in #adventure7 years ago (edited)

It was the year April 14th1865 that was when it all began,just 5 days after the end of the civil war President Abraham Lincoln is the last of the 600 thousand deaths in America .

Vanderbilt Comodo Conileuos ----- (@Steemit @Dan @Ned @blocktrades @JAMESC)

The country is divided and the world looks at America democracy as a failed experiment.But what most don’t realize is that a new era has just began,the nation is entering an age of advancement a new breed of leader will emerge.Men of insight ,innovative With high level of ingenuity the likes of which the world has never seen.And over the next five decades This small group will change the fate America to greatness.

Just like Vanderbilt,@Steemit @Dan@Ned@blocktrades@JAMESC may not know the impact of what they have uncovered,The steemit platform is putting food on people’s table,paying school fees for indegent students, helping the homeless, paying hospital bills,eceteria.

Unlike Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the likes,the masses provide the content, the sponsors pay for adverts, but the masses do not do not have a stake in thier shares of an empire raking in billions of dollars,this makes @Steemit @Dan @Ned @blocktrades @JAMESC
Icons ,and patriotic individuals.They are thinking outside the box, This is because Steemit has come to change the ideology of “eat alone and die alone syndrome” on the heals of steemit is Sola,sphere, etc they are also a decentralized social media platform with very promising potentials. From my perspective if Mark Zuckerberg does not change his methods by helping the content suppliers, Facebook, and the likes will run out of Steem with style.

@steemit @Dan@Ned@blocktrades@JAMESC
Have come to change change the face of social media and advertising as we see it today,they can be liken to the Revolutionary Vanderbilt comodo.


“If you come at a king you shouldn’t expect to win” this is because you can awaken a sleeping lion.

Rockerfeller -----------@Berniesanders

The building of a Modern America is moving at the speed of light,rail lines from east now connects to the west,in a way never before seen .

America used to be in darkness when the sun goes down Rockefeller changed that by lightening the homes of Americans, a devout Baptist who does not drink.
::::::@berniesanders ===:::::::::=== @haegin :::::::::::::::::::

These two power brokers will change the way we perceive and relate on the steemit social media .

It used to be "post an article" "comment" and "vote" but now it is like the democrats and the republicans. Each is determined not to be outdone by the the other(high class competition).

Kings need followers and because they are whales with A big difference they have got a massive followership,and their supporter’s are pitched at each other ,this is the defination of democracy. And it is good for democracy,because a country without opposition is doomed to fail.

::::::::::::Berniesansers and his boys::::::::::::::::::::

A man of impeachable character, he can be liken to Rockefellers as they both share the same characteristics.Rockerffeler was known as a Father, and was, respected by friends and foes alike.A man from a humble begining.
J.D. Rockerffeler was one of the undisputed king in the in capitalist entrepreneurship, unchallenged man of dignity and a devout Christian,known to fight for the right of the common man.

A philanthropist, he is considered the wealthiest American of all time, his similarities to @berniesanders is quiet phenomenal, How can a man continue to fight for the masses even when his financial investments are at stake. A leader with a vision and mission.Many a minnow,dolphins,sharks on steemit have survived the hardship that life throws at them because of this patriot.what baffles us is that even as his teaming follower keeps getting down voted they have a unique loyalty towards him that have not been seen in ages.History is about to repeat itself, but this time it is going to me on steemit,Many years ago Rockefellers outsmarted Thomas Scot, but Carniegie being his protégé took if personal.
And a lot of Americans died in the process and a very large multitude lost their jobs in the process. This is what makes steemit a unique platform, it is truly a decentralized social media network.Trust me am bored with the same old routine on Facebook.We need change and here if Is.This must happen,that must make content providers and viewers to keep comming back.

    :::::: Andrew Carniegie:::::::::Haegin

@haegin a true capitalist without empathy,a self acclaimed cryptocurency analyst .He can ‘be liken to carniegie one of the wealthiest man in America,this is because @heagin always think of the impossible as possible.His intentions are known to him and God iniquitous person and highly intelligent.He allows his follower to do the dirty job for him, while he waits patiently for the bible to was fabled that most of his cryptocurency signals are 90% accurate ,but critics will disagree.he, can post up to five post in a single day raking in millions if the atmosphere is right.Just like carniegie that brought in the pingerltons,a mercenary army,capable of outgunning The U.S army.

Their presence threaten to be the spark that lights the powder keg.and again their is a frick chairman of carnergie steal company.
Just like Carniegie,haegin uses some very deadly fricks who calls in the deadly pingertons to flag his perceived enemy,he is someone you dont want to fuck arround with.

(The Deadly Pingertons::::::::Haegin'sThe Flaggers)

One day Rockerffeler sent a carton shirt to carniegie to remind him of his humble background,carnergie in return sent him a bottle of Champaign to remind him that he is a Christian,this in its true sence is a proclamation of war

Having an enemy is what up's the game and motivate one to be a better person.

