple effect, our actions, for better or worse and this is what is the consequence of being here on earth I would say is in a simple and practical way of understanding it. Who we are is what we will create.

Though when one open to the best of life and realize it is also self, self is life and life is self, life has a way of supporting itself naturally and practically and also fantastically. Self as life will support itself always in all ways, one just have to ask the QUESTion to receive the ANwSEr. I mean I could not in my wildest dreams make up what I have learned and understood of myself as a part of the fabric of this existence as the limitless potential that exist here as life creation that has opened to me specifically in the last eight years of serious inquisition. I have learned about ancient history, my own beingness history, I have talked to my pets, I have learned about how animals communicate, I have learned about the mind consciousness system, I have learned how to forgive myself, I have learned how to change myself, I have learned how to be self honest, I have learned how to let go, I have learned how to recognize the life that exist within and so without, I have learned what life really is, I have learned about mySELF. There has been so much, so many amazing realizations, so many amazing breakthroughs, so many amazing moments, and within this it has led me to where I am today.

(This is what I look like as a Being - it's my beingness signature, this is from, brought through by @sunettespies the portal from Desteni.)

For the first time in a very long time I can say I am fulfilled, I have walked a journey and process of my own self creation process that I can be satisfied with, I am moving on now to a new phase in my life and journey as a earlier phase has come to a close. Fitting as it's close to the end of a year, so I can plan I suppose on a new year and so a new phase for me and my living to open up next year. Though for the phase that just closed, I can say I am satisfied with as I asked the questions and so opened myself up to the voice of life to get guidance needed and move myself into applying that guidance for not only the best of me, but what will be best for all. What's best for me is always what is best for all and vise versa, the only way I have found to truly live.

I am slowly, but surely finding my purpose and within this I also can stand and stick to the principles that will support all of who I am, with these principles in place and practiced into living, my life will become something of worth and value for not only myself, but many others as I understand who I am and so I can support others to do the same. This is the gift of life and of self, to understand who one really is and share this with others to do the same. Who am I is the ultimate question and once you ask, become ready and willing to be open for the quest that will emerge within and without to get the understanding needed to guide you on your way. Enjoy the journey, do not fear, breath, and focus on the principles, never give up on yourself and others, do what is best for all life, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and walk the responsibility of self change to correct those mistakes. Live this into life and support as many as possible and you will expand beyond your wildest imaginations. Life is fascinating and so is self, again enjoy the journey and ask for support when needed, the answers will come. Let's change the world as we individually change ourselves within and without, the ultimate adventure awaits!

More support on above post: --- a structured process to get to one's self honesty, through tools of support at a beginner's level. -- here do a search on any topic in life and get lots of support to support your being to come through.

Any questions, please share and I will do my best to assist. Thanks for reading.


I'm looking forward to reading more about your adventures and hopefully gaining inspiration

thanks @mylittleblurbs, my goal is to support as many as possible and also gain support from the very empowering community here on steem, appreciate the feedback!

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