"Walking the Path of the Indigenous" in Alaska and Hawaii... a journey of exploration & discovery for Sustainability.

in #adventure7 years ago

"Walking the Path of the Indigenous" by LT. COL. DAVID K. SWENIDMAN

I am writing this raw and fresh today within this text block of SteemIt's POSTing platform. Gratitude for the developers and staff of SteemIt to make such a platform available to others.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing well." -said someone wise, and I want to submit something here of substance- something simple yet profound, practical and mystical, valuable, free and priceless!

I have been working on several books and stories, movie scripts and training manuals for many years. I LOVE writing yet have found it prohibitively difficult to sustain enthusiasm throughout the arduous process of publishing- or sharing the essence of it all with someone important. Today, through SteemIt, I feel like I am going to be able to do it!

An outline seems necessary, because the range of topics is too broad, even within the realm of a specific topic of "Walking the Path of the Indigenous."

If I had to sum it all up in one word, from beginning to end, that word, is of course, "Love." However, "Generalities are the enemy of the art." we were taught while learning to produce documentaries on any subject. "Be specific. Go deep!" we were advised in order to have an audience beyond a narrow scope of special interest.

Twenty eight years later, there are a bunch of other tidbits of wisdom worth sharing. One is by Stephen Covey who is known to have said, "Begin with the end in mind."

So, to begin with the end in mind, the most profound and practical, valuable and priceless topic I can think or write about it that of the Great Mystery, that timeless, boundless Source of everything from which we came, where we are, and where we go from here. The past is important and so is the future but not as much as the Present.

"The Present is Life's Greatest Gift." - I say, yet I have barely begun to explore this.

The Present has no limit- no depth and no height that is not able to be reached right here, right now in the Moment. The Present may be activated through Consciousness and Breath. After Consciousness and Breath comes Creativity. With just these three ingredients, people can explore, discover and experience virtually ANY reality. "Anything imaginable is attainable." -another old saying that is worth putting to the test.

What I want to create most- in addition to boundless Love, Freedom, Creativity and Cash is a simple, sustainable way of life that is simple and holistic. Holistic includes anything and everything that the body, heart, mind and soul really need to be both self-sufficient and adept at synergistic collaboration with the rest of the Village- local and global.

2018 is the 25th Anniversary for me in terms of Sustainable Development of Human and Natural Resources. As part of celebrating this extensive and exhaustive endeavor, I am publishing an outline of these last couple decades of discovery in order to list and post a growing list of "Ways to Survive - Live - and Thrive!" in the 21st century.

The vision is blending the very best of indigenous wisdom with leading-edge technology so that we may live the "Best of Both Worlds", Nature and Society, being able to be self-sufficient yet "Interdependent" upon the entire human race.

Survival - Holistic Health - and Renewable Natural Resources are the three most enduring foundations of sustainable living so far. These are the three foundations of the Outline I have created to share what has been discovered so far. There are seven elements each for a total of 21. I call these the "21 Principles of Sustainable Development" of which Cryptocurrency is an integral part- so are Media, Agriculture and Manufacturing of YOUR Art, Crafts, Business, Ideas, and Causes. This outline, combined with this GENEROUS and worth platform provided by SteemIt, is bound to launch many people who participate into a world of simple, sustainable, holistic living.

All of this leads to the final stage of human evolution: the "Merkaba" or "Spirit-Light-Body" based upon activation of the Human Chakra System, being free of Karma and fulfilling Life Purpose!

If all of that sounds good, feel free to read-on... The 21 Principles of Sustainable Living and Development are listed in relative order of priority based upon Survival and Wilderness Adventure in Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Honduras and all over the world. This is based upon direct, personal experience, and is continuously improving.

Seven Fundamentals of Survival:

1- Calm
2- Shelter
3- Warmth
4- Water
5- Food
6- Activity
7- Companionship

Holistic Health:

1- Body
2- Heart
3- Mind
4- Soul
5- Money
6- Relationship
7- Oneness

Renewable Natural Resources (and Energy)

1- Adventure!
2- Stewardship
3- Production
4- Education
5- Ecology
6- Economy
7- Mystery

Within each of these outline elements are many deeper layers and levels of human consciousness, survival, holistic health and sustainable living.

The overall objective is living life to the fullest and sharing the highlights with the rest of us. SteemIt is providing the platform, this outline provides an ever-expanding list of ways, means and methods to live life to the fullest AND fulfill your life mission. Whether or not dong what you love or writing about it will make you any money or a decent living remains to be seen. I am not going to wait!

Adventure calls...

If I am lucky enough to still be alive the next time I log-in, I am going to share some stories about what happened!

Adventure - Stewardship - and Production... THIS is my secret formula that I gladly share with you as part of the SteemIt Community. Education + Ecology = Economic Prosperity.

More later...



hi david, welcome to steemit! I really love your message of sustainable development tied in with indigenous wisdom. This very much parallels my own philosophy.

I run a sustainability channel over of PAL Discord, which is a chat server for Steemians. There are many people over there interested in ideas for living simply, incorporating permaculture, ecology and education, etc. There are actually over 100 discord servers, some which you can see from the message below. Hopefully you won't feel too overwhelmed from the ton of info that will come at you in the next week or two.

Best of luck in your endeavors!!

Aloha from Big Island!

Sure appreciate the welcome and support. It's refreshing and a paradigm shift of my reality to be connected with like-minded individuals in the realm of sustainable development AND cryptocurrency.

What is a discord server?

And how do YOU avoid being overwhelmed by too much information?

Long ago I fled society to live in the wilderness of Alaska. Then I discovered there is actually remote wilderness and inexpensive land in Hawaii.

My NUMBER one goal for years, now and years to come is facilitating the building of EcoVillages and having Bitcoins and other Cryptos fund it all.

There are models and methods that dovetail cryptocurrency so that people may live an ideal life that is the best of all worlds- or at least those that are part of their path and choosing.

What is it that you most want from all of this Information, success and money, Torico?

What is your vision of simple living in terms of "incorporating permaculture, etc." How close are you? And so many other questions intended to manifest it more swiftly or fully.

Thanks again,



Great post.
Good luck in your travels and adventures!

Yes, likewise. I share your revolutionary ideals of freeing the Sheeple, or at least I have most of my life. Lately I have been discovering more enjoyment and fulfillment hanging out with fellow wolves and leaving the Sheep to their grazing.

I love them all, but rather be with those I can stand aside or among and co-create something AMAZING.

Among the best things we can do for the Sheeple and ourselves is of course be the example, but How?

What is your best strategy for them, yourself, our country and the World?

Million-dollar question with millions of answers.

I want to IMPLEMENT the best of them using Bitcoin, BTH, LTC, and ETH along with many others.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67421.82
ETH 2623.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68