As a capitalist that carnergie was he needed to measure up with rockerffeler who was three times richer than him,he used fich a hardliner to do his dirty work.fich was his chairman and also a major cause to his downfall, he was a hardliner.

:::::::::::::::J.P MORGAN :::::::::::::@jerrybanfield::::::::::::

In the mist of this confusion is @jerrybanfield an investment enthusiast and a good one at that.

J.P Morgan------::::::::::@jerrybanfield
A new kind of threat is a Banker,who has made a furtune consolidating industries,buying out failing companies and returning then to profitability.
Company like carniegie steel ,he excel at taking wavering parties who were destroying an industry and bringing peace on terms that was suitable to all, profitable to him, which gave him a leaverage in the business itself, anyone who knows anything about him realize that like him or not he gets things done.
Dew to Andrew frick’s callousness,Carniegie fears that he might become J.P Morgan’s next target.he makes a bold move one that become all but inevitable,he sacked Andrew frick.
As carnirgie struggles to rebuild a broken empire,j.P Morgan continue to target darling companies,work alongside his lengendary father.They were doing it the “Morgan way”.

:::::Thomas Edison--:::::::---Gandalf The Grey(@gtg)::::

Was a renowned innovator since the age of 19 he first made his name by perfecting Telegraph,before going on to invent the phonograph,at 31 he was at the verge of his latest invention,”the light bulb and electricity that powers it.

Electric bulb will revolutionaize the world,and it will transform human existence,J.P Morgan saw this potential immediately and knows that it his chance to create his own legacy,one that will change the world.
Gandolf The Grey
@gtg can be liken to Thomas Edison,they both exhibit the same characteristics,
@gtg was involved in the improvement and advancement of our esteemed social media platform the steemit.he helped improve The website’s securities via programming, and helping to educate others on network and witness security via his blog. He was the first to composed one of the earliest Steemit guides on witness node security and protection from DDOS attacks:But then there is Nikola Tesla his apprentice.

::::::::::::Nikola Tesla::::::::::::::::::::@good-karma:::::::::::::
He was a Serbian-American inventor apprenticed under Thomas Edison.
He invented the Alternating Current .while Thomas invented the Direct current,Thomas always felt that a.c current was dangerous, but telsa proved otherwise.Tesla wants to out -perform his Boss ,a very persionate and a hardliner.

A highly talented developer,he developed the app called the” esteem app”. Good-karma is a Peerplays witness.,he was known to have develop the steempoll, steemfest and the legendary Steen monitor apps.
Developers like @timcliff
@jesta @RoelandP@Pfunk @steemdice1
@Riverhead @Pharesim@Someguy123@Roadscape are instrumental to steemit being what it is today.exceptional developers with bright ideas.

Henry Ford::::::::::::: @sydesjokes
The founder of Ford motor company, although Ford did not invent the automobile and assembly line,he has one unique attribute getting things done his way if all other attempt fail.He tries out what others feel will not succeed,@sydesjokes has this attribute,upwelling,giving out free faucets to minnows and dolphines alike,he has a large followership,and a very innovative man to the core.finally he likes to make jokes Anderson his followers love and adore him him for it

:::::::::::::::THE STAKEHOLDERS:THE WHALES:::::::::::::

Steemit is a vast community,no doubt about that,yes we have whales with S.P bigger than these guys mentioned above,these guys have touched the life’s of minnows,dolphins and shark alike,they are the future of steemit.after close observation whales listed below have been instrumental to the rapid development of this community by organising various types of contest, and helping new commers to understand how steemit works .

Let me say that we respect and value your contribution to this esteemed community.

  1. @kalemandra
  2. @ADSactly
  3. @julinks
  4. @pharesim
  5. @steempty
  6. @firstclass
  7. @wang
  8. @skywalker
  9. @fuzzyvest
  10. @steemit200
  11. @riverhead
  12. @enki
  13. @complexring
  14. @freedom
  15. @wackou
  16. @roadscape
  17. @xeldal
  18. @nextgencrypto
  19. @abit
  20. @arhag
  21. @kushed
  22. @clayop
  23. @witness.svk
  24. @proskynneo
  25. @analisa
  26. @alice
  27. @smooth.witness
  28. @dele-puppy



Very creative and also very true especially this part

"Unlike Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the likes,the masses provide the content, the sponsors pay for adverts, but the masses do not do not have a stake in thier shares of an empire raking in billions of dollars,this makes @Steemit @Dan @Ned @blocktrades @JAMESC
Icons ,and patriotic individuals"

Well done!

Nice one brother.. I love this.

Very true and creative.

Very interesting! Thanks.

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