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RE: 30 days to paradise

in #adventure6 years ago

What a great post!! :)

It's so true! You will never reach your harbour if you don't know which one you want to reach or don't even set your sails!

The ones believeing in their dreams and work on living them every day will be successfull in the end. Failures are just way markings to tell you this isn't your path.

I can totally relate to your post (which I found on the gratefulvibes community on discord btw :) ) and your dreams sound just amazing!

I live at the coast of the Baltic Sea in Germany and I understand why you love the beach - looking at the beautiful sea is simply freeing your mind :)

And the sunsets are priceless :)

Best wishes from another hippie ;)


Always love running into fellow hippies ;) thanks for the awesome comment, glad you could relate to my posts, it makes writing them worthwhile!

I absolutely loved this saying:

Failures are just way markings to tell you this isn't your path.

I'm gonna have to use that in a future post. ;)

I followed you because we seem to be on the same wavelength, I'm so happy you found me in the gratefulvibes discord, seems like us good place for us hippies to hang out. lol.. take care

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